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I'm having trouble rooting my device. [SM-T116BU]


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Device Information:

  • Device name: samsung
  • Device board: sc7730s
  • Device hardware: sc8830
  • BootLoader: T116BUUBU0ARE1
  • Android version: 4.4.4


Simple History:

I have tried unlocking my bootloader, opening KingRoot, installing TWRP, and everything in between, but ultimately had to reinstall the ROM.


TWRP was made for famous, better devices, and that humanity liked them, why would you make a TWRP for a device you don't even know... and also humanity didn't even know them? This is my conclusion, but in my thinking, TWRP was made only for specific devices


It all began when I discovered that it was possible to modify the ROM of my device, which had lost support since 2018. Afterward, I learned about TWRP. pela primeira vez na vida, os tutoriais diziam para eu segura o botão HOME, o botão de volume - e o botão POWER, então, eu apertei no botão, do Odim o Botão iniciar, apertando esse botão, the device restarted and began to run Android again. I continued with the tutorial but realized that this shouldn't have happened. Instead, my device should have booted into TWRP. Due to this, I repeated this process multiple times until I came to the conclusion that it wouldn't work. I then started to search for my device's model and download several TWRPs. Eventually, I had to restore the original ROM. I'm still trying to download that TWRP. I found one, but I was so confused that I didn't realize it and discarded it. So far, I haven't been able to successfully install the root on my device...

  • If you need more information, feel free to ask
Edited by Sufferer93
I forgot to put the last information
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