quantum00 Posted September 10, 2004 Posted September 10, 2004 Are there any confirmed ways to install MsgPlus 3 without using a program like AutoIt or snapshotting the system myself? Perhaps someone has already looked into the snapshot?
SiMoNsAyS Posted September 10, 2004 Posted September 10, 2004 this is what i use for msgr6 and msgr plusREG ADD %KEY%\026 /VE /D "MSN Messenger 6" /fREG ADD %KEY%\026 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\MSN\MsnMsgs.msi /qb" /fREG ADD %KEY%\027 /VE /D "MSN Messenger Plus! 3" /fREG ADD %KEY%\027 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\MsgPlus\MsgPlus-302.exe /SilentInstallNoSponsor" /fREG ADD %KEY%\027 /V 2 /D "pskill.exe MsgPlus.exe" /fREG ADD %KEY%\027 /V 3 /D "pskill.exe msnmsgr.exe" /fyou're new here but you'll read in many posts "please search until posting a new topic"
oioldman Posted September 10, 2004 Posted September 10, 2004 Just to add,I use EXACTLY the same as SiMoNsAyS and all works perfectly.
Annita Posted September 10, 2004 Posted September 10, 2004 Hello, i'm new making Unattended XP CD. I'm not familiar with RunOnceEx.cmd, because I'm using the start.cmd (of the example pages).Could you please put the instructions in ECHO. start.... modeThnx a lot,Annita
quantum00 Posted September 10, 2004 Author Posted September 10, 2004 Thanks for the answer. That's exactly what I was looking for. That answer was not in the forums. I wanted an easy answer...not in the forums. Now it is. EOT.
SiMoNsAyS Posted September 10, 2004 Posted September 10, 2004 @Annita this is for U @ECHO OFFIF EXIST D:\CD.txt set CDROM=D:IF EXIST E:\CD.txt set CDROM=E:IF EXIST F:\CD.txt set CDROM=F:IF EXIST G:\CD.txt set CDROM=G:IF EXIST H:\CD.txt set CDROM=H:IF EXIST I:\CD.txt set CDROM=I:IF EXIST J:\CD.txt set CDROM=J:ECHO.ECHO Instalando MSN Messenger 6start /wait %CDROM%\Software\MSN\MsnMsgs.msi /qbECHO.ECHO Instalando MSN Messenger Plus! 3start /wait %CDROM%\Software\MsgPlus\MsgPlus-302.exe /SilentInstallNoSponsorpskill.exe MsgPlus.exepskill.exe msnmsgr.exeCD.TXT must be in the root folder of your CD and PSKILL.EXE on system32
Annita Posted September 12, 2004 Posted September 12, 2004 It works fine, but it's possible to install it in Spanish??Thnx,Annita
SiMoNsAyS Posted September 12, 2004 Posted September 12, 2004 It works fine, but it's possible to install it in Spanish??Thnx,Annitadunno how but you still can change it from the main menu
Annita Posted September 12, 2004 Posted September 12, 2004 I know, but it would be better to put it in the installation cmdline... Thnx anyway,Annita
Thauzar Posted September 16, 2004 Posted September 16, 2004 woot thanks! if all topics could be that simple...
Daimao Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 Question : cd.txt is just an empty file right?and i copy pskill.exe to system32 by this command :COPY "%systemdrive%\Install\Tools\pskill.exe" "%systemroot%\system32"?
MCT Posted September 17, 2004 Posted September 17, 2004 instead.. put pskill in $OEM$\$$\System32 no need 2 copy it
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