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Got my name changed. I was DaLurker. Posted to many times (can't lurk if you're posting), didn't like the name anymore, had to change.


Ha ha... Welcome again.

(though I thought you'd choose any other nick that sounds not like the old one).

And.... that post had nothing about why you chose "DL". :} (or did I miss something)


@ prathapml I guess it wasn't clear. I am a natural born pack-rat. When I see a program I am interested in, I download it or dl (DL) it. Not interested in shareware, addware, payware or spyware, just freeware. The rest is explained in the other post. :D

And your thought about taking another monicker wholly different than my old one was on my mind. Taking the name DaLurker was off-handed because I had no thought about staying for any period of time. Unfortunately, as far as the name was concerned, I was hooked on msfn within a day but didn't realize it. :D Now getting hooked on msfn was not my fault. I can point my finger at a whole list of people who can take the blame for me getting hooked on this forum but I will be kind and not name names, prathapml.

Suffice it to say, I like it here.



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