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This is a curation of opensource apps that works on 32bit XP (out of the box aka no patching needed). At the moment its still very few (hopefully continue to grow)

builds organized in the following directories:

last_working : no backport effort taken for later version, simply a backup for working version
mirror : backup for apps already works for XP

dynamic_port: executable depends dll/other separate component (This mostly for apps depends on QT, GTK or the likes)
static_port: executables are standalone (no dll hell included) , in a form of UPX'ed exe or 7z archive if contains multiple exes


static_port/mono : .NET 4.5 (including 4.6.x) Framework (incomplete) implementation
static_port/ffmpeg : universal decoder/encoder/player for image, audio and video
static_port/qemu : universal computer emulator/virtualizer
static_port/ogg123 : win32 port of all Xiph audio formats (ogg, opus, flac, speex) console player
static_port/dialog : Curses dialogs for CMD (GDI window version)
static_port/bpg : JPEG-killer wannabe image viewer
static_port/flif : PNG-killer wannabe image viewer
static_port/vipsdisp : barebone GIGAPIXELS image (tiff, jpg, png) viewer for low RAM
static_port/osslsigncode : cabinet/executable signer
static_port/theunarchiver : universal archive extractor/lister
static_port/rhash : universal hasher(support torrent too)
static_port/wget_curl : universal site-archival and universal downloade/uploader

last_working/github : Github for Windows client

mirror/gldirect : GL to D3D layer


Newer uploads will placed at https://sourceforge.net/projects/xpitory/files/

Edited by TuMaGoNx


I don't know, my role thumb is not to build latest version (without bugfix):

Dev: we proudly present new stable version 4.0 with lot new featuressss
User: yipee new version. let's try it
User: F*ck there is bugs!, reporting in
Dev: we proudly present new stable version 4.1 with few new featuress
User: yipee new version. let's try it maybe this is better
User: F*ck still buggy!, reporting in
Dev: Fixed that, here you go 4.0.1 (bugfix only) <--- good

The same analogy apply to Windows 10 (free)

Of course that's my POV as packager, as developer I will do the same as above
I made the patch available, why don't you try it? it's same major version anyway (5.x) it shouldn't that different (the engine not so different since 4.x)


Add The Unarchiver 1.10.1 (official version is older), this is universal archive extractor no need for separate executables... tar.* extracted in one pass! support mac archives too see https://theunarchiver.com/

Add Rhash, this is universal hasher

Mono has been reuploaded to include F# 4.0 compiler, Nuget and MSBuild


@hotnuma I found "no issues" at all with ffmpeg but its dependency (intel Media dispatcher and Khronos OpenCL dispatcher need simple patch to work with XP)
FILE *pluginCfgFile = 0;
_wfopen_s(&pluginCfgFile, currentModuleName, L"r");
FILE *pluginCfgFile = _wfopen(currentModuleName, L"r");

replace InitOnceExecuteOnce with the one from winpr:
static BOOL InitOnceExecuteOnce(PINIT_ONCE InitOnce, PINIT_ONCE_FN InitFn, PVOID Parameter, LPVOID* Context)
for (;;)
switch ((ULONG_PTR)InitOnce->Ptr & 3)
case 2:
/* already completed successfully */
return TRUE;

case 0:

/* first time */
if (InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&InitOnce->Ptr, (PVOID)1, (PVOID)0) != (PVOID)0)
/* some other thread was faster */

/* it's our job to call the init function */
if (InitFn(InitOnce, Parameter, Context))
/* success */
InitOnce->Ptr = (PVOID)2;
return TRUE;

/* the init function returned an error, reset the status */
InitOnce->Ptr = (PVOID)0;
return FALSE;

case 1:
/* in progress */

printf("WinPR: internal error");
return FALSE;


once 3.4.1 released I will update it again

BTW forgot to mention VP9 and h264 encoder is using 10-bit depth

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