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I've searched around and I didn't see this one anywhere:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;---------- Disable IE's Information Bar for active content

For anybody who doesn't know what I'm talking about:


I've tested this on my PC and it worked fine for viewing a .swf file locally. This site had a few other methods for doing the same thing:

Turning off the "DamnBar"

NOTE: This is different from the tweak here because it doesn't just turn off the prompt like but it actually turns off the Info Bar altogether.

or if you prefer here's the .reg B)



Here is a new one:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;Change Task Bar Min. Width To 400 - Long Task Bar Names

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]



If you use the 'My Computer opens Explorer' Tweak you may have noticed that it opens 'c:' instead of 'my documents'.

To change this remove the '/e'



;My Computer opens Explorer


@="explorer /e"


;My Computer opens Explorer



Just thought you may want to add it to your collection, as an option.

:D It really did take me ages to figure this out!

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you. Been looking for that :o)

I've had some issues with some reg files not being accepted. I've solved it by re-saving all my reg files for unattended in Unicode format. This seems to be the format that that is saved from XP with Export. the problem was not with every reg file I used, but some just wouldn't import until I resaved them.

Have any of you come across the same thing? I was usig Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 as the header. The problem doesn't seem to crop up when I use [REGEDIT], the format from NT.



I may have missed this one, but how do i get the registry file to run once i have edited the whole thing?

i know that it cant be run and then shutdown windows, but i tried having it run in runonceEx.cmd and it still does not totally work.

any ideas?



I use the following:



So in the same directory as cmdlines.txt, there's Registry.cmd:

Regedit.exe /s C:\install\RegistryTweaks.reg

Which uses my RegistryTweaks.reg file in my c:\install

This might be redundant, as I might be able to call the registry file from cmdlines.txt but it works for me. heh...

Posted (edited)

Here is a regtweak for you who has discovered Media.Player.Classic.2kxp6482 (no, NOT the one in OS but the third party excellent one).

I throw in that mplayerc.exe in system32 at install and then apply this tweak @T-12 for registering all those extensions...also loosing some default settings as well ;)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; DELETE section

"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -
"LegacyDisable" = -

; ADD section











































@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:7 /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:8 /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""


@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:6 /Open \"%L\""

@="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe %1 /cd"

@="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe %1 /dvd"

@="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe %1"

@="C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe %1"



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:6 /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:9 /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:5 /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /prefetch:7 /Open \"%L\""



@="\"C:\\WINDOWS\\system32\\mplayerc.exe\" \"%1\""
"mplayerc.exe.bak"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Windows Media Player\\wmplayer.exe\" /Open \"%L\""





"Action"="Play Audio CD"
"Provider"="Media Player Classic"

"Action"="Play DVD Movie"
"Provider"="Media Player Classic"

"Action"="Play Music"
"Provider"="Media Player Classic"

"Action"="Play Video"
"Provider"="Media Player Classic"

..a big MF I know.. :whistle:

Edited by Clint

Just a little question to the heroes who compile all these tweaks into one big .ZIP file:

Can you add a version/date to the zipfile?

Like: RegTweaks_v2005_05_31.zip, so you know how 'recent' the file is.


Posted (edited)

I know this thread doesn't seem to lively anymore but just in case anybody's interested here's a few program-specific tweaks i found (don't think they're in the "master-reg file" but i'm not 100%.)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; CDBurnerXP Pro:

;----- Don't Eject Disc When Finished
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\CDBurnerXP Pro 3\DataWriter]

; Command Prompt:

;----- Set Buffer Size to '200' (hex128)
;----- Set Screen Colors [Black screen & white text]
;----- for "ScreenColors", lowest bit = text; 2nd lowest = background
;----- (R=Red;G=Green;B=Blue, replace with **NUMBERS**, hex of course)

; used for the 16 pre-programmed colors (black=0,blue=9,white=F,etc)

; custom screen colors in format (dword:00BBGGRR)

; custom text colors in format (dword:00BBGGRR)

;----- Set Screen Buffer Size [800x80]
;----- (left 4 bits=height, in hex; right 4 bits=width, in hex)
;----- Set Window Size [50x100]
;----- (left 4 bits=height, in hex; right 4 bits=width, in hex)

; Coolmon:
;----- Reposition Display at upper right of screen (on 1024x768 display)
;----- Pin To Desktop
;----- Show Dragging Handle
;----- Transparent Background
;----- Custom Font Settings (Name, Size, & Style)
"FontName"="MS Sans Serif"

;----- Custom display settings:
;----- I've noticed the settings are stored under the value "FormatString".
;----- However, I've never been able to get them to load correctly from
;----- a .reg file. The best workaround I've found is to call
;----- "%ProgramFiles%\Coolmon\coolmon.exe" with this switch
;----- (NOTE: IT **NEEDS** the quotes so I'll use {} instead):
;----- {installpath\coolmon.exe "-useccfg(path\customconfig.ccfg)"}
;----- ... again don't actually use these: {}

; DVD Decrypter:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DVD Decrypter]
;----- Don't Open Log Window
;----- Use Semi-Automatic Path Generation
"GENERAL_DefaultDestinationFolder"="D:\\# DVDs\\"
;----- Eject Tray After Read (0=no, 1=yes)
;----- Sounds (0=off, 1=on)
;----- Delete Incomplete Files (0=ask, 1=yes,2=no)

; DVD Shrink:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\DVD Shrink\DVD Shrink 3.2\Preferences]
;----- Turn off Video Preview (To speed up Analysis)
;----- Change Target Device (to HDD)
"TargetDevice"="Hard Disk Folder"
"TargetFolder"="D:\\# DVDs\\New DVD Folder"
;----- Don't Create "AUDIO-TS" & "VIDEO_TS" subfolders
;----- Turn off "Run backup in low priority mode" setting
;----- Resize Window for better fit w/ 1024x768 display

; Eraser:

;----- Remove Autorun Entry

; InstallRite: (ERROR corrected 6/11/05)
;----- Only Scan "C:\" (& subfolders)
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epsilon Squared\IW Engine\Directories]
;----- Move Storage Directories to "E:\Program Files\Epsilon Squared\InstallRite"
"BackupDir"="E:\\Program Files\\Epsilon Squared\\InstallRite\\Snapshots"
"InstallKitDir"="E:\\Program Files\\Epsilon Squared\\InstallRite\\Install Kits"
"DatabaseDir"="E:\\Program Files\\Epsilon Squared\\InstallRite\\Databases"
"RegistryDir"="E:\\Program Files\\Epsilon Squared\\InstallRite\\Registry Exports"
;----- Don't scan all harddrives
;----- Don't include CRC Info
;----- Don't include Version Info
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epsilon Squared\IW Engine\SnapshotSelection]
;----- Scan Files
;-------- Files to Include In Scan

;----- Don't display Helper Dialog on startup
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epsilon Squared\IW Engine\Settings]
;----- Don't run on startup/in system tray
RunInSystemTray: "FALSE"
RunInStartup: "FALSE"
;-------- Database File
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Epsilon Squared\IW Engine\Recent File List]
"File1"="C:\Program Files\Epsilon Squared\InstallRite\Databases\Default.iwc"
;-------- File Pattern(s) to ignore (set to none)
; PowerDVD:

;----- Set Default CD/DVD-ROM Drive (use the letter's # -1)
;----- (i.e. - A=0,B=1,C=2,D=3,E=4,F=5,G=6,etc.)

; RegEdit:

;----- Add to (RegEdit) Favorites

;Shortcut #1: (Autoruns Location 1)
"[HKLM... Run]"="My Computer\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"

;Shortcut #2: (Autoruns Location 2)
"[HCKU... Run]"="My Computer\\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run"

;Shortcut #3: (AppPaths Location)
"[HKLM... App Paths]"="My Computer\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths"

note: incase you're wondering why i double-comment the values (';;' instead of just ';') its because then I can use Replace without worrying about accidently uncommenting comment code ;)

almost positive none of these are repeats; i remember finding most of them on my own. :lol: (can't remember for sure @ eraser / cmd though..)

Edited by spiritpyre

Ment small version.

Mod will do it for you surely if u dont know how.

I figured it wold do it autmaticly. GUess not.

Like prathapml did for clents post on the previous page.


ah i think i get what you mean now.. i'll keep that in mind from here out but since it won't let me edit the last post it'll have to wait for a mod.

Edit: apparently my 'edit' button wasn't working last time, but it has now been fixed. Thank you both. I like smaller boxes: much less of an eyesore :thumbup


Yeap sure is. Should use it automaticly. Thanks for the reminder Cartoonite, could not remember for the live of me. Added to my script. ;)

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