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IIS: Php+mySQL

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Anyone know any good site with great tutorial on how to setup IIS with PHP and mySQL? I can't seem to run my site with script that have permission mod (ie777,666...)

I can't get my php upload to work neither. I keep getting access denied for the specific upload folder that had been grant (read, write).


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I'll be PERFECTLY honest. And this is ONLY because it's about 1am. IIS is a friggan death trap, if you don't continuously monitor/patch/secure the **** thing it will cause you hell, it will set fire to your home, steal all your possessions and eat your children. So lock your doors; board your "Windows" because IIS could be coming to a knowledge base near you soon!

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I'll be PERFECTLY honest. And this is ONLY because it's about 1am. IIS is a friggan death trap, if you don't continuously monitor/patch/secure the **** thing it will cause you hell, it will set fire to your home, steal all your possessions and eat your children. So lock your doors; board your "Windows" because IIS could be coming to a knowledge base near you soon!

rofl :)

Go Apache!

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