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Everything posted by [BM]Crusher
replaced on the hard drive... (copied it off an original cd) then i made my ISO again and tested it in VPC2004 and it worked after doing that
Uxtheme Patched Windows XP SP2 2180?
[BM]Crusher replied to Astalavista's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
after you have downloaded your uxtheme.dll, 9 times out of 10 you will have to do: 1) modifype uxtheme.dll -c 2) makecab uxtheme.dll uxtheme.dl_ 3) use the uxtheme.dl_ to replace the one in I386 folder -
Uxtheme Patched Windows XP SP2 2180?
[BM]Crusher replied to Astalavista's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
the "2180" refers to build number 2180 of service pack 2.. there are lots and lots of different build numbers for service pack 2 first you have to check which build number you are using (nLite is a good way to do this) then download the appropriate uxtheme.dll for that version sp1 is good because there is only one "final" sp1 version so everyone can use the same uxtheme.dll.... when sp2 goes official there will be only one "final" version of that also, but it's not out yet nLite very useful.. how else can you fit XP SP2, plus office 2003, plus photoshop cs, plus nero, powerdvd, acrobat, blah blah blah onto your cd? -
Multi Disc install not working with SP2?
[BM]Crusher replied to gai-jin's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
i've done it, but not with vb scripts with batch files.... so sorry i can't answer your question but it is possible that part of the new security in SP2 has disabled vb scripts during run once? that would be my guess why it doesnt work anymore if you have changed nothing else -
Question about unattended software install
[BM]Crusher replied to escablue's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
the %systemdrive% you are referring to is where the installation is... it has nothing to do with where it gets installed to.... if it is an installshield installer and you have created an ISS file, just edit that file and change the installation path... otherwise some programs will let you specify an installation directory as a switch, but it depends on the program and the installer -
copy the asms folder onto your hard drive from an original cd again... i had the same problem once as well and re-burning didn't fix it so i just replaced the whole asms folder and it worked again
unzipping files during guirunonce
[BM]Crusher replied to solohelp's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
if you use office shrink you can reduce office2003 to 288mb no point in zipping office as the self extracting zip file will be bigger than the shrunk source -
registry tweak: L2 cache of your processor
[BM]Crusher replied to SiMoNsAyS's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
That would set your second level data cache to 1298k check it in your registry if you deny it -
registry tweak: L2 cache of your processor
[BM]Crusher replied to SiMoNsAyS's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
The DWORD is a hexidecimal number 0 = default nothing setting 100 = 256k cache 200 = 512k cache -
K-lite codec pack how to install it?
[BM]Crusher replied to Solid as a rock's topic in Application Installs
Ctrl+Alt+Delete = Task Manager.... go to the processes tab to see what files are running -
I think it does have network boot options, but how does that work? It will look to the lan for a boot source, but how do i provide one? it would probably be a viable alternative if it was easy and i knew a bit about it already... if it's too complicated, then....
K-lite codec pack how to install it?
[BM]Crusher replied to Solid as a rock's topic in Application Installs
i've never had a drama with k-lite since 2.23 when i first started using it i'm intrigued by this INF component selection though as I hated not having an option to turn things off one problem though - I want to get rid of media player classic, but i have been finding more and more often that a lot of movie files simply won't play in media player 9 but they work in media player classic... i get the error "Windows Media Player encountered an unknown error" but if I play the same movie with media player classic it works fine? -
OK Will this work? 1) Put the laptop hard drive in my desktop machine 2) Backup my boot.ini file 3) Format the Laptop drive as NTFS 4) Run XP Home setup from the CD 5) Tick the box "copy installation files to hard drive" 6) After it has copied installation files, quit setup 7) Copy the modified Boot.ini, plus the C:\$WIN_NT$.~LS and C:\$WIN_NT$.~BT folders to the laptop hard drive 8) Replace my boot.ini with the original one 9) Put the laptop drive back in the laptop and boot it up into setup Will that work? Is there something else I have to do to the laptop hard drive to make it bootable? Thanks...
Appearance changes to Classic
[BM]Crusher replied to tret's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
if you are using a custom theme and don't have the correct version of the uxtheme.dll file, it will revert to classic appearance... also, are you doing any registry tweaks? -
Applications in widnows installl
[BM]Crusher replied to sfamonkey's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
i've tested it with HEAPS of computers of each of the 3 mentioned platform types... and it works great... all components get installed with the correct versions -
Applications in widnows installl
[BM]Crusher replied to sfamonkey's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
for all three of the mentioned chipsets, i just extracted the .EXE install file, which gave me a whole bunch of crap (directories)... I grabbed only the stuff needed and put them into my $OEM$ directory.... (with Intel you only need the XP directory, with nvidia you need AudioDrv, AudioUtl, Ethernet, GART, MemCtl, SMBus etc etc...) i've never even heard of running it in administrative mode before -
Applications in widnows installl
[BM]Crusher replied to sfamonkey's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
intel, via and nvidia chipset drivers install correctly through OEMPnPDrivers properly... therefore you can include all 3 on your cd and it will only install the correct 1 -
Hide Desktop to save in/Stop saving on C Drive
[BM]Crusher replied to Nick.Morris's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
oops double post - deleted -
Hide Desktop to save in/Stop saving on C Drive
[BM]Crusher replied to Nick.Morris's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
if you want to use a security template which gets applied during the installation, have a look at these files on the windows cd/share: defltp.inf - xp home defltwk.inf - xp pro defltsv.inf - server 2003 they are compressed so you have to: expand, edit, makecab, overwrite original i havent had a look through the entire file but if it can be done, i'd guess this is the place to do it try checking gosh's website i think he has some info on security template editing -
Issues with renaming bliss.jp_
[BM]Crusher replied to mwiner's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
themes are definitely the best way get rid of the bliss.jpg altogether = delete bliss.jp_ off the cd.... choose your favorite wallpaper and rename it bliss.jpg, then makecab bliss.jpg bliss.jp_ and put the new one on the cd -
What is so wrong with his files? I can't see anything wrong with them... I agree with Bee though, it's a lot easier to call batch files from cmdlines.txt, although it shouldn't have caused yours to not work (there is no limitation of cmdlines.txt that states you cannot run dos commands, you can even use rundll inf installation via cmdlines.txt, without putting the commands into a batch file) be sure you have placed your cmdlines.txt in <CDROOT>\$OEM$ folder... maybe try logging the commands to see if they are actually running but with errors, try this: [COMMANDS] "net user test /add >%systemdrive%\cmdlines.log" "net localgroup Administrators test /add >>%systemdrive%\cmdlines.log" "net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited >>%systemdrive%\cmdlines.log"
how 'free'? what do you mean? just burn it as a data disc
this topic has been covered a billion times.... do a 'Search' next time you will find much much more info on how to do it... you can shorten that code as well, something like: for %%i in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L:) do if exist %%i\CD.txt set CDROM=%%i just add more driver letters in the path if need be... your method will work good if you have two cdrom drives... if you only have one cdrom drive, the best way to do it is: 1) in your RunOnceEx list, after installing anything needed off the first CDROM or off the Hard Drive, create a VB Script that pauses with a message "Please insert next CD" (when the VB Script is run the install process pauses, you swap the disks over and then press OK) 2) for the rest of the items in the RunOnceEx list, create batch files that firstly detect the CDROM letter with the above code and then run the installation off the CD... for example: @echo off echo. echo Installing Office 2003 Professional echo. echo Please wait . . . echo. for %%i in (C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L:) do if exist %%i\CD.txt set CDROM=%%i start /wait %cdrom%\office\setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb- exit
Slipstream VS generic image?
[BM]Crusher replied to wamatt's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
instead of 'slipstream' he should have called it 'unattended' as that is what it is: it installs your hotfixes, drivers, apps and tweaks without you touching anything... a 'slipstream' is technically the process of including a major service pack into an existing windows share, like updating your old XP Pro cd to SP1a.... technically not even hotfixes are 'slipstreamed' as most people just include them on the CD and run them (via svcpack.inf or another method) they aren't 'slipstreamed' into the windows share (they are installed unattended) the best way to ensure your 'generic' disk can be used on multiple computers is: 1) never install hardware by actually running the install program, set everything to install from the OEMPnPDrivers 2) use something that gives you the choice of what programs you want installed every time you use the disk (I use whimsy's post install wizard) 3) create generic user account names that can easily be renamed once windows is installed -
Questions about creating user accounts Unnttended
[BM]Crusher replied to ironman's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
You mean, you didn't understand his solution? If you are using a Non-English copy of Windows, the User Group which is called "Administrators" on the English windows, is probably called something different on your Non-English windows, does that make sense?