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can some1 explain to me how to use autoit?


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@kurt476 and drthawhizkid

kurt476, that's exactly where I started, with a simple batch that eventually became my RunOnceEx.cmd. Drthewhizkid, as RunOnceEx.cmd grew, my AutoIt post-install was steadily whittled away (Dang, I don't need AutoIt to install Acrobat Reader, I can do it THIS [much easier] way!?!) Here's what's left of my AutoIt script:

HideAutoItWin, On


SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Preparing for Ultra install....
Sleep, 15000
Send, !{F4}
Sleep, 2000

SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Begin configuring program options....
Sleep, 2000
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\configure\\begin.cmd
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\Extras\\SAV8\\prefs.reg"
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\Extras\\Spybot\\prefs.reg"
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\Extras\\WMP10\\prefs.reg"
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\Extras\\Diskeeper\\prefs.reg"
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\Extras\\SymantecGhost2003\\prefs.reg"

Sleep, 2000

SplashTextOn, 360, 110, Installation in Progress, Installing Belarc Advisor system analysis tool...
Sleep, 2000
Run, %systemdrive%\\Extras\\BelarcAdvisor\\setup.exe
WinWaitActive, Belarc Advisor Installation, Welcome to the Belarc Advisor Setup program
Send, {ENTER}
;lengthy wait for slow machines
WinWaitActive, Belarc License Agreement, This is the Belarc license agreement
Send, {ENTER}
SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Preparing Belarc analysis...
Sleep, 5000
SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Please wait...30 seconds...
Sleep, 5000
SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Please wait...25 seconds...
Sleep, 5000
SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Please wait...20 seconds...
Sleep, 5000
SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Please wait...15 seconds...
Sleep, 5000
SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Please wait...10 seconds...
Sleep, 5000
SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Please wait...5 seconds...
Sleep, 5000
SplashTextOn, 290, 110, Installation in Progress, Belarc analysis OK!
Sleep, 2000
Send, !{F4}
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\configure\\BelarcIcons.cmd

Sleep, 2000

SplashTextOn, 360, 110, Installation in Progress, Installing Window Washer system cleaning tool...
Sleep, 2000
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\Extras\\WindowWasher\\setup.exe
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\Extras\\WindowWasher\\prefs.reg"

Sleep, 2000

SplashTextOn, 330, 110, Installation in Progress, Installing Google's Picasa image manager...
Sleep, 2000
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\Extras\\Picasa\\setup.exe
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\configure\\PicasaIcon.cmd
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\Extras\\Picasa\\prefs.reg"

Sleep, 2000

SplashTextOn, 360, 110, Installation in Progress, Installing CursorXP cursor theme manager...
Sleep, 2000
Run, %systemdrive%\\Extras\\CursorXP\\setup.exe
;accept license agreement
WinWaitActive, Stardock CursorXP setup
;accept default user interface language - Englisht
WinWaitActive, Stardock CursorXP setup
Send, {ENTER}
;accept default destination location
WinWaitActive, Stardock CursorXP setup
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, 5000
;replace default cursor theme package
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\Extras\\CursorXP\\configure.cmd
Sleep, 2000
;bypass README file and configure mouse properties to activate
WinWaitActive, Stardock CursorXP setup
Sleep, 6000
;close mouse properties window and move on
Send, !{F4}

;enable QuickLaunch - change taskbar spacing - remove items from system tray and more
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\configure\\registry.reg"
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\configure\\quickL.reg"
RunWait, regedit /s "%systemdrive%\\configure\\NoRun.reg"

Sleep, 2000

SplashTextOn, 330, 110, Installation in Progress, Configuring ObjectDock...
Sleep, 2000
Run, "C:\\Program Files\\Stardock\\ObjectDock\\ObjectDock.exe"
Sleep, 5000
Run, "C:\\Program Files\\Stardock\\ObjectDock\\ObjectDock.exe"
Sleep, 4000
LeftClick, 23, 430
Sleep, 500
Send, {TAB}
Sleep, 500
Send, {ENTER}

Sleep, 2000

;configure Floppy Image
Run, "C:\\Program Files\\FloppyImage\\Floppy Image.exe"
Sleep, 2000
Send, {ENTER}
Sleep, 2000
Send, !{F4}

;run batch file moving extradrivers dir to desktop
SplashTextOn, 290, 140, Installation in Progress,  Moving folders and files...
Sleep, 2000
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\configure\\move.cmd

Sleep, 1000

;cleanup ObjectDock and WindowBlinds files and Start Menu structure
SplashTextOn, 290, 140, Installation in Progress,  Please wait...
Sleep, 2000
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\configure\\end.cmd
Sleep, 2000
RunWait, %systemdrive%\\configure\\kill1.cmd
Sleep, 2000
SplashTextOn, 290, 140, Installation in Progress,  Please wait...
Sleep, 2000

;---------------------------------------------------------end game

RunWait, %systemdrive%\\configure\\kill2.cmd
Sleep, 2000

Run, %windir%\\Temp\\cleanup.exe
Sleep, 1000


Information,, Send, {ENTER}
Folder Exists,, Send, {ENTER}
Components Exist,, Send, {TAB}{ENTER}
Internet Sharing Configuration,, Send, !y
Computer Name Changes, Welcome to the, Send, {ENTER}
System Control Panel Applet, If the pagefile on volume, Send, {ENTER}
Microsoft Management Console,, Send, !c


What a mess, several outdated entries, written with the "old" AutoIt, but it works. It fires up several silent installs made with InstallRite, imports registry settings for several programs isntalled during RunOnceEx, runs cleanup batch files, puts a nice "Read Me NOW" Web file on the desktop, removes items from startup, yadda, yadda, yadda. Maybe I will clean it up this winter.

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I started with batch files then moved to autoit. I didn't know about autoit until about 3-4 months ago and was using symantec autoinstall aka AI Snapshot to silently install apps. Eventually I start using autoit but then got caught up in my so-called Inno Setup revolution. I like Inno Setup so much I want every app I have to use Inno Setup.

Edited by drthawhizkid
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