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How to integrate WMP10 and .Net 1.1

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How do I slipstream or integrate Windows Media Player 10 and .Net 1.1?

I read somewhere in this forum/thread that he integrate WMP10 in /I386 folder, how do you do that?

I didn't even know that's possible until I joined this forum -- so whatelse can be integrated?


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Thanks to everyone for the direction regarding MP10 but regarding .net 1.1 its a bit unclear to integrate/slipstream.

Is slipstreaming and silent install means the same?

Is this has been resolved in a thread, plz. give me the link. :thumbup


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I hate really the misconception between integration and slipstream, as it adds another level of confusion to new comers.

I like to think of these definitions:

integrate: becomes one with the installation source. This means that it becomes more like a native component of the install, then just scripting it's install.

slipstream: same as above.

.NET would be more of a scripting the installation for setup to execute.

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LOL ryan.

Alanoll yeah I agree.

Though it seems many say slipstream to be just "included with". Mean it is installed after the fact. For example via inf files, setup exe, etc. It just is "included" instead of being part of setup itself. So yea like scripting. ;)

And integrate just like you said.

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people on this forum sure know how to get to the point fast (yea rite)

people of this forum are annoyed by people asking the same questions OVER and OVER and OVER. How would you liked to be asked by everyone you know "How do you do this?" every 5 minutes? Now imagine hundreds of people do it...

That would be when you write it down, and point people to a book right? THen you say, "go here". That's what people are doing HERE by saying SEARCH.

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