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IIS 7.0 Error 0x8070002 when accessing a website

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Hello all,

I have a problem with IIS 7.0. I wanted to host Windows Update v4, which also worked, meaning the website is reachable. Unfortunately, certain pages cannot be called up, e.g. splash.asp?page=3&auenabled=true&, although the file is available in the directory. The Windows Update start page is displayed. Can anyone help me?



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10 hours ago, George King said:

If you change it from 




or to


same result?

A page is displayed, but not the right one.

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  • 11 months later...

Error 0x8070002 in IIS 7.0 typically occurs when the server is unable to access a website due to permission issues or configuration problems. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue:

Check the website's application pool: Make sure that the website's application pool is running and has not stopped. To check this, open IIS Manager, expand the server node, and select "Application Pools". Look for the website's application pool, and ensure that it is running. If it is stopped, right-click on it and select "Start".

Check the website's permissions: Ensure that the account running the website's application pool has the necessary permissions to access the website's files and folders. To do this, navigate to the website's folder in Windows Explorer, right-click on it, select "Properties", and go to the "Security" tab. Ensure that the account running the website's application pool has the necessary permissions to access the folder.

Check the website's configuration: Make sure that the website's configuration is correct. This includes checking the website's bindings, SSL settings, and authentication settings. Open IIS Manager, expand the server node, and select the website. Look at the settings in the right-hand pane and ensure that they are correct.

Check the event logs: Look at the event logs on the server to see if there are any error messages related to the website or IIS. This can provide more information about the root cause of the issue.

Restart IIS: If all else fails, try restarting IIS by running the command "iisreset" in an elevated command prompt. This will stop and start all IIS-related services, which can sometimes fix the issue.



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