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MS Java VM vs. Sun Java

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What is MS Java VM? I know it was removed from SP1 and that's it. To run Limewire Pro I have to use Sun Java. Will Limewire work with MS Java VM (is there a way to get it to work with it?

Basecally, what is the benefit to installing MS Java VM, and what is the difference between it and Sun Java?

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Well basically MS Java VM is Microsoft version of the Java Virtual Machine. Sun Java VM is the original. Thus installing the original would according to me be better. This will enable you to run Java apps or applets on your pc. In SP2 there is no MS VM if I am not mistaken.

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Well basically MS Java VM is Microsoft version of the Java Virtual Machine.  Sun Java VM is the original.  Thus installing the original would according to me be better.  This will enable you to run Java apps or applets on your pc.  In SP2 there is no MS VM if I am not mistaken.

It's more than just that. the MS JVM was a bastardized version of Sun's JVM. It doesn't fully comply to Java standards and has tons of security flaws. As a java devolper I insist that you get the Sun JVM. It's newer, better, authentic, and safer.

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The 2 posts above neatly surmise the fact.

Decision : Go with the Sun JVM. You'll not come to grief. If some apps work only with the MS-JVM, its their problem, just move to a different product which does work with open standards (Sun JVM is the pace-setter, and standards definer).

One downside is, MS-JVM is faster than Sun's win32 implementation.

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