tannos Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 I am running xplode at the T-12 mins stage from cmdlines.txt but it's not installmy paths:$OEM$\$1\WINAPPS\install\xplode.exe |xplode.xml$OEM$\$1\WINAPPS\ACDSEE | NERO|MSN|.......CMDLINES.TXT is in the $OEM$ folder<XPlode> <config> <hidewindow>Windows Update</hidewindow> <hidewindow>CMD.EXe</hidewindow> <show total='6' after='2' subcount='true' /> <font face='Tahoma' antialias='false' small='8' large='12' /> <window width='440' position='8' fixmain='0' /> <windowmode mode='standalone' /><colours> <header back='#C2082A' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\head.png' /> <footer back='#169E1F' fore='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\images\foot.png' /> <progress border='#FFFFFF' back='#00000000' fore='#FFFFFFAA' fore2='#00000033' /> <main back='#120FD6' fore='#FFFFFF' current='#FFFF00' description='#FFFFFF' image='%XPLODE%\main.png' overlay='#FFFFFF22' /></colours> <strings> <!-- main XPlode string --> <title>Installation perso de Mike</title> <complete>complete</complete> <!-- adduser plugin strings --> <adduser>Adding user #1#</adduser> <addusertogroup>Adding user #1# to group #2#</addusertogroup> <addgroup>Adding group #1#</addgroup> <!-- file/dir ops plugin strings --> <copy>Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</copy> <move>Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)</move> <delete>Deleting #1# (#3#)</delete> <!-- shortcut plugin --> <shortcut>Adding shortcut: #1#</shortcut> </strings> </config> <item display='Installation des Addons Microsoft'> <execute display='Installe DirectX 9.0b' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\directx\dxsetup.exe' arguments='/opk'/> <execute display='Installe windows media player9 ' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\wmp\MPXP.EXE' arguments='/Q:A /R:N /%systemdrive%\"setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /NoMigrate /DisallowSystemRestore" '/> <execute display='Installe les Adaptec ASPI ' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\aspi\aspiinst.exe' arguments='/SILENT'/> <execute display='Installe MSN 6.2' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\MSNMSGS\MsnMsgs.msi' arguments='/QB'/> <execute display='Installation de .NET Framework v1.1' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\dotnet\netfx.msi' arguments='/qb' /> <execute display='Installation de Java' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\j2.exe' arguments='/s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" ' /> <execute display='Ajout de liens dans les favoris' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\bureau\favoris.exe' /> </item> <item display='Installation des patchs pre-SP2 / Hotfixes ... '> <execute display='Installation de Jscript_ win2K_XP_56_6003' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\js56nfr.exe' arguments='/Q:A /R:N' /> <execute display='Installation de Q330994_OEPatch_IE6SP1_32' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\q330994.exe ' arguments='/Q:A /R:N' /> <execute display='q828750 : Correctif cumulatif pour Internet Explorer...' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\q828750.exe' arguments='/q:a /r:n' /> <execute display='Ensemble cumulatif de 22 mises a jour critiques' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB826939.exe' arguments='-u -q -z' /> <execute display='Installation de WindowsMedia-KB828026-x86-FRA' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB828026.exe' arguments='/q:a /r:n' /> <execute display='Installation de KB828035-x86-FRA' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB828035.exe' arguments='-u -q -z' /> <execute display='Installation de WindowsXP-KB828028' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB828028.exe' arguments='-u -z -q' /> <execute display='Installation de KB824141' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB824141.exe' arguments='-u -z -q' /> <execute display='Installation de Q832894' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\Q832894.exe' arguments='/Q:A /R:N' /> <execute display='Installation de Q832483_MDAC' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\Q832483.EXE' arguments='/q:a /%systemdrive%\"dahotfix.exe /q /n\"' /> <execute display='Installation de KB825119' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB825119.exe' arguments='-u -z -q' /> <execute display='Installation de KB824105' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB824105.exe' arguments='/Q /U /Z' /> <execute display='Installation de KB823182' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB823182.exe' arguments='-u -z -q' /> <execute display='Installation de Q819696' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\q819696.exe' arguments='-u -z -q' /> <execute display='Installation de KB833407' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB833407.exe' arguments='/Q /U /Z' /> <execute display='Installation de KB841873' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB841873.exe' arguments='/Q /U /Z' /> <execute display='Installation de KB842773' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB842773.exe' arguments='/Q /U /Z' /> <execute display='Installation de q811114' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\q811114.exe' arguments='/Q /N /Z /O' /> <execute display='Installation de KB829558' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB829558.exe' arguments='/Q /N /Z /O' /> <execute display='Installation de KB819639' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB819639.exe' arguments='/Q:A /R:N' /> <execute display='Installation de KB831167' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB831167.exe' arguments='/Q:A /R:N' /> <execute display='Installation de KB839645' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB839645.exe' arguments='/Q /N /Z /O' /> <execute display='Installation de KB840315' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB840315.exe' arguments='/Q /N /Z /O' /> <execute display='Installation de KB823353' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB823353.exe' arguments='/Q:A /R:N' /> <execute display='Installation de KB870669' program='%systemdrive%\patchs\KB870669.exe' arguments='/Q:A /R:N' /> </item><item display='Installation des logiciels de gravure ... '> <execute display='Installe NERO' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\nero\nero6316.exe' arguments='/silent /noreboot'/> <registry display='clef Enregistrement' method='write'> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ahead\Nero - Burning Rom\Info]"User"="xxxxx""Serial6"="xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx""Serial6_2"="xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx""Company"="xxxx" </registry> <execute display='Patch version francaise' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\nero\nerofr.exe'/> <execute display='Installe Alcohol 120' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\alcohol\setup.msi' arguments='/qn Reboot=Suppress'/> <execute display='patch executable' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\alcohol\alcohol.exe'/></item><item display='Installation des logiciels Antivirus et nettoyage'> <execute display='Installation de Kaspersky Pro FR' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\kaspers\Setup.exe' arguments='/n /S'/> <execute display='Enregistrement' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\kaspers\key.exe' /> <execute display='MAJ du registre...' program='regedit' arguments='/s %systemdrive%\winapps\kaspers\REGKASP.REG'/> <execute display='Installation de Lavasoft Ad-Aware Profesionnel 6.0 Build 181' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\aaw6\aaw6.exe' /> <execute display='version francaise' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\aaw6\aawlng.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='parametrage' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\aaw6\prefs.exe' /> <execute display='Installation de Spybot search destroy 1.2' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\spybot12.exe' arguments='/verysilent /sp-' /> <execute display='Installation de SpywareBlaster 2.6.1' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\spyblast.exe' /> <execute display='maj' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\maj.exe' arguments='/verysilent /sp-' /> <execute display='Vaccination du systeme contre 1222 Spywares'program='regedit' arguments='/s %systemdrive%\winapps\AntiSpy.reg'/> </item> <item display='Installations utilitaires divers'> <execute display='Installation de OO Defrag Professional Edition v6.0 build 710' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\OODefrag\OODefrProf.msi' arguments='/qn' /> <execute display='Enregistrementde OO Defrag' program='regedit' arguments='/s %systemdrive%\winapps\OODefrag\register.reg'/> <execute display='Installation de Kazaa Lite Resurrection 0.0.7' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\KLR007.exe' /> <execute display='Installation de Flash Player 7' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\Flash7.exe' /> <execute display='Installation de Shockwave 8 Player' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\S8p.exe' /> <execute display='Installation de WinRAR 3.30 FR Corporate...' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\wrar330.exe' arguments='/s' /> <execute display='Installation de ACDSee 6.0.2 PowerPack FR' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\acdsee\Acdsee.msi' arguments='REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS /qb- ' /> <execute display='crack de ACDSee 6.0.2 PowerPack FR' program='%systemdrive%\sfx\acdcrack.exe' /> <execute display='Installation de Adobe Acrobat Reader 6...' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\adberdr\AdbeRdr.msi' arguments='/QB' /> <execute display='Installation Mozilla Firefox un des meilleurs navigateurs Internet' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\firefox.exe' /> <execute display='Installation de Azureus un clien BitToorrent' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\Azureus.exe' arguments='/s'/></item> <item display='Installation des outils video'> <execute display='Installe K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.00' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\klmcodec.exe' arguments='/verysilent /COMPONENTS="divxdec,xviddec,dvd,indeo4,indeo32,i263,huffyuv,msmpeg4,qtcodec,qtdirectshow,qtcpl,qtplugins, realcodec,realdirectshow,mp3audio,wmaaudio,ac3audio,oggvorbis,aac,oggvorbissplitter,vsfilter,gspot,disg400,disffdshow,qtcodec,qtdirectshow,qtcpl,qtplugins,qtbrowserplugin,realcodec,realdirectshow" '/> <execute display='Installation Codecs RV9 RV10 filtres MKV' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\RV10.exe' /> <execute display='Bs player meilleur lecteur multimedia' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\bsplayer.exe' arguments='/S /D="c:\Program Files" '/> <execute display='Installation de Media Player Classic FR' program='%systemdrive%\winapps\MPC.exe' /></item><item display='Optimisation du systeme'> <execute display='Optimisation du systeme1...' program='regedit' arguments='/s %systemdrive%\winapps\optimisation.reg'/> <execute display='Optimisation du systeme2...' program='regedit' arguments='/s %systemdrive%\winapps\tweaks.reg'/> <execute display='Optimisation du systeme3...' program='%systemdrive%\sfx\system32.exe'/></item><item display='Suppression des fichiers temporaires'> <delete source='%systemdrive%\winapps' /> <delete source='%systemdrive%\sfx' /> <delete source='%systemdrive%\Hotfix_Full' /> <delete source='%%systemdrive%\patchs' /> </item> </XPlode>here is my cmdlines[COMMANDS]"%systemdrive%\winapps\Install\XPLode.exe"any idea of whats going wrong ?THX for your answer
MCT Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 i suggest opening the file in IE & it will give an error likebad character line 300 column 10regards
tannos Posted July 31, 2004 Author Posted July 31, 2004 i suggest opening the file in IE & it will give an error likeI do it, but i've no error in IE
MCT Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 where are u wanting 2 run your programs from?cd or systemdrive ?#SOURCEDRIVE# = CDROM#SYSTEMDRIVE# = C: or whereever your os is installed 2EDIT: this is what i doon my CD i put the following directoriesi386$OEM$INSTALLi place the xplode files in $OEM$\Install\Xplodei place my programs in INSTALL\Appsin my winnt.sif file i call xplode %systemdrive%\xplode\xplode.exein my xplode.xml file i have program='#SourceDrive#\Install\Apps\program.exe' hope this helps
tannos Posted July 31, 2004 Author Posted July 31, 2004 Make a logfile. Post it.here is my log-=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode start at: 04/08/01 00:56:48XPlode { Loading Plugins (SDK2.0) { Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeExamplePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeExecutePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeFSOpsPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeRegistryPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeShortcutPlugin2.xpd2 } Registering commands { Command: addgroup, (0,1) Command: adduser, (0,0) Command: copy, (3,0) Command: delete, (3,2) Command: example, (1,0) Command: execute, (2,0) Command: move, (3,1) Command: registry, (4,0) Command: shortcut, (5,0) } Commandline Parameter: '/help:', Value: '' Commandline Parameter: '/xml:', Value: 'C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml' Parsing XML: C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml { Error opening XML file: C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml Invalid XML syntax. Check UNICODE encoding? } Starting dialog { } Execution thread { }-=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode end at: 04/08/01 00:56:48
tannos Posted July 31, 2004 Author Posted July 31, 2004 Error opening XML file: C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml Invalid XML syntax. Check UNICODE encoding?what does it mean?
Versius Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 Hi Tannos...I've got the same problem with my .XML files. You must registering your file as UNICODE if you want Xplode to execute them.Translation : Oui. Tu dois enregistrer tes fichiers au format UNICODE pour qu'il soient exécutés par Xplode Versius
Versius Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 Translate your .xml files witch are in ANSI format to UNIODE format with a soft like EditPad Lite or another.Versius
Versius Posted July 31, 2004 Posted July 31, 2004 Let's joke Tannos...<execute display=' crack de ACDSee 6.0.2 PowerPack FR' program='%systemdrive%\sfx\acdcrack.exe' />Quand même... Remove that line
tannos Posted August 1, 2004 Author Posted August 1, 2004 Hi,i translate my xplode.xml to unicode format. the files are in my HDD but they are not install.if i launch xplode from my hdd, it give me this log:-=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode start at: 04/08/01 10:58:00XPlode { Loading Plugins (SDK2.0) { Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeExamplePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeExecutePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeFSOpsPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeRegistryPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeShortcutPlugin2.xpd2 } Registering commands { Command: addgroup, (0,1) Command: adduser, (0,0) Command: copy, (3,0) Command: delete, (3,2) Command: example, (1,0) Command: execute, (2,0) Command: move, (3,1) Command: registry, (4,0) Command: shortcut, (5,0) } Commandline Parameter: '/help:', Value: '' Commandline Parameter: '/xml:', Value: 'C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml' Parsing XML: C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml { Configuration Block { Window Mode = 'standalone' hidewindow = 'Windows Update' hidewindow = 'CMD.EXe' font.antialias = 'false' font.face = 'Tahoma' font.large = '12' font.small = '8' show.after = '2' show.subcount = 'true' show.total = '6' window.fixmain = '0' window.position = '8' window.width = '440' colours.header.back = '#C2082A' colours.header.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.header.image = 'C:\winapps\install\images\head.png' colours.footer.back = '#169E1F' colours.footer.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.footer.image = 'C:\winapps\install\images\foot.png' colours.main.back = '#120FD6' colours.main.current = '#FFFF00' colours.main.description = '#FFFFFF' colours.main.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.main.image = 'C:\winapps\install\main.png' colours.main.overlay = '#FFFFFF22' colours.progress.back = '#00000000' colours.progress.border = '#FFFFFF' colours.progress.fore = '#FFFFFFAA' colours.progress.fore2 = '#00000033' strings.addgroup = 'Adding group #1#' strings.adduser = 'Adding user #1#' strings.addusertogroup = 'Adding user #1# to group #2#' strings.complete = 'complete' strings.copy = 'Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)' strings.delete = 'Deleting #1# (#3#)' strings.move = 'Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)' strings.shortcut = 'Adding shortcut: #1#' strings.title = 'Installation perso de Mike' } Items Block { Item Block: 'Installation des Addons Microsoft' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/opk' display = 'Installe DirectX 9.0b' program = 'C:\winapps\directx\dxsetup.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N /C:\"setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /NoMigrate /DisallowSystemRestore" ' display = 'Installe windows media player9 ' program = 'C:\winapps\wmp\MPXP.EXE' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/SILENT' display = 'Installe les Adaptec ASPI ' program = 'C:\winapps\aspi\aspiinst.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/QB' display = 'Installe MSN 6.2' program = 'C:\winapps\MSNMSGS\MsnMsgs.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/qb' display = 'Installation de .NET Framework v1.1' program = 'C:\winapps\dotnet\netfx.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" ' display = 'Installation de Java' program = 'C:\winapps\j2.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Ajout de liens dans les favoris' program = 'C:\winapps\bureau\favoris.exe' } } Item Block: 'Installation des patchs pre-SP2 / Hotfixes ... ' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de Jscript_ win2K_XP_56_6003' program = 'C:\patchs\js56nfr.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de Q330994_OEPatch_IE6SP1_32' program = 'C:\patchs\q330994.exe ' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/q:a /r:n' display = 'q828750 : Correctif cumulatif pour Internet Explorer...' program = 'C:\patchs\q828750.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -q -z' display = 'Ensemble cumulatif de 22 mises a jour critiques' program = 'C:\patchs\KB826939.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/q:a /r:n' display = 'Installation de WindowsMedia-KB828026-x86-FRA' program = 'C:\patchs\KB828026.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -q -z' display = 'Installation de KB828035-x86-FRA' program = 'C:\patchs\KB828035.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de WindowsXP-KB828028' program = 'C:\patchs\KB828028.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de KB824141' program = 'C:\patchs\KB824141.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de Q832894' program = 'C:\patchs\Q832894.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/q:a /C:\"dahotfix.exe /q /n\"' display = 'Installation de Q832483_MDAC' program = 'C:\patchs\Q832483.EXE' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de KB825119' program = 'C:\patchs\KB825119.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /U /Z' display = 'Installation de KB824105' program = 'C:\patchs\KB824105.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de KB823182' program = 'C:\patchs\KB823182.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de Q819696' program = 'C:\patchs\q819696.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /U /Z' display = 'Installation de KB833407' program = 'C:\patchs\KB833407.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /U /Z' display = 'Installation de KB841873' program = 'C:\patchs\KB841873.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /U /Z' display = 'Installation de KB842773' program = 'C:\patchs\KB842773.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /N /Z /O' display = 'Installation de q811114' program = 'C:\patchs\q811114.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /N /Z /O' display = 'Installation de KB829558' program = 'C:\patchs\KB829558.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de KB819639' program = 'C:\patchs\KB819639.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de KB831167' program = 'C:\patchs\KB831167.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /N /Z /O' display = 'Installation de KB839645' program = 'C:\patchs\KB839645.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /N /Z /O' display = 'Installation de KB840315' program = 'C:\patchs\KB840315.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de KB823353' program = 'C:\patchs\KB823353.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de KB870669' program = 'C:\patchs\KB870669.exe' } } Item Block: 'Installation des logiciels de gravure ... ' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/silent /noreboot' display = 'Installe NERO' program = 'C:\winapps\nero\nero6316.exe' } Tag: 'registry' { display = 'clef Enregistrement' method = 'write' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Patch version francaise' program = 'C:\winapps\nero\nerofr.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/qn Reboot=Suppress' display = 'Installe Alcohol 120' program = 'C:\winapps\alcohol\setup.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Crack executable' program = 'C:\winapps\alcohol\alcohol.exe' } } Item Block: 'Installation des logiciels Antivirus et nettoyage' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/n /S' display = 'Installation de Kaspersky Pro FR' program = 'C:\winapps\kaspers\Setup.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Enregistrement' program = 'C:\winapps\kaspers\key.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\kaspers\REGKASP.REG' display = 'MAJ du registre...' program = 'regedit' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Lavasoft Ad-Aware Profesionnel 6.0 Build 181' program = 'C:\winapps\aaw6\aaw6.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s' display = 'version francaise' program = 'C:\winapps\aaw6\aawlng.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'parametrage' program = 'C:\winapps\aaw6\prefs.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/verysilent /sp-' display = 'Installation de Spybot search destroy 1.2' program = 'C:\winapps\spybot12.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de SpywareBlaster 2.6.1' program = 'C:\winapps\spyblast.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/verysilent /sp-' display = 'maj' program = 'C:\winapps\maj.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\AntiSpy.reg' display = 'Vaccination du systeme contre 1222 Spywares' program = 'regedit' } } Item Block: 'Installations utilitaires divers' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/qn' display = 'Installation de OO Defrag Professional Edition v6.0 build 710' program = 'C:\winapps\OODefrag\OODefrProf.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\OODefrag\register.reg' display = 'Enregistrementde OO Defrag' program = 'regedit' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Kazaa Lite Resurrection 0.0.7' program = 'C:\winapps\KLR007.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Flash Player 7' program = 'C:\winapps\Flash7.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Shockwave 8 Player' program = 'C:\winapps\S8p.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s' display = 'Installation de WinRAR 3.30 FR Corporate...' program = 'C:\winapps\wrar330.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = 'REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS /qb- ' display = 'Installation de ACDSee 6.0.2 PowerPack FR' program = 'C:\winapps\acdsee\Acdsee.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'crack de ACDSee 6.0.2 PowerPack FR' program = 'C:\sfx\acdcrack.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/QB' display = 'Installation de Adobe Acrobat Reader 6...' program = 'C:\winapps\adberdr\AdbeRdr.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation Mozilla Firefox un des meilleurs navigateurs Internet' program = 'C:\winapps\firefox.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s' display = 'Installation de Azureus un clien BitToorrent' program = 'C:\winapps\Azureus.exe' } } Item Block: 'Installation des outils video' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = display = 'Installe K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.00' program = 'C:\winapps\klmcodec.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation Codecs RV9 RV10 filtres MKV' program = 'C:\winapps\RV10.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/S /D="c:\Program Files" ' display = 'Bs player meilleur lecteur multimedia' program = 'C:\winapps\bsplayer.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Media Player Classic FR' program = 'C:\winapps\MPC.exe' } } Item Block: 'Optimisation du systeme' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\optimisation.reg' display = 'Optimisation du systeme1...' program = 'regedit' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\tweaks.reg' display = 'Optimisation du systeme2...' program = 'regedit' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Optimisation du systeme3...' program = 'C:\sfx\system32.exe' } } Item Block: 'Suppression des fichiers temporaires' { Tag: 'delete' { source = 'C:\winapps' } Tag: 'delete' { source = 'C:\sfx' } Tag: 'delete' { source = 'C:\Hotfix_Full' } Tag: 'delete' { source = '%C:\patchs' } } } } Starting dialog { } Execution thread { Running item: 'Installation des Addons Microsoft' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\directx\dxsetup.exe /opk' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\wmp\MPXP.EXE /Q:A /R:N /C:\"setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /NoMigrate /DisallowSystemRestore" ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\aspi\aspiinst.exe /SILENT' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\MSNMSGS\MsnMsgs.msi /QB' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\dotnet\netfx.msi /qb' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\j2.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\bureau\favoris.exe ' Error running command: 'execute' - error reported by plugin (File not found.) } } Running item: 'Installation des patchs pre-SP2 / Hotfixes ... ' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\js56nfr.exe /Q:A /R:N' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\q330994.exe /Q:A /R:N'-=-=-=-=-=-=-> XPlode start at: 04/08/01 11:00:44XPlode { Loading Plugins (SDK2.0) { Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeExamplePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeExecutePlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeFSOpsPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeRegistryPlugin2.xpd2 Load successful: C:\winapps\install\XPlodeShortcutPlugin2.xpd2 } Registering commands { Command: addgroup, (0,1) Command: adduser, (0,0) Command: copy, (3,0) Command: delete, (3,2) Command: example, (1,0) Command: execute, (2,0) Command: move, (3,1) Command: registry, (4,0) Command: shortcut, (5,0) } Commandline Parameter: '/help:', Value: '' Commandline Parameter: '/xml:', Value: 'C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml' Parsing XML: C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml { Configuration Block { Window Mode = 'standalone' hidewindow = 'Windows Update' hidewindow = 'CMD.EXe' font.antialias = 'false' font.face = 'Tahoma' font.large = '12' font.small = '8' show.after = '2' show.subcount = 'true' show.total = '6' window.fixmain = '0' window.position = '8' window.width = '440' colours.header.back = '#C2082A' colours.header.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.header.image = 'C:\winapps\install\images\head.png' colours.footer.back = '#169E1F' colours.footer.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.footer.image = 'C:\winapps\install\images\foot.png' colours.main.back = '#120FD6' colours.main.current = '#FFFF00' colours.main.description = '#FFFFFF' colours.main.fore = '#FFFFFF' colours.main.image = 'C:\winapps\install\main.png' colours.main.overlay = '#FFFFFF22' colours.progress.back = '#00000000' colours.progress.border = '#FFFFFF' colours.progress.fore = '#FFFFFFAA' colours.progress.fore2 = '#00000033' strings.addgroup = 'Adding group #1#' strings.adduser = 'Adding user #1#' strings.addusertogroup = 'Adding user #1# to group #2#' strings.complete = 'complete' strings.copy = 'Copying #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)' strings.delete = 'Deleting #1# (#3#)' strings.move = 'Moving #1# (#2#/#3# - #4#)' strings.shortcut = 'Adding shortcut: #1#' strings.title = 'Installation perso de Mike' } Items Block { Item Block: 'Installation des Addons Microsoft' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/opk' display = 'Installe DirectX 9.0b' program = 'C:\winapps\directx\dxsetup.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N /C:\"setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /NoMigrate /DisallowSystemRestore" ' display = 'Installe windows media player9 ' program = 'C:\winapps\wmp\MPXP.EXE' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/SILENT' display = 'Installe les Adaptec ASPI ' program = 'C:\winapps\aspi\aspiinst.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/QB' display = 'Installe MSN 6.2' program = 'C:\winapps\MSNMSGS\MsnMsgs.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/qb' display = 'Installation de .NET Framework v1.1' program = 'C:\winapps\dotnet\netfx.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" ' display = 'Installation de Java' program = 'C:\winapps\j2.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Ajout de liens dans les favoris' program = 'C:\winapps\bureau\favoris.exe' } } Item Block: 'Installation des patchs pre-SP2 / Hotfixes ... ' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de Jscript_ win2K_XP_56_6003' program = 'C:\patchs\js56nfr.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de Q330994_OEPatch_IE6SP1_32' program = 'C:\patchs\q330994.exe ' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/q:a /r:n' display = 'q828750 : Correctif cumulatif pour Internet Explorer...' program = 'C:\patchs\q828750.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -q -z' display = 'Ensemble cumulatif de 22 mises a jour critiques' program = 'C:\patchs\KB826939.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/q:a /r:n' display = 'Installation de WindowsMedia-KB828026-x86-FRA' program = 'C:\patchs\KB828026.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -q -z' display = 'Installation de KB828035-x86-FRA' program = 'C:\patchs\KB828035.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de WindowsXP-KB828028' program = 'C:\patchs\KB828028.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de KB824141' program = 'C:\patchs\KB824141.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de Q832894' program = 'C:\patchs\Q832894.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/q:a /C:\"dahotfix.exe /q /n\"' display = 'Installation de Q832483_MDAC' program = 'C:\patchs\Q832483.EXE' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de KB825119' program = 'C:\patchs\KB825119.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /U /Z' display = 'Installation de KB824105' program = 'C:\patchs\KB824105.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de KB823182' program = 'C:\patchs\KB823182.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '-u -z -q' display = 'Installation de Q819696' program = 'C:\patchs\q819696.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /U /Z' display = 'Installation de KB833407' program = 'C:\patchs\KB833407.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /U /Z' display = 'Installation de KB841873' program = 'C:\patchs\KB841873.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /U /Z' display = 'Installation de KB842773' program = 'C:\patchs\KB842773.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /N /Z /O' display = 'Installation de q811114' program = 'C:\patchs\q811114.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /N /Z /O' display = 'Installation de KB829558' program = 'C:\patchs\KB829558.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de KB819639' program = 'C:\patchs\KB819639.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de KB831167' program = 'C:\patchs\KB831167.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /N /Z /O' display = 'Installation de KB839645' program = 'C:\patchs\KB839645.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q /N /Z /O' display = 'Installation de KB840315' program = 'C:\patchs\KB840315.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de KB823353' program = 'C:\patchs\KB823353.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/Q:A /R:N' display = 'Installation de KB870669' program = 'C:\patchs\KB870669.exe' } } Item Block: 'Installation des logiciels de gravure ... ' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/silent /noreboot' display = 'Installe NERO' program = 'C:\winapps\nero\nero6316.exe' } Tag: 'registry' { display = 'clef Enregistrement' method = 'write' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Patch version francaise' program = 'C:\winapps\nero\nerofr.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/qn Reboot=Suppress' display = 'Installe Alcohol 120' program = 'C:\winapps\alcohol\setup.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Crack executable' program = 'C:\winapps\alcohol\alcohol.exe' } } Item Block: 'Installation des logiciels Antivirus et nettoyage' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/n /S' display = 'Installation de Kaspersky Pro FR' program = 'C:\winapps\kaspers\Setup.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Enregistrement' program = 'C:\winapps\kaspers\key.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\kaspers\REGKASP.REG' display = 'MAJ du registre...' program = 'regedit' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Lavasoft Ad-Aware Profesionnel 6.0 Build 181' program = 'C:\winapps\aaw6\aaw6.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s' display = 'version francaise' program = 'C:\winapps\aaw6\aawlng.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'parametrage' program = 'C:\winapps\aaw6\prefs.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/verysilent /sp-' display = 'Installation de Spybot search destroy 1.2' program = 'C:\winapps\spybot12.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de SpywareBlaster 2.6.1' program = 'C:\winapps\spyblast.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/verysilent /sp-' display = 'maj' program = 'C:\winapps\maj.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\AntiSpy.reg' display = 'Vaccination du systeme contre 1222 Spywares' program = 'regedit' } } Item Block: 'Installations utilitaires divers' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/qn' display = 'Installation de OO Defrag Professional Edition v6.0 build 710' program = 'C:\winapps\OODefrag\OODefrProf.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\OODefrag\register.reg' display = 'Enregistrementde OO Defrag' program = 'regedit' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Kazaa Lite Resurrection 0.0.7' program = 'C:\winapps\KLR007.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Flash Player 7' program = 'C:\winapps\Flash7.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Shockwave 8 Player' program = 'C:\winapps\S8p.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s' display = 'Installation de WinRAR 3.30 FR Corporate...' program = 'C:\winapps\wrar330.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = 'REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS /qb- ' display = 'Installation de ACDSee 6.0.2 PowerPack FR' program = 'C:\winapps\acdsee\Acdsee.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'crack de ACDSee 6.0.2 PowerPack FR' program = 'C:\sfx\acdcrack.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/QB' display = 'Installation de Adobe Acrobat Reader 6...' program = 'C:\winapps\adberdr\AdbeRdr.msi' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation Mozilla Firefox un des meilleurs navigateurs Internet' program = 'C:\winapps\firefox.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s' display = 'Installation de Azureus un clien BitToorrent' program = 'C:\winapps\Azureus.exe' } } Item Block: 'Installation des outils video' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = display = 'Installe K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 1.00' program = 'C:\winapps\klmcodec.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation Codecs RV9 RV10 filtres MKV' program = 'C:\winapps\RV10.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/S /D="c:\Program Files" ' display = 'Bs player meilleur lecteur multimedia' program = 'C:\winapps\bsplayer.exe' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Installation de Media Player Classic FR' program = 'C:\winapps\MPC.exe' } } Item Block: 'Optimisation du systeme' { Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\optimisation.reg' display = 'Optimisation du systeme1...' program = 'regedit' } Tag: 'execute' { arguments = '/s C:\winapps\tweaks.reg' display = 'Optimisation du systeme2...' program = 'regedit' } Tag: 'execute' { display = 'Optimisation du systeme3...' program = 'C:\sfx\system32.exe' } } Item Block: 'Suppression des fichiers temporaires' { Tag: 'delete' { source = 'C:\winapps' } Tag: 'delete' { source = 'C:\sfx' } Tag: 'delete' { source = 'C:\Hotfix_Full' } Tag: 'delete' { source = '%C:\patchs' } } } } Starting dialog { } Execution thread { Running item: 'Installation des Addons Microsoft' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\directx\dxsetup.exe /opk' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\wmp\MPXP.EXE /Q:A /R:N /C:\"setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /NoMigrate /DisallowSystemRestore" ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\aspi\aspiinst.exe /SILENT' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\MSNMSGS\MsnMsgs.msi /QB' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\dotnet\netfx.msi /qb' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\j2.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore IEXPLORER=1" ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\bureau\favoris.exe ' Error running command: 'execute' - error reported by plugin (File not found.) } } Running item: 'Installation des patchs pre-SP2 / Hotfixes ... ' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\js56nfr.exe /Q:A /R:N' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\q330994.exe /Q:A /R:N' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\q828750.exe /q:a /r:n' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB826939.exe -u -q -z' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB828026.exe /q:a /r:n' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB828035.exe -u -q -z' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB828028.exe -u -z -q' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB824141.exe -u -z -q' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\Q832894.exe /Q:A /R:N' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\Q832483.EXE /q:a /C:\"dahotfix.exe /q /n\"' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB825119.exe -u -z -q' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB824105.exe /Q /U /Z' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB823182.exe -u -z -q' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\q819696.exe -u -z -q' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB833407.exe /Q /U /Z' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB841873.exe /Q /U /Z' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB842773.exe /Q /U /Z' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\q811114.exe /Q /N /Z /O' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB829558.exe /Q /N /Z /O' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB819639.exe /Q:A /R:N' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB831167.exe /Q:A /R:N' Error running command: 'execute' - error reported by plugin (File not found.) } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB839645.exe /Q /N /Z /O' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB840315.exe /Q /N /Z /O' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB823353.exe /Q:A /R:N' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB870669.exe /Q:A /R:N' } } Running item: 'Installation des logiciels de gravure ... ' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\nero\nero6316.exe /silent /noreboot' } Running command: 'registry' { Command: registry, (4,0) Writing to the registry. Temporary file created: 'C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\xpd4EE.tmp' Running: 'regedit /s "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\xpd4EE.tmp"' (hidden) Temporary file deleted: 'C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\xpd4EE.tmp' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\nero\nerofr.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\alcohol\setup.msi /qn Reboot=Suppress' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\alcohol\alcohol.exe ' } } Running item: 'Installation des logiciels Antivirus et nettoyage' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\kaspers\Setup.exe /n /S' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\kaspers\key.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'regedit /s C:\winapps\kaspers\REGKASP.REG' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\aaw6\aaw6.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\aaw6\aawlng.exe /s' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\aaw6\prefs.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\spybot12.exe /verysilent /sp-' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\spyblast.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\maj.exe /verysilent /sp-' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'regedit /s C:\winapps\AntiSpy.reg' } } Running item: 'Installations utilitaires divers' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\OODefrag\OODefrProf.msi /qn' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'regedit /s C:\winapps\OODefrag\register.reg' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\KLR007.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\Flash7.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\S8p.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\wrar330.exe /s' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\acdsee\Acdsee.msi REBOOT=REALLYSUPPRESS /qb- ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\sfx\acdcrack.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\adberdr\AdbeRdr.msi /QB' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\firefox.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\Azureus.exe /s' } } Running item: 'Installation des outils video' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\klmcodec.exe /verysilent /COMPONENTS="divxdec,xviddec,dvd,indeo4,indeo32,i263,huffyuv,msmpeg4,qtcodec,qtdirectshow,qtcpl,qtplugins, realcodec,realdirectshow,mp3audio,wmaaudio,ac3audio,oggvorbis,aac,oggvorbissplitter,vsfilter,gspot,disg400,disffdshow,qtcodec,qtdirectshow,qtcpl,qtplugins,qtbrowserplugin,realcodec,realdirectshow" ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\RV10.exe ' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\bsplayer.exe /S /D="c:\Program Files" ' Error running command: 'execute' - error reported by plugin (File not found.) } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\winapps\MPC.exe ' } } Running item: 'Optimisation du systeme' { Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'regedit /s C:\winapps\optimisation.reg' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'regedit /s C:\winapps\tweaks.reg' } Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\sfx\system32.exe ' } } Running item: 'Suppression des fichiers temporaires' { Running command: 'delete' { Command: delete, (3,2) Deleting directory: 'C:\winapps' File mask: '*.*' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\AAW6\AAW6.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\AAW6\AAWLNG.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\AAW6\PREFS.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ACDSEE\0X040C.INI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ACDSEE\ACDSEE.MSI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ACDSEE\SETUP.INI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ACDSEE\_ISMSIDEL.INI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\0X040C.INI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\ABCPY.INI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\ADBERDR.MSI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\DATA1.CAB' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\INSTMSIA.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\INSTMSIW.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\RDR60FRE.ITW' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\RDR60FRE.MST' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\SETUP.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ADBERDR\SETUP.INI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\alcohol\Alcohol.exe' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\alcohol\setup.exe' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\alcohol\setup.ini' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\alcohol\setup.msi' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\DOCS\ASPI32.PDF' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\DOCS\ASPIINST.PDF' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\INCLUDE\SCSIDEFS.H' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\INCLUDE\SCSIDEFS.INC' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\INCLUDE\SRB16.H' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\INCLUDE\SRB32.H' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\INCLUDE\SRBCMN.H' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\APIX46.VX_' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\ASPI2K.SY_' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\ASPI32.SY_' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\ASPI64.SYS' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\ASPICHK.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\ASPIINST.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\ASPIXP.SYS' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\INSTALL.BAT' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\README.TXT' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\REG_XP.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\RELNOTES.DOC' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\WINASPI.DL_' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\WNASPI2K.DL_' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\WNASPI32.DL_' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\WNASPI46.DL_' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\WNASPI64.DLL' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\WNASPIXP.DLL' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\ASPI\WOWPOST.EX_' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DAEMON\DT346.MSI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DAEMON\DT346OPT.REG' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DAEMON\DTFR.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\BDA.CAB' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\BDANT.CAB' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\BDAXP.CAB' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\DIRECTX.CAB' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\DSETUP.DLL' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\DSETUP32.DLL' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\DXNT.CAB' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\DXSETUP.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\MANAGEDDX.CAB' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\DIRECTX\MDXREDIST.MSI' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\dotnet\install.exe' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\dotnet\InstMsi.exe' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\dotnet\InstMsiW.exe' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\dotnet\netfx.msi' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\dotnet\netfx1.cab' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\GOOGLE\GOOGLE.EXE' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\GOOGLE\GOOGLE.REG' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\images\foot.png' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\images\head.png' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\images\main.png' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\images\Thumbs.db' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\images\foot.png' Error: Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\images\head.png' Error: Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\images\main.png' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\images\Thumbs.db' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\Copie de xplode.xml' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\perchoir.log' Error: Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\XPlode.exe' Error: Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\XPlode.xml' Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install\XPlodeAdduserPlugin2.xpd2' Error: Deleting file: 'C:\winapps\install
tannos Posted August 1, 2004 Author Posted August 1, 2004 Let's joke Tannos...<execute display=' crack de ACDSee 6.0.2 PowerPack FR' program='%systemdrive%\sfx\acdcrack.exe' />Quand même... Remove that line T'as raison Sinon je disais juste avant que je peux lancer l'install des progs depuis mon dur mais je comprends pas prkoi elle ne se fait pdt l'install de windows à t-12T'as peut etre une idee
Versius Posted August 1, 2004 Posted August 1, 2004 Hiii Tannos!The log file tells you that you have had an error while executing your .xml file:Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB831167.exe /Q:A /R:N' Error running command: 'execute' - error reported by plugin (File not found.) }You have to solve that before your script accept to run. You know, everything is OK, but if you have one mistake, Xplode fails.I'm going to have a look on your .xml file to see what's wrong.(Pour résumer: ca merdera tant qu'il y aura une faute dans ton fichier .xml)Versius
Versius Posted August 1, 2004 Posted August 1, 2004 Ooops Running command: 'execute' { Command: execute, (2,0) Running: 'C:\patchs\KB831167.exe /Q:A /R:N' Error running command: 'execute' - error reported by plugin (File not found.) }Your error is:Error running command: 'execute' - error reported by plugin (File not found.) File not found!!! Please verify is in your directory structure you've the file KB831167.exe.Hopping this helps you(Dans ton dossier patch\, tu as du oublier de mettre le fichier KB831167.exe, vérifie)Versius
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