PeonPower Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Hi all,thanks to these boards I've created a nice unattended CD with WPI to install applications afterwards. But I still have one little problem.This CD will be used by the company I'm currently working for, meaning this CD will be used on a lot of different pc's all on the same network. Because of this I would have to edit the username/computername afterwards but even then the productkey would still be the same(we still have a lot of OEM key's) so this is not an option.So to prevent this I made a small batch file to be run from a bootable floppy disk which asks for user input and then creates an answer file, afterwards the setup should run.Here is the current batch file:@ECHO OFFrem ---------------------------------------------rem USER INPUTrem ---------------------------------------------INPUT "enter productkey:" productkeyINPUT "enter username:" usernameINPUT "enter computername:" computernamerem ---------------------------------------------rem REMOVE OLD ANSWER FILErem ---------------------------------------------DEL a:\WINNT.SIFrem ---------------------------------------------rem WRITE NEW ANSWER FILErem ---------------------------------------------ECHO;SetupMgrTag >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Data] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO AutoPartition=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO MsDosInitiated="0" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO UnattendedInstall="Yes" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Unattended] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO UnattendMode=FullUnattended >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OemSkipEula=Yes >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OemPreinstall=YES >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO TargetPath=\WINDOWS >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO UnattendSwitch="yes" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [GuiUnattended] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO AdminPassword="xxxxxx" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO EncryptedAdminPassword=NO >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO AutoLogon=Yes >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO AutoLogonCount=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OEMSkipRegional=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO TimeZone=110 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OemSkipWelcome=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [UserData] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO ProductKey=%productkey% >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO FullName=%username% >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OrgName="Koster" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO ComputerName=%computername% >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Display] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO BitsPerPel=16 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO Xresolution=1024 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO YResolution=768 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO Vrefresh=70 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [TapiLocation] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO CountryCode=31 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [RegionalSettings] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO LanguageGroup=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Branding] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Proxy] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO Proxy_Enable=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO Use_Same_Proxy=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO HTTP_Proxy_Server=winroute:3128 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Identification] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO JoinDomain=Koster >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Networking] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO InstallDefaultComponents=Yes >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [GuiRunOnce] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO %systemdrive%\install\wpi\wpi.hta >>a:\WINNT.SIFrem ---------------------------------------------rem START INSTALLATIONrem ---------------------------------------------rem D:\i386\WINNT.EXEAs you can see I put a REM before the setup command, this is because when the setup should start running it gives me an error that it doesn't know where to put the windows XP install file(probably because of the ramdisk the bootdisk created on c:\)So I thought I'd be smart and get the input put it in the answer file then reboot and start the install from CD(requires me to eject the floppy for a while but that's not THAT big a deal) However, I have not been able to find any reboot command for dos. So in short my question is, does anyone know how to run the setup after inputting the commands to the answer file on the floppy drive. Maybe there is some other way to do this that I don't know but this is the only option I could think about.Any help would be appreciated
angadsingh007 Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Hope this helps
PeonPower Posted February 25, 2005 Author Posted February 25, 2005 Thanks but this doesn't seem to be what I'm looking for. =[When I'm booting from a floppy there is only 1 active partition (the one the bootdisk creates) And I tried, but I can't reboot to the active partition.
gunsmokingman Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Here This Should Help YouI Made It Based On Your Post @ECHO OFFcls && mode 55,5 && Color F1Title Add User Info To Winnt.sif:UserProduckeycls && Color F1echo.echo Please Enter Windows Product Keyset /p Key= Here -^> cls && Color 1fecho.echo %key%ping -n 2>nul:Usernamecls && Color F1echo.echo Please Enter A User Nameset /p Uname= Here -^> cls && Color 1fecho.echo %Uname%ping -n 2>nul:Computernamecls && Color F1echo.echo Please Enter A Computer Nameset /p Cname= Here -^> cls && Color 1fecho.echo %Cname%ping -n 2>nulcls && Color F1Title OutPut The Sifecho.echo Processing...if exist a:\WINNT.SIF DEL a:\WINNT.SIFping -n 1>nulrem ---------------------------------------------rem WRITE NEW ANSWER FILErem ---------------------------------------------ECHO;SetupMgrTag >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Data] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO AutoPartition=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO MsDosInitiated="0" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO UnattendedInstall="Yes" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Unattended] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO UnattendMode=FullUnattended >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OemSkipEula=Yes >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OemPreinstall=YES >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO TargetPath=\WINDOWS >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO UnattendSwitch="yes" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [GuiUnattended] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO AdminPassword="xxxxxx" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO EncryptedAdminPassword=NO >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO AutoLogon=Yes >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO AutoLogonCount=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OEMSkipRegional=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO TimeZone=110 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OemSkipWelcome=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [UserData] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO ProductKey=%key% >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO FullName=%Uname% >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO OrgName="Koster" >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO ComputerName=%Cname% >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Display] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO BitsPerPel=16 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO Xresolution=1024 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO YResolution=768 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO Vrefresh=70 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [TapiLocation] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO CountryCode=31 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [RegionalSettings] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO LanguageGroup=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Branding] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO BrandIEUsingUnattended=Yes >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Proxy] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO Proxy_Enable=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO Use_Same_Proxy=1 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO HTTP_Proxy_Server=winroute:3128 >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Identification] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO JoinDomain=Koster >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [Networking] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO InstallDefaultComponents=Yes >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO. >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO [GuiRunOnce] >>a:\WINNT.SIFECHO %systemdrive%\install\wpi\wpi.hta >>a:\WINNT.SIFping -n 1>nul
angadsingh007 Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 I have a attached a simple application - REBOOT.COMIt will only work in a 16-bit PURE Dos-mode environment..COMMAND : REBOOT .. thats allHope this works for uP.S.: There are 2 files in the rar archive.. .not sure which one works.. tell me bout it ..reboot.rar
-I- Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Oke i can see why you are doing this, or cant i? i figured you wanted to be able to do this UA- install, and Not have to wait for the GUI-Setup to enter your password???? Because else you could have just leave those 2 values ( licencekey and computer name) undefined, and your setup would have asked you for them... so if this is the case... i'd say gotya... But the way i see this, > you might want to concider that flopy disk are not to efficient and breake or get lost easely... it would be easyer to pre-format you Hdisk, for exampe using a tool like 'partionmagic for DOS' after that, run your batch file and put the created awnser .file on your %systemdrive% and Set you filesystem option in winnt.sif to 'leave alone' but if you where to do this you'd stil nead to run winnt.exe in MS-mode to be able to pass the location of winnt.sif Running Windows NTxxx setup in dosmode isnt the best and certainly not the fastest way as we probebly all know...My guess would be to try and change txtsetup.sif to run your batch file (im not realy sure it this can do the trick yet i cant think of a reason why it shouldn't either, (look at the drivers from cd section why i think it is possible)) If indead posible you'd now have the best of both sides. (not running NTsetup in dos-mode,and being able to set your own OEM-keys and machine name a bit sooner than in a normal windows setup... (and without the hassle of a floppydisk)... If anyone wants to try...I, too, would be curious to the results,..
JPamplin Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 You just need to specify where the WINNT.SIF file is when you start WINNT. IT only reads it at the very beginning (you don't need to have the floppy in for the rest of the install cycle.I use the following:@d:\Install\WinXP\i386\winnt /s:d:\Install\WinXP\i386 /u:d:\batfiles\XPAPPS.sifJust put your path and filename after /u: and you'll be fine.JP
angadsingh007 Posted February 25, 2005 Posted February 25, 2005 Another place to get info on shutdowns and reboots
PeonPower Posted February 25, 2005 Author Posted February 25, 2005 THanks for all the replies, looks like I have some new stuff to try =]Here This Should Help YouI Made It Based On Your Post ...batch file snippedHmm, doesn't this do the same my batch file did only a bit prettier or am I missing something? Still gonna try it of course =]I have a attached a simple application - REBOOT.COMIt will only work in a 16-bit PURE Dos-mode environment..COMMAND : REBOOT .. thats allHope this works for uLooking good, I'll see if I can test it on my own pc this weekend. I'll need to put my floppy drive back into my pc then though o_OOke i can see why you are doing this,or cant i?i figured you wanted to be able to do this UA- install, andNot have to wait for the GUI-Setup to enter your password????Because else you could have just leave those 2 values( licencekey and computer name) undefined,and your setup would have asked you for if this is the case... i'd say gotya...Yeah I would like to keep it completely unattended apart from entering username, computername and productkey at the start as well as choosing the partition to install on.My guess would be to try and change txtsetup.sif to run your batch file(im not realy sure it this can do the trickyet i cant think of a reason why it shouldn't either,(look at the drivers from cd section why i think it is possible))I'll give this a try on monday, I'm gonna try all the new possibilities I've seen in this thread and see what works best =]
PeonPower Posted February 28, 2005 Author Posted February 28, 2005 Ok I tried the first and it works perfectly! It's a shame that I will have to take out the floppy and put it back in but it seems to be the only way to get early user input.I do have one last question though, how do I make the batch file ask for me to press enter to continue before starting the reboot. Otherwise it would just start rebooting when it's done writing to the floppy. This would be easy to miss making it an infinte reboot loop Once again thanks for all the help, looking forward to using it for the first time on a new pc
sh0k0nes Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Okie.Just had a quick browse thru ur request and I'm tired so I might be answering a completely different question!!:-))Just wanna check a few details.1. Will the drive ure installing on already be prepared? eg. fdisk'd or formatted.2. Is there space on ur floppy for a few tools? maybe 100k3. Why do u have to take out the floppy and put it back in?KevKev
PeonPower Posted February 28, 2005 Author Posted February 28, 2005 Okie.Just had a quick browse thru ur request and I'm tired so I might be answering a completely different question!!:-))Heh ok =]Just wanna check a few details.1. Will the drive ure installing on already be prepared? eg. fdisk'd or formatted.Already formatted with NTFS. This unattended install will be for both new pc's that just came in, or pc's that just need a new install. 2. Is there space on ur floppy for a few tools? maybe 100kThere still is space left. currently just a bootdisk with, and my batch file added3. Why do u have to take out the floppy and put it back in?If I don't take it out this is what happens:I turn on the PCPC boots from floppy and runs the batch fileI input the needed info and the batch file autorebootsPC boots from floppy once againSee the problem? =pSO to get the system to boot from the CD I have to take out the floppy until the install starts, after which I can put it back in so the setup can read the answer file on the floppy
sh0k0nes Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Easy life!Heheh.1 more question.Y do u need 2 reboot?Kev
PeonPower Posted February 28, 2005 Author Posted February 28, 2005 That's to start the install from the CD instead of using the command prompt install, which is pretty crap from what I've heard(never tried it myself)
sh0k0nes Posted February 28, 2005 Posted February 28, 2005 Soory about the questions.Just 1 more. Really!!The command prompt way isn't much different, just adds a tiny amount of extra time. Is this a problem?My unattended approach means u could get everything done with no rebooting and only removal of floppy once.If the drive isn't formatted or anything it would mean just 1 reboot and 1 floppy removal.Slightly more scripting initially but way easier to put ur feet up after.Kev
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