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Add Show Desktop?

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I think I would find it MOST usefull within Internet Explorer. If I get 5 or 10 windows going, it would be nice to show the desktop and select a file or folder on it (for example).

Basically, I am trying to avoid having the QuickLaunch bar if I can.

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MCT has already told you, all you need to do at any time you need this is

  • right click on the taskbar and choose Show the Desktop
    (to put em back do it again and choose 'Show Open Windows')

The other way, which I find easier, is to use

  • Winkey + D

which toggles it in the same way

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MCT has already told you, all you need to do at any time you need this is
  • right click on the taskbar and choose Show the Desktop
    (to put em back do it again and choose 'Show Open Windows')

The other way, which I find easier, is to use

  • Winkey + D

which toggles it in the same way

Thanks for clarifying that, Yzöwl. I thought MCT was refering to a tweak he knew of, not something that was enabled by default. Also thanks for posting that alternate Winkey shortcut, that's probably even more useful than the right-click option. (At least, in my opinion.)

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