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REmote Desktop woes!

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I used remote desktop about a month ago and am trying to use it to access a new PC on the network but every time i try to connect it tells me that there are no Terminal servers on the network!

But all PC are running XPpro sp2.

i have gone blank. :(

What am i missing???



already done.

Actually, after i select the workgroup, it doesnt even show the other PCs on the network and says there are no terminal servers available on the network or domain???


im the admin on all the pc's and im on my laptop which uses a password.

the remote pc, has me as the admin too!

But i still get the message " the WORKGROUP workgroup/domain does not contain any terminal servers"

Its becoming frustrating because they are all on XPpro sp2. :no:


You may have done this already but try....

Connfirm you have a user in the Remote Desktop group


Confirm and check Remote Desktop is ennabled


2- Check allow remote connection is enabled.

3- Check full computer name.

Get your IP address


2- ipconfig

3- note down ip address

At the client machine.

1- Bring up the Remote Desktop client

2- try to connect with the FULL COMPUTER NAME if that fails use the IP

let me know if you need more info.

hail hail

Posted (edited)

I had done most of those steps,

But i think the problem lies where i cant view other PCs on the network when trying to select the host PC.

It only ever displays the actual PC i am on. :no:

I am using ZOne alarm (non pro) and have enabled our IP range as a trusted zone. I'll try disabling Zone alarm and see how i go!

disabling Zone Alarm did not change anything! :angry:

Edited by GLO

if you cant see other pc for file/print sharing sounds like its not a remote desktop problem.

i would go back to basics.

Can you ping the PC's with both IP and Netbios names ?

Check the ports you need open to use RD with a firewall ?

And most of all check the config of your network.

hail hail


OK, i check to see if the 3389 ports were open and were.

I can now get in via the ip address! Hooray! :w00t:

But i thought that if you have administrator rights on anyof the PCs on the network you can access the remote desktop, but i have tried this and unless i have myself set up as an admin with a password, it wont let me in!

So, i can always keep myself as the admin on that PC but if i can avoid that, i would prefer it!

Any more suggestions, this far down the track?


Glad you got it working.

You can disable the password settinng using group policy editor.

But as far as I know beinig an administrator is not enough. You need to be a member of the Remote Desktop Group.

In order to use a netbios name you may need to what ports to open to allow that traffic through..

hail hail


The new intergrated Firewall in sp2 may be casueing some problems. Unlike Sp1 by defalt the firewall is enabled in SP2.

This may be casuing some issues



I had tried to be a part of the remote desktop group but i think you need to select that from a location then select a user, but i cant get any locations other than the pc i am in front of. It was only using the ip address that let me in, and only if i was a registered user on that pc with a password (as an admin) :unsure:


Someone may be able to tell me otherwise. But as far as I know Remote Desktop is not a true Terminal Server. So using the RD client will not display any computers when you use the browse option. You will have to enter the ip or computer name manually.

Also unless changed with group policy all remote desktop users need to have a password set. A blank password will not let you logon. You do ot need to be an administrator. A normal user account with a password will let you use remote desktop

When you say

  I had tried to be a part of the remote desktop group but i think you need to select that from a location then select a user, but i cant get any locations other than the pc i am in front of

This has made me think you are using a domain ?

hail hail

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