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RyanVM's MSFN Files-Detailed Instructions Needed

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This is about RyanVM's MSFN Files.

I'm new to the whole unattended thing,

and not for the lack of trying, I have'nt been able to find exact instructions, step by step, for his, as i understand from what i've read, easy to use silent installation files.

Now, i've used nLite for the hotfix pack so that has'nt been a problem(have'nt actually done the unattended installation but i did integrate it into an xp installation folder).

However, the other 3 files on his site-

Adobe Acrobat Reader, Java, NetFrmaeworkSP1.

How EXACTLY should i install them?The exact processs, detailed.

I read in one of the posts here the folowing concerning RyanVM's Adobe Acrobat reader:

"1. Download RyanVM's silent installing pack from here - http://www.ryanvm.net/msfn/acroread602.exe

2. Have this folder on your CD (make them if not already there) - "$OEM$\$1\install\Applications\"

3. Put the file you just downloaded, into that folder.

4. So now, confirm you have this on the CD - "$OEM$\$1\install\Applications\acroread602.exe"

5. Now, you have to put this line in your winnt.sif:



%systemdrive%\install\Applications\acroread602.exe "

Now, is this what i should do with RyanVM's other progrmas(those i listed above)?

i also read something in one of the posts here about this:




(if i'm not mistaken,that's the command...is this suppose to replace the individual commands/codes for each software, or what?)

What about the folowing i found on this forum:


Using an oempreinstall you can copy files to your install, such as:

$OEM$\$$\Web\Wallpaper - put wallpapers here

$OEM$\$$\System32 - put screensavers, files such as cdimage.exe and cdburn.exe here

$OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes - put themes here. To specify default them make a .theme file and specify it in unattend file. "

Here they did'nt mention any batch, winnt.sif or any code or command file.

is there one needed for the case just mentioned above?

Help and detailed instructions would be appriciated,


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They do not give instructions on RyanVM's files.

As i said, me not finding an answer is not for the lack of searching.

I've searched alot and came up empty.

I dont think reading the enire contents of the site is required,

though i did read the parts necessary to the unattended xp creation itself including the whole-How to make an unattended xp, folders needed+plus the answer file and so on, and that was long before you suggested it-It did'nt resolve my queries for me.I did not find a guide for these specific files and how exactly handle them, niether there nor while searching the forums here.

Obviously you've read the entire site....

can you provide me with specificaly orianted to my questions, answers, as i requested?

If anybody can actually help, and resolove this thing for me,

Please do.


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RyanVM, Does that mean all i need inorder to install your files properly, is this in my sif file:


%systemdrive%\install\start.cmd ?

Because before, what i had was these 3 enteries:




systemdrive%\install\Applications\Adobe Reader 6\acroread602.exe%


systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe%

are the 3 enteries above unecessary and just take more space than needed?

If so, and despite that-If attempted, will it work?

your silent installation files express themselves by not expressing them selves visually to the user? Do

Do they intall at first login, or rather during the setup/install process itself?

Is the [GuiRunOnce]

command, the most efficint and easy to use for the purpose of installing programs form the $OEM$

directory ?

Will other install files,that are not designd to install silently,be compatiable just as much with this command code,with the exception of adding some switches to the end of that one line after



Alanoll , I had seen yours and ryanVM links , however it certainly does'nt mean i understood it ALL and how it relates to ryanVM's files.

As you can see,I still require some verification about some stuff here and that's why i turned here- to get answers to my specific questions.

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don't have multiple entries of GUIRunOnce.


"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe"
"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Adobe Reader 6\acroread602.exe"

Or have it call a batch file, which then uses start /wait to call the above commands.

Is the [GuiRunOnce]command, the most efficint and easy to use for the purpose of installing programs form the $OEM$

directory ?

It's not a question of efficient, but a question of personal preference. As you delve into the Unattended world, you'll find that there are MANY methods to install programs such as these.

Will other install files,that are not designd to install silently,be compatiable just as much with this command code,with the exeption of adding some switches to the end of that one line after



If you plan to add more programs, I'd suggest doing the


and calling the installs for everything from there.


TITLE Installing Apps

Echo Install .NET Framework
start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\NetFramework\netfxsp1.exe"

Echo Installing Java VM
start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe"

Echo Installing Acrobat Reader
start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Adobe Reader 6\acroread602.exe"

And so forth for your other applications.

Be sure your files are in $OEM$\$1 and then in whatever folder paths you use. And have OEMPreInstall=YES in your [unattended] portion of winnt.sif

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If you plan to add more programs, I'd suggest doing the



and calling the installs for everything from there.



TITLE Installing Apps

Echo Install .NET Framework

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\NetFramework\netfxsp1.exe"

Echo Installing Java VM

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe"

Echo Installing Acrobat Reader

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Adobe Reader 6\acroread602.exe"

And so forth for your other applications.

What does that mean? That first i need to put

the code:



And then right after that:

TITLE Installing Apps

Echo Install .NET Framework

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\NetFramework\netfxsp1.exe"

Echo Installing Java VM

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe"

Echo Installing Acrobat Reader

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Adobe Reader 6\acroread602.exe"

I did'nt quite get that-Is'nt the folowing code enough to install everything?




Also, do you have answers to my other questions, and if so, could you provide me with them?

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TITLE Installing Apps

Echo Install .NET Framework

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\NetFramework\netfxsp1.exe"

Echo Installing Java VM

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe"

Echo Installing Acrobat Reader

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Adobe Reader 6\acroread602.exe"

Put this in start.cmd and execute start.cmd from [GuiRunOnce], I believe that is what he meant.

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Is this what you meant?

I'm supposed to put the folowing in my winnt.sif file?



TITLE Installing Apps

Echo Install .NET Framework

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\NetFramework\netfxsp1.exe"

Echo Installing Java VM

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe"

I'm sorry, but if this is not what you meant, could you just put here,

the entire code i should put in the winnt.sif file? if it is the right one, please say so.

And this whole thing is incase i want to install other progrmas besides ryanVM's files, right?

Is this what you meant?

I'm supposed to put the folowing in my winnt.sif file?



TITLE Installing Apps

Echo Install .NET Framework

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\NetFramework\netfxsp1.exe"

Echo Installing Java VM

start "" /wait "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe"

I'm sorry, but if this is not what you meant, could you just put here,

the entire code i should put in the winnt.sif file? if it is the right one, please say so.

And this whole thing is incase i want to install other progrmas besides ryanVM's files, right?

Edit : So i put the below entry in the winnt.sif file,

+create a batch file with the Echo stuff, and put it in the \ install directory?



(and that's only if i want to add extra applications besides those mentioned, right?)

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Difficulty: Requires an intermediate experience of Microsoft Windows XP and a basic knowledge of how batch commands function.
I'm starting to think you don't quite meet those requirements.


(and that's only if i want to add extra applications besides thouse mentioned, right?)

Correct, with a minor correction. start.cmd is for EXPANDABILITY IF YOU WANT TO ADD TO WHAT YOU"RE ALREADY what to do. I said it for ease of use for you later on. But YES, what you have in your edited portion is correct.

You have yet to read. And if you did, you didn't read the whole thing. You read the part of the manual that you thought pertained to you, without regard for reading the beginning.


Step 3 you didn't understand.

You didn't read the WINNT.SIF reference.

You didn't read what has been said in this thread. YOu're trying to piece together every idea you come across, blending it with your that you already have, without any underlying concept of what your doing.


1. In winnt.sif under [GUIRunONce] add



2. In start.cmd add the commands you want to run.

Voila, that's ALL YOU HAD TO DO.

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just to be sure.

if i dont want to add any other apps besides ryanVM's files.

all i need to do is to place the below code on the winnt.sif file, right?



"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe

"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Adobe Reader 6\acroread602.exe

Correct, with a minor correction. start.cmd is for EXPANDABILITY IF YOU WANT TO ADD TO WHAT YOU"RE ALREADY what to do. I said it for ease of use for you later on. But YES, what you have in your edited portion is correct.

I did'nt quite get that-What exactly is for ease of use later on?

I'm not sure i understood the minor correction...

I actually did read what was said in this thread.

it just was'n clear and detailed with specifics enough for me to understand it.

I'm still not sure that i do-need comfirmation on that.

Aslo read about the winnt.sif file but did'nt realy understand it all the way.

What about the following i found on this forum:


Using an oempreinstall you can copy files to your install, such as:

$OEM$\$$\Web\Wallpaper - put wallpapers here

$OEM$\$$\System32 - put screensavers, files such as cdimage.exe and cdburn.exe here

$OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes - put themes here. To specify default them make a .theme file and specify it in unattend file. "

Here they did'nt mention any batch, winnt.sif or any code or command file.

is there one needed for the case just mentioned above?(did'nt get an answer for that before...hoping to get one now-detailed if need be.)

Also, since no one seems to be answering my post about that, could you refer me to a link, if there is one that tells you how to integrate windows mui/ language pack into the unattended xp cd,

maybe a program that makes it quick and easy?

By the way, i'm planning on a non-automatic unattended installation-one that only provides the defaults, some f them, to the user.

Obviously, i didn't see any mention of that in the site:Being that it is not an automated unattended installation, that applies to the entire process, right?

all i get is defaults, and i can choose everything just like in a regular installation of windows, right?


I read something here which i'm hoping is'nt true:

By using an unattended installation of windows, using winnt.sif,

Do we realy loose the option of repair for windows, when we put the XP CD in?

If so, why?

what if the unattended installation is not automatic but only gives the defaults to the user?

Thank you for any help you could spare, on my questions.

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just to be sure.

if i dont want to add any other apps besides ryanVM's files.

all i need to do is to place the below code on the winnt.sif file, right?


"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Sun Java VM\jre5.exe

"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\Adobe Reader 6\acroread602.exe


Correct, with a minor correction. start.cmd is for EXPANDABILITY IF YOU WANT TO ADD TO WHAT YOU"RE ALREADY what to do. I said it for ease of use for you later on. But YES, what you have in your edited portion is correct.

I did'nt quite get that-What exactly is for ease of use later on?

I'm not sure i understood the minor correction...


The ease of use later one would be if you added say.....I dunno...Adobe Acrobat Reader or something. Now instead of adding yet ANOTHER line to [GUIRunOnce], the start.cmd keeps winnt.sif nice and clean.

What you have right there will work, assuming you add ( " ) 's at the end of the lines that start with quotes. But you obviously don't understand what is happening, and that is because you have yet to actually READ. Skimming doesn't count, READING does.

What about the following i found on this forum:


Using an oempreinstall you can copy files to your install, such as:

$OEM$\$$\Web\Wallpaper - put wallpapers here

$OEM$\$$\System32 - put screensavers, files such as cdimage.exe and cdburn.exe here

$OEM$\$$\Resources\Themes - put themes here. To specify default them make a .theme file and specify it in unattend file. "

Here they did'nt mention any batch, winnt.sif or any code or command file.

is there one needed for the case just mentioned above?(did'nt get an answer for that before...hoping to get one now-detailed if need be.)

Already answered with a link I gave you above.


And it does use winnt.sif,as you need OEMPreInstall=YES for it to work. Read that page, and that should answer your question, if it doesn't....

Also, since no one seems to be answering my post about that, could you refer me to a link, if there is one that tells you how to integrate windows mui/ language pack into the unattended xp cd,

maybe a program that makes it quick and easy?

Wait....let me get this straight....you want a program to do all the work for you?

Did you even search? Why should I do all the work for you? I should be studying for a test right now. Search MUI in the google bar at the top. There you should find SOMETHING.

I read something here which i'm hoping is'nt true:

By using an unattended installation of windows, using winnt.sif,

Do we realy loose the option of repair for windows, when we put the XP CD in?

If so, why?

what if the unattended installation is not automatic but only gives the defaults to the user?

Well golly gee Mr. O' Wholahan, why doesn't the search work for me?

Well I don't know Timmy, did you even try in the first place?

YES! Using Winnt.sif will disable the Repair option. There is a post int eh nLite section regarding a workaround with a keypress, but YOU'LL have to search for it.

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