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Customizing WinRAR SFX for customized installers

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  • 1 month later...

First off, great guide, Totoymola. Now my silent Firefox and Thunderbird WinRAR SFX installers have icons that are much more fitting. :thumbup

One thing I notice when implementing this that you don't mention is that I had to rename the new SFX module to something that contained the word Default. For example, when I was building an SFX module for Firefox, the module worked fine when called Default1.SFX, but failed consistantly when renamed to Firefox.SFX. I was finally able to get around it by calling the finished module FirefoxDefault.SFX.

The problem duplicated itself with the Thunderbird module, until I likewise renamed it to ThunderbirdDefault.SFX.

Anyone else experience any issues similar to this?

Edited by Cartoonite
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I do something similar to this with my 7z sfx files. I usually remove the gui as well, because I keep it strictly for compression. The thing that should save the most space is removing any bmp and icons. You can get rid of the smaller ones as well, as window will just take the largest one, and scale down accordingly for color and size.

@Cartoonite I know with the command line tool it doesn't matter. Sorry that is all I tested it with before I switched over to 7z.

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  • 1 month later...
With winrar 3.5 (although beta) you don't have to do any of this, you can choose the icon and bitmap from inside WinRAR

True. :) But I still prefer using customized sfx modules because they look better. :)

One thing I notice when implementing this that you don't mention is that I had to rename the new SFX module to something that contained the word Default. For example, when I was building an SFX module for Firefox, the module worked fine when called Default1.SFX, but failed consistantly when renamed to Firefox.SFX. I was finally able to get around it by calling the finished module FirefoxDefault.SFX.

Dude, I never had that problem. As far as I know, you can call it whatever you want as long as it has a .SFX extension. I call mine "totoymola.sfx" and I'm using it without any problem.


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Dude, I never had that problem.  As far as I know, you can call it whatever you want as long as it has a .SFX extension.  I call mine "totoymola.sfx" and I'm using it without any problem.


Hmm. I wonder if it is related to the version I am using. What version is everyone else using? I am using 3.41.

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