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Need help integrating Marvell SATA drivers

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I need to get the driver for Marvell® PCIe 9128 controller onto XP x64. Here's what I've tried so far:
- Extract ISO to a folder with 7-Zip, use nLite to slipstream drivers to that folder, and use WinNTSetup to install. It BSODs (error code 7B) after the text mode "copying files" phase, when the XP x64 boot animation is seen for the first time.
- Mount the ISO with Win10 explorer, point nLite to the virtual CD drive, let nLite copy the files, slipstream the driver, and create an ISO, then use Rufus to write the ISO to a USB drive. The PC doesn't boot via the USB drive and gets stuck at a flashing text cursor with no text.
- Integrate drivers with WinNTSetup using a vanilla XP x64 SP2 ISO. Windows Setup complains that it can't find some files (probably related to nLite since nlite.inf is among them) at around 60% progress, and complains again that it can't find the Marvell driver files (mv91xx.sys among other mv* files). Ignoring them causes the 7B BSOD again when the boot animation is seen for the first time.

When slipstreaming the driver with nLite, I have tried the following:
- Choosing only the 64bit text mode drivers.
- Choosing both the 32bit and the 64bit text mode drivers.
- Choosing the 64bit text mode and PnP drivers.
- Choosing both the 32bit and the 64bit text mode and PnP drivers.
All failed in the same way.

I tried with drivers obtained from both the support page of my motherboard and here. I chose the latter because the version number is the same with what is in the DriverPack for XP 32bit.

I have previously tried to install XP 32bit with the first procedure and it also failed in the same manner. I successfully installed XP 32bit with the driver only with DriverPacks, but it doesn't support XP x64.

I'm suspecting that either the inf file of the Marvell driver is malformed, or the way nLite slipstreams drivers is problematic. But either way, I know too little about hardware and drivers to try to fix these things on my own. Every guide I can find on the internet suggests using nLite; it seems to be "the magical tool" that everyone (even Intel) uses, but I just couldn't get it to work.

As I want to use XP 32bit on the same PC, using the Intel SATA controller is not an option (there's no XP 32bit drivers for it).

Any help is appreciated.

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Well, you can "not-integrate" it and use a F6 floppy, the files here:


seem to have the txtsetup.oem just fine.

You can use a "virtual" grub4dos floppy image:



or a Syslinux/Memdisk one:



Edited by jaclaz
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On 12/1/2020 at 8:46 PM, jaclaz said:

Well, you can "not-integrate" it and use a F6 floppy, the files here:


seem to have the txtsetup.oem just fine.

You can use a "virtual" grub4dos floppy image:



or a Syslinux/Memdisk one:



Thank you for the links. I tried WinSetupFromUSB and it doesn't work. Here's the settings I used:

The floppy image I used was created by copying everything in the Floppy64 folder to the root of a 1.44MB floppy image.

The Windows Setup can't load the driver, and shows this error message: "File \amd64\mv91xx.sys caused an unexpected error (18) at line 2335 in d:\nt\base\boot\setup\oemdisk.c."

I don't want to use the memdisk method because I don't have a CD or CD burner, but I tried with RMPrepUSB and had the same result.


Update: Tried directly extracting the drivers to the root of the floppy drive image, instead of copying after extraction, because some websites suggested this might fix the problem. It still doesn't work for me, and this time another error happened: "File txtsetup.oem caused an unexpected error (257) at line 1896 in d:\nt\base\boot\setup\oemdisk.c".

I think the problem lies in the inf files and the txtsetup.oem file. DriverPacks doesn't use those files from Marvell, and it's the only method that worked for me. So I'm now considering to try to manually replicate the changes made by DriverPacks.


Update 2: Solved.

I don't know if I should blame Marvell or all the tools I've tried.

The problem is that the Marvell driver comes in two parts: mvxxmm.sys which is the "shared library", and mv91xx.sys which is the "real" driver. Both need to be installed, and according to the name of the drivers, the shared library needs to be installed first. All tools I have tried (nLite, WinSetupFromUSB, WinNTSetup, RMPrepUSB) either only sees one of them and ignores the other, or just fail to parse the txtsetup.oem file at all. nLite only sees mvxxmm.sys; mv91xx.sys is absent in \WINDOWS\System32\Drivers after the text mode phase. I manually copied mv91xx.sys to that location in WinPE, and now the graphics mode phase of the Windows Setup proceeds successfully.

Edited by jack980517
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