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Volume Lable - Does it matter what it is?

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I thought until recently the volume label that was put inside an .iso of an operating system was all important. Like WXPOEM_EN as one of mine is. But I've just made a slipstreamed XP-SP2 with the help of a program called nLite. It calls the volume 'WinLite' the iso 'WInLITE.ISO' :unsure:

It works fine. So what's all the fuss about?

Does it matter to the installation what the volume is called/named?

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many retail CDs of Office 2003 have installers that are closely linked to the CD label.

If you install Servicepack1 for Office 2003 from CD, the label has to be Office2003patch, at least in the swedish verison of it... Unless you change the servicepacks msi files with, for example, Microsoft Orca.

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many retail CDs of Office 2003 have installers that are closely linked to the CD label.

If you install Servicepack1 for Office 2003 from CD, the label has to be Office2003patch, at least in the swedish verison of it... Unless you change the servicepacks msi files with, for example, Microsoft Orca.

Do you mean slipstream the service pack 1 into the CD or just install the service pack?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Windows cd: call the cd label whatever you wish. But you must keep the indicator files in the root directory, e.g. ip.sp2. Setup and the os look at those to acknowledge what os is on the cd, then it looks for the i386 folder.

Office normally put the cd label in the autorun.inf, so that would need to be edited, if label changed. I do not have office 2003, to confirm on its search pattern.


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k thanks MHz

Just not sure about changing it because of Mikey's activation thing's, I also don't want to get all setup and do the activation and it tell's me I have to call Mikey, that would suck since i own this CD and you only get maybe 8 time's to call before they bandit you I read.

Usually tacktech has been right but I don't know for sure. Hope so, I parsed all them labels and set them up in an Labels.ini I use in my own Unattended program.

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