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Doomsday movies.....


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Was seeing "The Day After Tomorrow" - the movie.

My....... Its good! Nice movie, and picturised very well. Direction, acting and the graphics were good. Especially how they show that those events affect our normal every-day life.

My only thought at the end was, "We seem to be becoming darker and darker about our own perception of the future". Consider Twister, Volcano, Independance Day, and the others of their genre - bleak depiction. :(

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I find the acopolyptic movies to be in general humerous. Most of the acting is overblown, the special effects overdone. Obviously the intent is to scare us all into behaving better, with the possible exception of ID4, which definitely takes the position of "see the alien, fear the alien, kill the alien", which is how humans acted towards each other in ages past.

I always go back to the first real acopolyptic movie "Dr. Strangelove, or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Bomb". Produced by the great Stanley Kubrick in the early 1960's, it was a deliberately humorous (black humor, but still humorous), look at a possible Doomsday scenario. Peter Sellers plays like five or six different parts. Definitely a must see, just to have a good laugh over the inanity of it all. I won't give it all away, but the scene near the end with Slim Pickens is just a hoot. Literally.

Believe it or not, when S.K. was making the film, the inside scenes of the B-52s that he developed were so much like the real thing, the government had a serious talk with him as to how he got the highly classified information. Turns out he did it all with help from some people who were equally in the dark as to the actual layout, but were airplane engineers and used common sense.

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