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I am trying to install a application called (Agilia Partner) silently but its keep getting a pop up message(This software requires pdf reader), and when i click ok its closed and it is not installing silently. Could you please give some help. I have attached switches for the app and popup message screen shots herewith.

I have tried different commands, 

SetupAgilia Partner V2R 4.1.3 - 6.0.12 - Key2.exe" /VERYSILENT /SP- /LOADINF="C:\Users\JP\Desktop\New folder\sETUP.inf"

"SetupAgilia Partner V2R 4.1.3 - 6.0.12 - Key2.exe" /SILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /LOADINF="C:\Users\JP\Desktop\New folder\sETUP.inf"





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