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Windows XP Problem


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Based on the limited info you provided about your machine, do a repair of the OS with the CD. Remember, skip the first repair option and then choose the second one when prompted.

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Is this while installing your OS? If so just pull everything out but the bare minimum hardware needed. If you already got your OS loaded and then added a new device and you get the BSOD check to see if you have the latest drivers for that device. Best bet is to boot up into Safe Mode this should bypass the device that's drivers are causing conflicts. Also you might want to try a process of elimination by adding your hardware one by one. This method usually brings out the culprit.

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I have turned many options off. I want to create very lite version of windows, i have just deleted all think unused by me, like xp theme, help. And i have configured to do windows faster. And BSoD while detecting/installing devices (Plug&Play). I wanted to install system to formaten partition.

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Sounds like you've deleted what you *think* are un-needed files - biig mistake as XP will need them at some, as you've discovered.

I would do as bullet said and see if that resolves issue.

Oh, and a little better description at the beginning would have been more helpful.

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