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Hi all,

Does anyone know if it is possible to make the universal .reg file with some Outlook Express twiks and options that would apply to ALL users?

I'd like to twik all the options and apply them unattended next time I'm installing the system: spelling, security, read, compose and so on. And most important - I'd like to store mail folder in D:\Docs\Safe\Mail (on other disk drive). It is possible after the installation though the Option menu to move the folder but is there a way to do it during unattender installation?

I found that all the options are in: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0]

The problem seems to be in this Identities string - if I'm not mistaken it is set for every account. But I'd like to use the same store folder under every acount, for ALL users!

Best regards,

Oleg 2

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var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
var home = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%HOME%");
if (home == "%HOME%") home="D:\\Home";
var identities = WshShell.regRead("HKCU\\Identities\\Default User ID");
var key = "HKCU\\Identities\\" + identities + "\\Software\\Microsoft\\Outlook Express\\5.0";
WshShell.regWrite(key+"\\Store Root", home + "\\%USERNAME%\\Mail\\Outlook Express\\", "REG_EXPAND_SZ");
WshShell.regWrite(key+"\\NoSplash", 1, "REG_DWORD");
//kill itself

Put it @startup after user logon.

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Thank you very much! I don't understand much in scripting but I've got the idea.

Only two question now:

1. I should edit the script (where is the store folder and add some more regestry keys) and run it when logged as an Administrator first time. Then when I first log under other accounts I also run the script once. Is it wright?

2. Where I can read about this scripting so that I can understand it and change a bit accourding to my needs? Something easy to understand for a novice.

Best regards,

Oleg 2

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code edited.

1.Put it under $OEM$\$Docs\Default User\Start Menu\Programs\Startup, every user will run it once(it kill itself). It maps your OE mailstore to D:\Home\%UserName%\Mail\Outlook Express\

2.Windows Script 5.6 Documentation i got this document only.

.cmd batch version


MD "%HOME%\%USERNAME%\Mail\Outlook Express\"

@REM Retrieve Identities for current user, then find out where OE's Strore Root, and set to HOME
FOR /F "skip=4 tokens=5" %%I IN ('REG QUERY "HKCU\Identities" /v "Default User ID"') DO (
 REG ADD "HKCU\Identities\%%I\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0" /f /v "Store Root" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "%HOME%\%%USERNAME%%\Mail\Outlook Express\"
 REG ADD "HKCU\Identities\%%I\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0" /f /v "NoSplash"   /t REG_DWORD     /d "1"

@REM kill itself
DEL /F /Q %0

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Wow! If it would be in .cmd I should understand it better and edit it easier.

I forgot to say that I'm using Windows 2000 Professional so folder $Docs doesn't work for me. No problem with this except I have to add the shortcuts for some appz later with selfextracting archive.

One more question about the script: could it be like this:

WshShell.regWrite(key+"\\Store Root", home + "\\Mail\\", "REG_EXPAND_SZ");

? It looks shorter and easier for me :)

Best regards,

Oleg 2

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OE_MailStore.js works perfect.

OE_StoreRoot.cmd only creates the folders D:\Home\Administrator\Mail but Outlook Express starts from Profiles directory. I think there is a mistake with script running on my computer. Maybe because there is something missing like REG.EXE (I've already put this file in the the system32 directory and it works).

Sorry for my ignorance is the command FOR relates on some utility too?


Oleg 2

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.js works without doubt. There is only one thing - I turn off autorun of scripts in Registry tweak file. That's why I'd also prefer .cmd. But I even agree to turn scripts on :)

After running .cmd the Store Folder returns to:

C:\Profiles\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0


Oleg 2

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.js works perfect as it was already yesterday. But I'm still having troubles with .cmd.

I change nothing in the script. After running the script the registry changes to:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0]
"Store Root"=D:\Home\%USERNAME%\Mail\Outlook Express (in hex format)

and there is some new folders created on D:\Home\Administrator\Mail\Outlook Express

But when I start Outlook the Store Folder automatically moved to

C:\Profiles\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Microsoft\Outlook Express

and the regestry changes accordingly.

It doesn't happen when I run .js script. I mean after running the .js script and then running Outlook the registry doesn't change automatically and everything goes smoothly.

I tried two comands separately and they worked only before strarting Outlook:

1. c:\w2k\system32\reg QUERY "HKCU\Identities" /v "Default User ID

2. c:\w2k\system32\reg add "HKCU\Identities\{85E975CA-5280-4399-86EB-3795B21A5909}\Software\Microsoft\Outlook Express\5.0" /f /v "Store Root" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d "D:\Home\Administrator\Mail\Outlook Express\"

Is it possibly because I should save .cmd in some other coding or what else?

Best regards,

Oleg 2

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Just thought if the comands work but the regestry settings returns back could it be some restriction for changing windows 2000 regestry with REG.EXE from WXP? Should I investigate REG.EXE from Tool Kit for 2000? It has some different comands.

Tried REG.EXE for w2k. No luck with this also :( It changes when in comand prompt but after strarting Outlook everything goes back :(

Tried rebooting after applying. The same result - the value in registry goes back when program starts.

The most annoying is that .js works so it IS obviously possible to do. But why .cmd can't do this for me?


Oleg 2

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Fresh install...

Apply that regTweak(or .js .cmd) after windows setup complete, user first time logon. If you apply that regTweak after OE first run, store root will change back to your profileDir. dont ask me why, i dunno too.

On my xp disc, i create every user account i need @T-12, apply some common regTweak and place the .js into default user's startup, after xp setup complete, user first time logon and run my .js, everything done. OE mail store, WAB store, MSN received directory, some user shell folders, and some other regTweak have to apply after user logon.

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