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Windows Code Name "Florida"

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Installer, it will be a full Windows download

hmmm, is that legal?

also this windows messenger 6 will it be based on the current ver 5 build and customised by you?

It seems intresting...gl with that and dont do anything i woudnt



You say it'll be a full Windows download and that it still needs to be activated.

What version of Windows XP will it be? Home, Pro or Pro Corporate? People who have a home edition key won't be able to install it if it's the pro edition etc.

Also, have you spoken to Microsoft about this? I don't think it's quite legal to allow users to download the full Windows XP... If not illegal, I bet Microsoft wouldn't like it to much.

Just be carefull with this idea.


It is NO WHERE near legal to distribute a copy of a program even if the key is not included. It's copy right infringement, and you'll be hearing ALOT of it soon. lol.

I suggest you make a seperate pack with instructions on what to replace and such. But the second you go and modify Windows files and distribute them, TECHNICALLY it's illegal. People do it, but TECHNICALLY it is.


I will not contain annything (like something to hack Windows Activation) because you will still need to buy the license at Microsoft.com when you want to use it legal, when you hack the activation, Its not my problem that you hack it, and btw, I will contain a batch file that setup runs to install the things.


But distributing a whole Windows XP CD (regardless of whether it's activated or not) is illegal.

Only companies that Microsoft authorises have the right to distribute copies of Windows XP.

IE. If you were to release a pack that would integrate into a current Windows XP CD would be fine (unless it contained some Windows XP files) whereas releasing an entire Windows XP CD is illegal.

The best idea (and a legal way) would be to release a pack that contains code to "patch" current Windows XP files. That way, your not breaking any laws and only the people who use are (note: modifying ANY Windows XP file is illegal. see: reverse engineering).

Your not meant (ie. illegal) to remove the digital signature check on uxtheme.dll, it's illegal to use a modified sfc_os.dll file to disable WFP (including my file - SFCSetting) but everyone uses it. There is a discussion about this in this forum actually.


Like I say it now and I sayd it before, everyone does it, and btw, please stop about it cause you still need to buy the licenses at MS that is the same price as XP, and I am not responisble for you as you hack the activation. So there is really no problem for MS.

"Like the "EULA" says you still need to get a licensed copy of Windows, when not

you will need to buy a license to activate Windows"

Right from the cows mouth,



the point hes trying to make (i think). in the corporate environment all you need to do is purchase a license, the media is the cost of a cd. i dont think thats the case for home, or retail xp though.. i think its up in the air, but i would have to lean more towards it being illegal.

it would be easier for you to distribute your porgram anyway if you just make an installer and not send out the entire windows xp cd with it integrated in.


I've emailed my Microsoft rep. asking about this (as I'm an OEM, I am also curious).

He said that it is outright ILLEGAL to distribute copies of Windows XP REGARDLESS of whether it contains an activation key or not. The fact that you say you still need a key is moot. It's illegal to do what your going to do.

I'd be VERY carefull with this. You said that "everyone does it". I'd like to know where else you've seen places distribute a full Windows XP (with or without key).

He even said that using a patched file (eg. tcpip.sys, uxtheme.dll or sfc_os.dll) is also illegal but they don't push it because it doesn't harm them in anyway.

He urged me to tell you not to continue with your current plans and instead release a patch or something to patch an existing Windows CD.

I'm sorry to press the issue but I just don't want anyone to get in trouble (also, anyone who downloads the full version of Windows XP (with or without a key) are also liable).

Another note, Microsoft employees do read this forum. So just be VERY carefull if you distribute the entire CD. I for one, WON'T be testing/downloading this if you go that route. A warning to everyone else as well. :unsure:

Edit: His last point was that it would hurt them if you did this because of the availablity of activation cracks and the availablity of your distribution. Although you say your not responsible, Microsoft's laywers won't see it that way. Your distributing commercial software for free. That's it.

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