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register.reg what is it for?


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Ive searched this forum and I can't figure out what register.reg entries for certain app installs are for. For example the msfn unattended example for alcohol is:

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "Alcohol 120" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\apps\alcohol\setup.exe /qn" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 2 /D "REGEDIT /S %systemdrive%\apps\alcohol\register.reg" /f

I understand that this runs the setup application but what does the register.reg file do. Is it something I need to add because my Alcohol install doesn't have one. If someone could help me that would be great.


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I know a little about using regedit and the purpose of the registry but can someone post what registry entries are stored in the register file. Simply saying google registry isn't much help. The msfn tutorials don't go into much detail about these aspects.

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Ok imagine this scenrio

You have just installed Xp and are now installing your softare like alchol 120% , winrar etc ect.. Now some some apps like alcohol require you to enter a serial in order for it to function. This registration info is stored in you registry ,so if you did install alchohol you can open regedit and broswe into


you should see an entry for alcohol 120% so right click that and choose to export that key and then called it reg.reg. Now that file contains the registraion info needed for alcohol to function..so after installing alcohol on a new system we call the reg.reg file so that data is entered for us automaticly...Im sorry if this isnt very clear as my english is not perfect ;) now you adapt the above method for other software

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Thanks a lot glent. I now understand. :) Just a question regarding Alcohol, I have a corporate edition and during setup no product key is required as it is stored in a setup.ini file which is in alcohol's install directory. Do i still need to provide the registry entries or will they get added from the setup.ini.

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