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Slipstream WMP10

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/c: passes the arguments to setup_wm.exe. no need to extract. If that doesn't work (I've never actually used it, I use the OPK version of WMP9 on its own without the MM2.

You could create a iexpress package with those arguments, and then you would just use /Q:A /R:N for switches.


On the left, should be exampes of IEXPRESS usage.

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I can't really help with the Media Player problem you're having. But I do have one question. And by the way, that's really nice commenting you've done in your srvpack.inf file.

How is it that you have only one entry in the [ProductCatalogsToInstall] section? I was under the impression that every kb*.exe program needed a cooresponding kb*.cat file to go with it. Is this incorrect?

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Wow, I can't read & type fast enough - thanks.


Thats the new name after repacking. It could have been anything but I just followed Green Machines guide to the letter.


The one *.cat in the inf is from the slipstreamed rollup, I don't honestly know how essential they are. All the HF's seem to install OK.


Thanks for your imput. I'm going to search for that OPK version now. I did try to adapt Green Machines technique to the MP9 but it crashed spectacularly.LOL

Just had a thought (I don't have many). If I unpack the bundled WMP9+MM2 can I use the files from there any easier. If so, which do I need?

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