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Just a note, I did something along these lines a long long time ago... the easiest way to find the type I and II hotfix differences is looking at the version information part of the resource section of the exe.

Look at the file properties of them, and you'll figure out a way of differentiating.

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Thank you... I am still working on the mechanics of it still... especially now as sp2 is released.

as far as a development report goes, the GUI is about the same, with an addition of a checkbox to turn off the firewall, and another item in the top right to add a service pack.

as for the functionality, I am working on the slipstreaming of the servicepack to the extracted ISO at the moment.. not a big problem, but then I'll have to add some logic as to block slipstreaming of a SP to a source ISO at the same or greater SP level.

I'm thinking of changing the optionbox with all the checkboxes, into a tabpage control where each page would hold logically similar or SP level related objects... For example, a page with IE options like proxy setings, branding, and such, but then only enable popup blocking and activex controls when an SP2 ISO or SP2 is selected...

That would casue a redesign to the form a little bit, but make it logical (and give me some more space to work with).

I'll make it work slipstreaming sp2 + some accessories like MSJava first (Single purpose)... then make the GUI changes to make it more general purpose... YNK, MS could make Win2kSP5 in a few months...

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