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anyone having problem with itunes and Sp2


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Hello all. I was wondering does the firewall inside of Sp2 even work. Here is the problem. I went to apples web site the other day and I downloaded itunes got it installed and when I opened the program I noticed that there were alot of people sharing music under the shared music tab pane. I was baffeled litteraly Gigabytes of songs being shared over my network heck i dont even know if it was my network.

Before SP2 I would share music with itunes locally behind my router which was fine

because there are only 2 computers in my home network. So I dugg around the winxpSp2 firewall settings told it not to allow itunes internet access and when i opened itunes the shared music was still available and i could still access the music store even though i told Sp2 firewall to block it. So I dugg around again in the change scope options set it to my network and subnet only and this did not work either did the last option and manually put in my 192.168etc information this did not work either. i have a static IP from my ISP so in the router settings I even changed all the subnet mask and default gateways on the router itself and all NIC cards that connect from the local area network computers.

I then turned the xpSp2 firewall off and installed ZoneAlarm 5.0 on both machines I was then able to share music locally with out seeing any extra names under the shared music pane.

I am hard wired and not wireless. Something I just remembered my friend brought a mac and a linksys router(same as I Have BEFSR41) and after we connected to the internet her itunes on the mac was full of users under the shared pane also and she has no network just a single mac

any one having this happen maybe a flaw and itunes if a screen shot is needed I will provide

But until i get a solution my shared music option is turned off which sucks cause I cant even share locally in my network ;)

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