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Vista/2008 still getting updates!! :D


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I don't know if anyone is aware it but While searching updates for 2008 R2, i found that 2008/Vista is still getting updates, i proceed to install in my vista x64 PC and they work!!, i found amazing that despite the scaremongering Microsoft still provides updates 

Edited by Winillya2k
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Yes I just updated until october 2020 using https://www.os.ingenserverhost.de/Tools %26 Features/Windows Vista/Updates Inoffiziell/Updates Einzelnt/Vista - 2008 x64/2020/ made by freakedenough. Get the occasional flicker when hovering over the far right bottom on taskbar icons. Anyone else try these and have different then before experiences with their vista? May just be my PC, being too cluttered.


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