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Unattend.exe beginer help


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hi, i'm new here and i would like to learn as much as i can about those switches and whatever if it's possible but i really don't know from where to start.

i've downloaded unattedxp.exe it's a nice software i guess speacially for a bebinner like me, i've slipstreamed sp2, creating $OEM$ but when i reach to the application here is the... i've arranged all the software i want to install accordingly as discribed in the appswitch.dat but the thing is how to know whether the application or the software i wanna install has to bew treated i mean extracted or whatever... for the instance i don't have anyproblem with the small software like google toolbar :thumbup: but like flashget for example i can't understand how to integrate the serial number ...

so how can i know whether the software i'm aiming to install has to be treated before or not!

thx in advance :)

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Well those guys offered no help....

Ok, well with apps like flashget you simply need to install it using various switches, the serial and username can then be entered using a registry key.

Now for future refrence you can check the following Sites (MSFN SUBSITES)


read section on installers


just do a simple search for your app, odds are its there.

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thanks for all the people who tried to help!

i haven't posted my post before making a search on this forum but the thing isn't achieved by the search button

my question apart from application switches is how to treat the application itself before starting with the switches

i'm here to learn otherwise i'm not supposed to be posting

thank you

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Like I was showing you with the example over there. If its 1.6 then it don't need extracted. "%systemdrive%\Install\Flashget\fgf160.exe /S"

If extraction or anything needed we add this to it.


REM NOTES: Extracted

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