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Install of DirectX 9.0b

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I have downloaded DirectX 9.0b and extracted the DX9NTopk.exe. I placed DX9NTopk.exe into my svcpack.inf and i put the executable in the SVCPACK folder.

Now, everything works, which is great, but during the unattend install its cueing me to accept the user agreement, next, finish.

I want to make this unattended if possible.

Thanks, :)

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you didn't get the OPK.

If you downloaded it from the Microsoft > DirectX website, you didn't download the correct one. You downloaded the redistributable. You can only get it from the OEM website for Microsoft. oem.microsoft.com

XtremeMac used to host it, but I'm not sure anymore as his site went down.....

The OPK requires no extracting to be put on the CD.

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I have save a copy of DX92KOPK.EXE (size = 12980112) & DX9XPOPK.EXE (size = 12972944) from a new HP Compaq computer before automatic installation of the OS.

I would like to upload the first one to msfn for W2K users who are interested.

I have no personal FTP to share this file. Is it possible ?


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I dled the OPK, everything is working fine.

When I dled the first DirectX, it's size was under 1MB. So, I went back to the unattend guide and tried dling it several times. (I'm on a cable line) Anyway, it stops dling after the first 2 seconds, about 283KB, and the .rar file icon is on the desktop, but it was not all of it. I just tried to test it again here at work on a different computer (Fiber Line) and it does the same way.

So, all in all, it took me a few tries, 3 to be exact, to dl from the link provided in the unattend guide. Total size was around 12MB. No problem with it. It's working great!!! :)


Post: Just tried again from work computer, seems to be going to correct file. Must be when you try from a new computer, it will take a couple of tries, and then from then on it will dl the correct .rar

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A: Far-from-thinkin

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I'm new here. I like to ask a question. If I like to use the redistributable version of dx9b what string I should use? I think there should be ather method than download again a huge file. Thakns.

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You need to hex-edit the setup file of the dx9b installer.

google to find the guide which leads you through exactly what needs to be done to make the dXsetup allow you to use the "/windowsupdate" switch.

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Instead of using the opk installer why not just use the standard redistributable files and install using the directxsetup api? Its easy to do and doesn't require the oem version of the redist if you ever need to update.

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