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Completly noob on silent install


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Guys ... I have been reading topics, posts and guides for 2 months now, and I still havent found a Silent Install for stupids!

I checked the unattended page of MSFN and nothing ...

I want to do a silent install of MSN Messenger 6.2 and Directx 9.0c ...

What exactly do I need to do?

From the very first step ...!

God, Im so desesperate im whilling to pay people! :P

Thanks guys for the help!

Ill pay u guys dinner! ;)

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Hold it. You are operating your own forum, working on your MCSE, and have a hand in nLite, but silently installing DirectX and MSN Messenger are throwing you for a loop. With all due respect, could it be a language issue? I don't envy any non-native speaker who tries to wade through this forum.

That said, the DirectX threads have gotten out of hand, I would agree. But if I recall correctly, it is included with SP2, although you may want to reduce the size. You certainly do not need to do any Hex editing, just unpack the files and run dxsetup.exe with the /silent switch if you are working with Win2K or some such.

As for MSN Messenger 6.2, here's what I do:

1) get the installer and run it, but stop at the first dialog box. Don't actually install, right? Instead, go to Windows Explorer and locate C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp directory. You should find the file "MsnMsgs.msi" in there somewhere. Copy it onto the desktop. Then cancel the install, you want only the .msi file.

2) install the .msi with the /qn switch using your preferred method (batch, runonce, wpi, etc.). That's it. I also add the following registry entry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Remove MSN Messenger From Startup
;Stop MSN Messenger from Running on Windows Startup
"AppSettings"= hex:22,04,00,00

And don't discuss payment, you make me feel like a whore. :P

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Why use 6.2 vs 7?

Just 1 small thing to add to what blink said. You might not find the msi inside of the Administrator tmp file, unless you are logged on as the Administrator.

Go to run and type %tmp% this will take you to the logged on users tmp directory. I suggest deleting as much as you can before running the installer to get the msi easily. Reason I suggest this is some apps create random named .msi files and it can be a pain when you dont know the name of the msi file.

For MSN7 if your interested:


here is a reg file also for MSN

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;Disables Autorun and Autologon



and as for DX9, as blinkdt said, it should be in SP2 and unneccesary to include.

good luck

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Thank you very very much!

The thing is, I dont want to Slipstream SP2, dont like the thing. I think Ill wait a bit longer until install it.

So is there a solution for DX9?

About MSN Messenger, I dont liek 7, gotta stick up with 6.2 cause its more "clean" then 7.


With all due respect, MCSE has nothing to do with UA installs. Plus, im taking Windows 2003 server ... Pretty much about OSI and things like that.

About the forum ... That is so easy to do! :D Just enter my Control Panel and select Install phpBB2 ... Done! ;)

So, this RunOnceEx thing is really something to me.

About the language, here were I live, Azores - Terceira ... We have an American Base, im there all the time with American people (GREAT people by the way! ;) ) ... Located in Lajes, u problably have heard about it, so the language isnt much of a trouble, however, there are somethings that u guys write that I just dont get :D

Thanks both of u for ur replys!

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So is there a solution for DX9?

Yes, there appears to be a method endorsed by prathapml, which is good enough for me, as posted on THIS PAGE of the longer DirectX9c thread.

Get the DirectX9c redistributable HERE. Use WinRAR to extract the files, then your runonce entry might look like this:

REG ADD %KEY%\015 /VE /D "DirectX9c" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\015 /V 1 /D  "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\DirectX9c\dxsetup.exe /silent /noreboot" /f

Change the directory structure to match your placement of the files, of course. Hope my earlier comments did not offend, I was feeling a little yappy last night. :P Let us know how it goes.

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