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If I purchase Start is back now can I use it on Windows 10 and 11 or do I still need to pay the $2 per license?

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Purchasing startisback and currently running windows 10. If I was to upgrade to windows 11 would my license be valid or would I need to pay the $2 per license to use it on 11? Also one more question. Say I purchase startisback and activate it on my alienware PC and I upgrade to a new PC. Can I 100% remove that license from that PC or do I need to purchase a new license? I am planning to purchase the 3 pack for my 3 machines that I use. If I was to upgrade would I have to deactivate the license from that hardware or would I have to purchase a new license?


New licenses are valid for all versions. You should not have problems for your scenarios, if you do, write to support.

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