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Compiling ACPI v2.0 driver for Windows XP SP3 and Windows 2003 SP2 (x32/x64)

Mov AX, 0xDEAD

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after the IP configuration in bios, now WinDBG (from the host system) gives this error never seen before during the debugging attempts:


At same time, the target system (GA-H470) hangs as soon as the option "Windows XP SP3 DEBUG [debugger enabled]" is selected in the boot.ini

The other boot.ini with the "KDNET" references doesn't give any result (and error).


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What is the IP adress of the compi, where Windbg runs? (HOST) Check with ipconfig in commandline direct on this compi

What is the IP adress of the compi, where Windbg NOT runs?(GUEST(or Target))

This has Intel LAN? Check with ipconfig in commandline direct on that compi.


Write here the content of your boot.ini from the GUEST.


Write here, what you write for Kernel Debug in Windbg (Portnumber, Key) on the HOST compi


PS: Please tell also, which files you put at which place.

Can your 2 compis see each other?

Edited by Dietmar
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Here is the new acpi.sys v3, compiled from Sources for XP SP1 with the new patch v3 thanks to @Mov AX, 0xDEAD .

It is the "free" version and I add also the for DDB Bsod binary hacked version,

waiting for results from @Andalu




@pappyN4 Can you please test on the Gigabyte B450 Aorus M.

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on the target (guest) system the ethernet controller is the intel i219. Since there is no XP driver for it, there is no LAN and I can't set any IP. The ipconfig command doesn't give any IP address.

The only way to set it is throught the bios as I already done (


Here the boot.ini file on target (guest) that hangs the system:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /KERNEL=ntos3.exe /HAL=hal3.dll
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP SP3 DEBUG" /KERNEL=ntos3.exe /HAL=hal3.dll /DEBUG /DEBUGPORT=NET /HOST_IP= /HOST_PORT=50000 /ENCRYPTION_KEY= /CPUFREQ=3300 /TARGET_IP= /BREAK


Here the boot.ini that doesn't give errors or results:

[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
C:\WINDOWS="KDNET Checked" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /KERNEL=ntos3.exe /HAL=hal3.dll /DEBUG /DEBUGPORT=NET /HOST_IP= /HOST_PORT=50000 /ENCRYPTION_KEY= /CPUFREQ=3300 /TARGET_IP= /BREAK


For the "kernel debug" option in WinDBG launched on host, the window displayed already contains the port number (50000) for the "NET" tab. I have to write only the secret key (


This is what I done for target (guest) and host systems:


- installed 'NET Framework 4.0 for Windows XP 32-bit';

- installed 'WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-DEBUG-symbols-full-ENU-DEBUG' (I had already installed also 'WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-DEBUG-symbols-update-ENU-DEBUG', I don't know if it is correct),

- installed 'x86 Debuggers and Tools-x86_en-us (v6.3.9600.17200)', replacing windbg.exe and dbgeng.dll with patched versions you uploaded.


Target (guest):

- Boot.ini as above;

- Hal3.dll, ntos3.exe, kdnet.dll and kdstub.dll copied in the system32 folder. I also tried with kdnet.dll, kdstub.dll and kdnet10.dll sent me from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD some days ago.


I'll try now the last acpi.sys.


Edit: both host (msi Q87) and target (GA-H470) have an intel ethernet controller (i217 and i219)

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about the last acpiFREEv3, in my first attempt I simply replaced the driver on the XP working disk:

acpi.sys: A5 bsod (0x11, 0x08, 0xB99AD000, 0x20160527)

acpiv3DDBhack: worked 3 times on 4 attempts. It failed one time blocking on the XP logo screen with the scroll bar that flows infinitely.

I need some time to prepare the XP ISO to try the installation from scratch :)


Thanks for the msvcrt.dll. I'll try with it.

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For the Intel Lan i219 on the Guest (Target) ONLY the file from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD from Win10 works.

Windows 8.1 kdnet.dll patched via

xdelta3.exe -v -f -d -s kdnet_orig.dll kdnet_delta.bin kdnet.dll


And from Win10

kd_02_8086.dll ---> kdnet10.dll    (only renamed)



PS: And disable in Device Manager for the Lan i219, even when there is no driver for it under XP.

Edited by Dietmar
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thanks for the tips about the LAN.


I installed XP from scratch with the acpiv3DDBhack driver: no issues. Tried also to restart 4 times without any problems.

I'm going to prepare another ISO with acpi.sys without hack.


Edit: the XP installation with acpi.sys from acpiFREEv3 package stops with the A5 bsod (0x11, 0x08, 0xF6DA2000, 0x20160527)

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2 hours ago, Andalu said:


glad to see you here ;)

Feels like a traveling circus, visiting from site to site :P


@Dietmar acpiFREEv3 and acpiFREEv3DDB both work same as before, Giga B450 AorusM, 5.1x86.  Did not test 5.2x86. I had it installed before while testing a guess, now trying to copy standard VGA driver from 5.2 to 5.1


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1 hour ago, Dietmar said:


For the Intel Lan i219 on the Guest (Target) ONLY the file from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD from Win10 works.

Windows 8.1 kdnet.dll patched via

xdelta3.exe -v -f -d -s kdnet_orig.dll kdnet_delta.bin kdnet.dll


And from Win10

kd_02_8086.dll ---> kdnet10.dll    (only renamed)



PS: And disable in Device Manager for the Lan i219, even when there is no driver for it under XP.

I had already obtained the patched files from the @Mov AX, 0xDEAD guide on github. Both files (kdnet.dll and kdstub.net) have the same SHA-1 of the versions that @Mov AX, 0xDEAD sent me.

The only difference is for the kdnet10.dll: the version from Mov,Ax has a size of 219.960 byte, "mine" has a size of 142.656 byte (kd_02_8086.dll renamed in kdnet10.dll for the intel controller, if I correctly remember). I never used "my" version in any attempt...... edit: and I had done right not using "my" version....nothing changed with it, still no debugging :(

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You can also do the following:

Put a Realtek Lan card in an PCIe slot and use the kdstub.dll renamed

kd_02_10ec.dll Realtek (v6.3.xxxx) ----> kdstub.dll (only renamed)

@Mov AX, 0xDEAD writes, that for i219 you need both (kdstub.dll and kdnet10.dll) together in Windows\system32 on Guest (target).

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both kdstub.dll and kdnet10.dll are already in the system32 folder on the target system.

I don't have a realtek card now to test. I'll buy it in the next days.... I won't give up!


Edit: I'll try in the next days starting from scratch once again. Thank you so much @Dietmar for your help :cool:

Have a good night.

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