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HardWare testers ?


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Yes, its a business really. Goto a review website, and ask for a job. They might say yes, and you will get paid to be a hardware tester.

You can also start your own website, for reviewing hardware, and you will pay for 50% of everything and get 50% of the rest.

Sometimes people will send you hardware, and you are responsible for returning it safely to them.

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Primal, I used to review hardware for GameIt.de(presently out-of-business) and it is a very difficult thing to do. First, you must own all the test equipment and various hardware such as CPUs, RAM, etc. The idea is to reflect an unbiased image by owing nothing to no one company or sunsidary. Then you need at least 1,000 visitors per month for some of the manufacturers to take you seriously. There are lots of things involved that take a lot of your time. Like meeting deadlines! Miss one deadline and you are pretty much history. Oh, and some hardware may damage your test equipment at your expense. I learned the hard way.

LongHorn, what forums do you run?

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Primal and I could run an MSFN Hadrware Review section. MSFN is very populated, and trusted by thousands.

That would be a perfect idea, MSFN is in the right posistion to do such a thing once we upgrade to InvisionBoard 1.1

already in the works, stay tuned new things are coming and soon!

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