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"AntiMalware Service Executable" JUST WON'T GO


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I turned off all protections (RealTime, Cloud, Tampering) from Security Settings

Tweaked Group Policy to turn off Windows Defender Antivirus and disable Behavior Monitoring

Whitelisted those registry entries when Defender still somehow came up with calling them "threats"

Disabled scanning from Task Scheduler

Restarted several times


But this "Antimalware Service Executable" service still sits there hogging my RAM. I'm sick of it, I just want the whole thing gone. How do I do it? someone please help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What else are you running as far as anti vir? That may be the conflict

Gotta be a reason it is hoggin the ram. Defender is actually now days rated ok so it better to run that rather than not if you don't have anything else installed. I run it with malwarebytes

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