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:( I had a crack at using the same lines as per peoples previous lines for the Powerquest version, but it does not seem to work

1. you cant run through the msi package-it produces an error saying that you have to use the setup.exe

2. running through the setup.exe with " /s /v/qn" pops up a command window poining at my symantec antivirus folder, so i just terminate it there.

Anyone know how to install the new Norton version and possibly give the serial No as well???


this is what i use to get it starting the install, but it wont complete (the installshield tab will pop up in the task bar for a second and thats it)-

@echo off

title TEST, TEST


echo Norton Partition Magic

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait D:\XPCD\Software\NortonPartitionMagic\Setup\setup.exe /s /v/qn


  DTM.inc said:
D:\XPCD\Software\NortonPartitionMagic\Setup\setup.exe /s /v/qn

Try this and post back:

start /wait D:\XPCD\Software\NortonPM\Setup\setup.exe /s /v"/qb REBOOT=ReallySuppress"


Still waiting for Symantec's reply, they first came back with a quick half arsed solution, so i gave them more info and they seem to be a bit stumped now.

I'll keep you posted ;)


While I've been waiting I thought i'd have a bit of a fiddle,

I have tried bypassing the setup.exe and going to the Norton PartitionMagic.msi

using this syntax

@echo off

title TEST, TEST


echo Norton Partition Magic

ECHO Please wait...

start /wait msiexec.exe /i "D:\XPCD\Software\NortonPartitionMagic\Setup\Norton PartitionMagic.msi" /quiet /qb


and I get this message pop up-'To run a silent install you must either specify or overide this event (OnMsiSilentInstall()) and provide your own implementation.

This setup will now end."

Anybody have an idea where to go with this???


Yeah, some MSIs need to be called through the setup.exe alone, only then they work.

Anyways, if you could see what "setup.exe /?" outputs, and post that here, and any "setup.ini" that may be in the installer directory, there could be a possibility of what I was thinking. The .INI holds a few hints as to the switches to be used. ;)



The command you're currently running - it causes setup to run, but setup fails. Since we don't want it to fail silently, (atleast knowing WHAT error is being caused would help) the below switch.

So, could you please use the "/S /v/qb" switch (note the capital "S") and tell what the error in dialog-box is?

Its very much possible that the solution is as simple as some file is missing or corrupted, and so couldn't be copied during install.

If even that doesn't work, use setup.exe with "/A" switch and tell us whether its able to successfully complete making an administrative install point. If the AIP is created fine, then we can discuss the next step. :)

{LOL, ok mazin, don't laugh, you know my fad for AIP's here ;) }

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