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hello... Welcome to MSFN

@ JohnS

let me give u a little advice ok.

1st when your starting out playing with U.A. CD/DVD It nice and dandy

to use Nlite and RunOnceEx.cmg Creator or similar etc.

It makes things Easier by leaps and bounds. But in the end YOU

wont know as much. I am all of products to help make life easier

i.e. Mike Wilson's registry maker. "BUT" you have got to learn the basics.

Otherwise, when you start to move on to different applications you will

run into the same problems.

The best advice i can give you is learn the basics at http://unattended.msfn.org

It isn't finished yet, and never will bec., we have newer and newer

applications and coding coming out each day. We got some really

Intelligent people cooking up different ways to do things Better and Faster.

Just remember a large number of programs USE registry entries

to STORE registration info. Not all but most.

So what are you going to do about it?

1. You will need to download a program called RegSNAP google for it.

of something similar.

2. Using RegSnap or Something Similar. You can 'Compare" changes

to the registry. i.e. Before and After. So you can tell what is happening

before and after your Software is installed.

3. Most guides WILL point you in the right direction.

As an Example my guide tells u the registry LOCATION of the Registration KEY.

Welcome My Friend to MSFN! PEACE

Use the FREAKING :P search! It is your Friend :thumbup


P.S. if you want to change the location of the Directory of FlashGET

you will need to use a program CALLED autoit.

Sometimes, a program will have special Switches to help you move

the installation somewhere else, But Flashget doesn't have one.

So your alternative is AutoIT. Which is a programming language unto itself.

Where do u want to put Flashget? d:\ drive?


I see what you mean, Astalavista.

I'll just have to go slowly.

About Flashget, I just wanted to place it in c:\Program Files\Net\Flashget, instead of c:\Program Files\Flashget


Well, after trying for more than 5 times to import flashget to registy without success - luckly the guide teatches how to use Virtual PC - and after double checking the data, I remembered to double click the register.reg file after Windows beeing installed.

As far as I know it should import the data, should't it.

I even opened regedit and imported the register.reg file directly.

But it is giving me this error:

After asking if I want to add register.reg to the registy and me saying yes, it says it is impossible to import because the specified file is not a registry script.

It also says that one can only binary registy files from the registry editor.

(I don't post the real message because my OS is not in english).

What am I doing wrong?

I just created a file like





If thats is all that is in your file it won't work, you need to add this to the top of the file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

If thats is all that is in your file it won't work, you need to add this to the top of the file
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Thank you, it was so simple :) .

As I just copied and pasted the info in this thread, I would never guess what was wrong

  • 2 months later...

Sorry to ressurrect this thread but the registry entry


That will only work for the user logged in at runonceex right?

If so then any idea how to register for all users?


I have a question...

I install flashget1.65 and google toolbar would be installed too ,

How could I install Flahget without google toolbar ?

I don't want to install google toolbar

Posted (edited)

Hi all,

Is there a way to silently choose other language instead of default english?

That would be great.


Well, nothing better than answering our own questions :}

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Just need to replace jceng.ini for any other .ini file that you can find in FlashGet\language program directory

Edited by JohnS
Posted (edited)

Flasget 1.71 installs GOOGLE!

How do you setup a silent install so that Flashget does NOT install Google?

Edited by Slumpey
  • 1 month later...

After i install Flashget 1.65 on my virtual pc - and try to import registry settings programm won`t register. problem is that i don`t have the key "RegPass" in my


how can i add it?


This is a trick that I use to stop any spyware or pest installs.

1. Create a null file. (A new text file with extension removed)

2. Name the file google as in this case.

3. Copy it to program files as in this case.

Now when google goes to install itself. it is block by the null file as it tries to install to the google folder. The google installation will abort. Done. No google installation. ;)



Here Progrm Files\Google\GooogleToolbar1.dll our target

Maybe not so easyest way is to

1. Unregister it

2. Delete this folder!

i try later

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