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Album Sales Way Down!


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I have to agree with you on that one Crispy...it's not all P2P and it's not all because of CD sharing. Nothing good has been coming out but since I'm getting old, I may be opinionated in saying that the good music days ended about 5-8 years ago. Hehe

If you read the article where I got the news from...they use this as a factor too.

Rick :)

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Why is it that the record companies are clamping down on copying on legal media and copying machines?I along with many who had reel to reel and 8 track and cassette recorders way back in the 70's have been copying off albums in order to make custom tracks for personal use.It was legal then,why is it in question to be illegal now?It was a big money business then as it is now.I believe that the bottom line is control.While a new 52x12x48 cd burner sounds great,if I can't mix up my music on it,I would have the fastest cd burner that will only copy files on my computer.I felt like I had the right to copy back then and do the social thing and share with friends.I didn't sell any copy's and that's where I have trouble with where all these restrictions are pointing to.As for p2p,I would pay a small fee to choose from a library,say 10 or 15 songs so that I could make a custom cd.Competition is healthy and the record companies could have a little cut too.

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