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WPI cannot run showing script errors

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Hi, WPI 3.5.1 cannot run, showing Internet Explorer Script Errors ! after accepting those errors it only shows full screen white page, so I have to close manually mshta.exe from the task manager.

I tried it in VMware clean XP install and everything went OK.

p.s.: I use Firefox 1.0.4 instead of IE, thats why I did not notice any script errors, how to get to the problem causing this errors ? please help if you can to fix that as I am new to this.

Thanks in advance!


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Hmmm, I didn't know that an .hta application could be run with anything other than IE. You could try diabling Script Debugging in IE to bypass one of the error messages found in your .rar file, but it looks like main.js is messed up. If I were in your shoes, I'd load up IE and start again, adding one app at a time to isolate any errors. Also, check THIS THREAD.

Hope that helps.

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thnaks a lot that someone at last responded !! :)

anyways, I guess you misunderstood the situation, or I did not explain my self right.

forget about Firefox, because this *.hta file runs with mshta.exe found in windows and I guess it does not require IE ?! am I wrong.

I think there is nothing wrong with the WPI itself, cause as I mentioned before, it is running perfectly on a fresh install of XP.

what I am asking here, and maybe its a wrong forum (forgive me mods :)) how to fix the IE or mshta or whatever is causing the problem here !

waiting for solutions ... :unsure:

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this *.hta file runs with mshta.exe found in windows and I guess it does not require IE
I recommend that anyone playing with WPI read THIS, especially the two sentence blurb on compatibility. Also, I am a little confused: you say you are "showing Internet Explorer script errors" but you also say you are using FireFox, not IE? :blink: I'm not a Firefox guy, sorry for that.
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I have solved my problem ! :thumbup

I downloaded Windows Script 5.6 for Windows 2000 & XP

so I guess that MS JScript in my machine had serious problems.

How did I reached my solution: I did a google for 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp_sp2_gdr.050301-1519 <- my IE version and got this Problemas con IE y Java Script of course I did not fast learn spanish but using quick look I found the link above for Windows Script 5.6.

I wish that will help others having problems with WPI showing JScript errors on their machines. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
this *.hta file runs with mshta.exe found in windows and I guess it does not require IE
I recommend that anyone playing with WPI read THIS, especially the two sentence blurb on compatibility. Also, I am a little confused: you say you are "showing Internet Explorer script errors" but you also say you are using FireFox, not IE? :blink: I'm not a Firefox guy, sorry for that.

Heh, and I have been at this for an hour or two...using Firefox is a no-go...I just learned :whistle:

EDIT: all you actually need is mshta.exe and a regentry to be added @ T-12 or when found suited...use this :

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mshta.exe\" \"%1\""

Edited by Clint
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