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WOW Dual boot with Enterprise LTSB 90 day Evaluation


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Wow, installed a dual boot with Enterprise LTSB [Version 10.0.10240] evaluation and am impressed.


For those don't know
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB (Long Term Servicing Branch) is like Windows 10 Enterprise but will not receive any feature updates, gives companies more control over the update process and is the most stripped down edition of Windows 10 available.
It lacks the following applications and features:

  1.  Store including most modern apps like Xbox, Contacts, etc.
  2.             There are only four remaining modern apps: Contact Support, Search, Settings, and Windows Feedback
  3.             It is also not possible to reinstall the Store
  4.   Cortana
  5.   Edge
  6. The following applications are replaced with their old counterpart: Modern Calculator is replaced with the original calc.exe

All that a + for me


Check Search2 with wimtweak, not there still in packages and Cortana

I Search from Taskbar it only searches my computer, could not see it going out on Inet to look. Only results from My Computer were displayed.


Run a Passmark and get same results as stripped down version of Pro Like Noel and I were doing.


Start Menu




Whats left

14 folders in my C:\Windows\SystemApps


PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name, PackageFullName

Name                                     PackageFullName
----                                     ---------------
Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost    Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_cw5n...
Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin               Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Microsoft.AccountsControl                Microsoft.AccountsControl_10.0.10240.16384_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
Microsoft.BioEnrollment                  Microsoft.BioEnrollment_10.0.10240.16384_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
Microsoft.LockApp                        Microsoft.LockApp_10.0.10240.16384_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy
Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp  Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_...
Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_c...
Microsoft.Windows.Cortana                Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.4.8.152_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls       Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1...
Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost    Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_cw5n...
Microsoft.WindowsFeedback                Microsoft.WindowsFeedback_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI             Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider           Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2tx...
Windows.ContactSupport                   Windows.ContactSupport_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
windows.immersivecontrolpanel            windows.immersivecontrolpanel_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Windows.MiracastView                     Windows.MiracastView_6.3.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Windows.PrintDialog                      Windows.PrintDialog_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
Windows.PurchaseDialog                   Windows.PurchaseDialog_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy
windows.devicesflow                      windows.devicesflow_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Select DisplayName, PackageName
PS C:\Windows\system32>



This I would buy as I have every OS from MS I have used. When I buy it its my PC and I feel like I can do whatever I want to it.

Trouble is most users can't buy or at least easily.


Maybe if we formed a corporation Geeks Against Garbage

Edited by maxXPsoft
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Wow, installed a dual boot with Enterprise LTSB [Version 10.0.10240] evaluation and am impressed.


For those don't know

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB (Long Term Servicing Branch) is like Windows 10 Enterprise but will not receive any feature updates, gives companies more control over the update process and is the most stripped down edition of Windows 10 available.

It lacks the following applications and features:

  1.  Store including most modern apps like Xbox, Contacts, etc.
  2.             There are only four remaining modern apps: Contact Support, Search, Settings, and Windows Feedback
  3.             It is also not possible to reinstall the Store
  4.   Cortana
  5.   Edge
  6. The following applications are replaced with their old counterpart: Modern Calculator is replaced with the original calc.exe

All that a + for me


Check Search2 with wimtweak, not there a +

I Search from Taskbar it only searches my computer, could not see it going out on Inet to look. Only results from My Computer were displayed.


Run a Passmark and get same results as stripped down version of Pro Like Noel and I were doing.


Start Menu




Whats left

14 folders in my C:\Windows\SystemApps


PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Select Name, PackageFullName

Name                                     PackageFullName

----                                     ---------------

Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost    Microsoft.Windows.CloudExperienceHost_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_cw5n...

Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin               Microsoft.AAD.BrokerPlugin_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

Microsoft.AccountsControl                Microsoft.AccountsControl_10.0.10240.16384_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy

Microsoft.BioEnrollment                  Microsoft.BioEnrollment_10.0.10240.16384_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy

Microsoft.LockApp                        Microsoft.LockApp_10.0.10240.16384_neutral__cw5n1h2txyewy

Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp  Microsoft.Windows.AssignedAccessLockApp_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_...

Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_c...

Microsoft.Windows.Cortana                Microsoft.Windows.Cortana_1.4.8.152_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls       Microsoft.Windows.ParentalControls_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1...

Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost    Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_cw5n...

Microsoft.WindowsFeedback                Microsoft.WindowsFeedback_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI             Microsoft.XboxGameCallableUI_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider           Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider_1000.10240.16384.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2tx...

Windows.ContactSupport                   Windows.ContactSupport_10.0.10240.16384_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

windows.immersivecontrolpanel            windows.immersivecontrolpanel_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

Windows.MiracastView                     Windows.MiracastView_6.3.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

Windows.PrintDialog                      Windows.PrintDialog_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

Windows.PurchaseDialog                   Windows.PurchaseDialog_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

windows.devicesflow                      windows.devicesflow_6.2.0.0_neutral_neutral_cw5n1h2txyewy

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Select DisplayName, PackageName

PS C:\Windows\system32>



This I would buy as I have every OS from MS I have used. When I buy it its my PC and I feel like I can do whatever I want to it.

Trouble is most users can't buy or at least easily.


Maybe if we formed a corporation Geeks Against Garbage

I have been Using LTSB N and It's almost like using a "real computer" not a "phone/toy"

edit the registry to make the borders colored and smaller, and stuff. 

Yes the junk still stuck on LTSB as you already wrote plus

parts of search2/cortana is still on an LTSB install 

SearchUi really uses alot of memory on this version too

Do search for "maps"  = bing and maps is still on the system

I tried to remove and get errors...maybe i'm not finding all the secrets...NO Metro/spy crap

I removed everything successfully from 8.1 ent and embedded industry but don't know how on windows 10

ALSO:  Everyone who writes "windows 10 is fastest os"  is full of s***!

this version should be "fastest" right? since it's "stripped down"  NO! it's slow

windows 10 start menu laggy..

File transfer is slower

Booting is slower

Most of the time I have 30-40 process running  on 1 gb ram

I'm running this windows 10 ltsb on a dual core amd laptop with 1 gb ram

AND windows 10 is still alot slower than Vista, 7 enterprise, 8.1 Enterprise on this same laptop.

Notice I wrote "30 process running" and still it's alot slower than vista, 7 and 8.1


Edited by DJMani
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the bad side of this there wont be update for higher build in short term

cos build 10586 is kinda much stabler and fast


btw server preview 3 have less metro apps

Edited by aviv00
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the bad side of this there wont be update for higher build at short term

cos build 10586 is kinda much stabler and fast


btw server preview 3 have less metro apps

Do you even know what LTSB means?  

It's supposed to get "bug-fixes and security"  NOT all the flashy trash spyware features.

I'm NOT really sure how you can write "build 10586 is faster"  when there is no LTSB 10586 to compare to ltsb 10240 since LTSB is the most "stable and stripped" windows available.

Comparing  10240 to 10586 on The crapware. spying version YES....... probably "faster"

NOT an indicator of Core OS "stability and speed"



Edited by DJMani
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there a option to lite windows to be like LTSB

and then u could compere


i made that lited version of it its looks stabler and faster

There is no reason to waste time to compare....Do you know why?

Because, The very nature and definition of LTSB = stability and speed over "Junk-Ware" &  "features"

It also means LTSB is supposed to get the same Bug-Fixes(Stability) and Security Fixes as you would normally with the crapware versions.(If you even care)

Now try to use some Logic in your thinking

10586 is just Adding some bug-fixes + more Junkware + updating spyware definitions + adding more useless nonsense for kids and retards. 

When I wrote there is not a 10586 ltsb to compare it's because it's not needed ....10586 is a Irrelevant "update" for Idiots, sheep and kids to feel special


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Interesting, and thanks for sharing.


I'm still having trouble seeing an advantage to using Win 10 LTSB vs. continuing to use my Win 8.1 setup that's supremely stable and quite a bit more functional.


And there is the small matter that Win 10 Enterprise licensing isn't available in reasonable packages that make sense to the smallest of businesses (i.e., which have, say, 3 computers).


Maybe a group buy could be arranged.



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Interesting, and thanks for sharing.


I'm still having trouble seeing an advantage to using Win 10 LTSB vs. continuing to use my Win 8.1 setup that's supremely stable and quite a bit more functional.


And there is the small matter that Win 10 Enterprise licensing isn't available in reasonable packages that make sense to the smallest of businesses (i.e., which have, say, 3 computers).


Maybe a group buy could be arranged.



I don't think windows will ever be like windows 2000 again 

I like having a workstation to make music and sometimes play video game.

and i do not want a Toy/id*** box SpyStation

If you are using windows 8.1 it's not really that much different ..

I have to spend lots of time configuring windows 8.1/10 to act like 7

After I removed ALL the Metro B.S. off windows 8.1 enterprise and the embedded industry ..they were closer to windows 7 enterprise

I'm not sure it's possible to remove ALL the spyware/junkcrap off of LTSB N

I have to modify all over the registry both for visual and spying/turning off nonsense

remove junkware services, features and nonsense.

I got down to about 28 windows system process running without problems

Explorer on windows 8.1 enterprise runs around 50-80mb

Explorer on windows 10 LTSB runs around 30-50 mb

Process Explorer crashes...never had issues on vista or 7

The whole windows 10 UI is laggy compared to windows 7 and 8.1 enterprise

Winrar 5.30 is faster on vista, 7 and 8.1  both extracting and creating

file transfer is faster on vista, 7 and 8.1  both from folder copy to folder and drive copy folder  slower.

Note: This laptop i bought at a garage sale for 15 dollars used dual core with 1gb ram pre- installed Vista with oem junkware crap plus the previous owner files so it was a "dirty vista" and it's faster than 10 ltsb. 

I don't need bench-marking tests to know difference in performance...(common sense + logic)

If you are using windows 7 enterprise there is absolutely NO logical reason to upgrade to 8.1 or 10 Unless you have a program compatibility issue. or  you're a masochist

Example:  Native Instruments music production software stopped supporting Xp/Vista.

I can't understand how microsoft thinks it is professional to have any metro trash on anything considered "enterprise"  or "workstation"

I once watched a video a few years ago where bill gates and steve jobs argued over touch screen vs mouse and keyboard and Bill said "there will always be the need for a keyboard and mouse because it's more precise"  so who's idea is this metro crap if gates was against it at that time?

I don't  understand how some people are cheering on metro and saying control panel needs to go away.

did people forget that windows 2000 had almost no drivers and wasnt plug and play easy to use....but it always ran good like XP


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I'm a masochist for sure, or I wouldn't be continuing to keep a Win 10 system up to date in a VM just as a curiosity.


8.1 Pro is HUGELY different than 10 Pro in one most important way:  It's not replaced every 4 months.  Thus a tweaked system stays tweaked.  Stays productive.


Been running my Win 8.1 setup now for years.  Up until tonight it ran over 40 days straight on the same boot without one glitch, supporting my software engineering and business work.


But I agree with you in principle - virtually all my tweaks have been to make 8.1 as good as Windows 7.  I never really got it very much better - maybe just a little, owing to the fact that Aero Glass for Win 8+ facilitates some things I never attempted in Win 7, and there are a few things that actually run slightly more efficiently in 8.1.



Edited by NoelC
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That's why I put on this LTSB because it won't be replaced every 4 months and you control the updates. This eval will but just testing things and digging around the registry and file system comparing to stripped down Pro. Search2 was there but wimtweak took care of that and remnants of cortana


Its running identical to stripped down Pro according to passmark and yes that is a better measure because to me this 10 runs faster than 7 ever did with a 2011 HP I7-2600 @ 3.4ghz and 8gb ram with SSD. Same thing I ran on 7. Have 2 pages of APPS on here in add/remove, same things I ran on 7. Think we all know more stuff you add slower they get


Also being a long time Unattender will wipe my system about every month or so just to try new things or different scripts I wanna test so their ain't much garbage collects here. Perfect those things and its really easy. Gotta love RunOnceEx


I know a guy has a PC store/shop gonna call about the Enterprise.


BTW this is 10240 Enterprise VS 10586 Pro so wheres the difference?



Edited by maxXPsoft
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I'm a masochist for sure, or I wouldn't be continuing to keep a Win 10 system up to date in a VM just as a curiosity.


8.1 Pro is HUGELY different than 10 Pro in one most important way:  It's not replaced every 4 months.  Thus a tweaked system stays tweaked.  Stays productive.


Been running my Win 8.1 setup now for years.  Up until tonight it ran over 40 days straight on the same boot without one glitch, supporting my software engineering and business work.


But I agree with you in principle - virtually all my tweaks have been to make 8.1 as good as Windows 7.  I never really got it very much better - maybe just a little, owing to the fact that Aero Glass for Win 8+ facilitates some things I never attempted in Win 7, and there are a few things that actually run slightly more efficiently in 8.1.



I think you mis-understood what i meant

IF you have already been using 8/8.1 then you're assimilated so making the jump to windows 10 is not much different.

in terms of UI and stuff. Yes, I know the every 4 month but I was referring to Enterprise (LTSB)Versions as That's all I will ever try to use.

For me

Windows 7 Enterprise

not much needed to tweak other than registry, policies and serivces...

I always turn Desktop Management/Aero stuff off in Windows 7 because It makes graphics glitches and laggy on VST plugins on Audio Digital Workstations.  I have found the computer to run smoother in general as well.

Windows 8.1 Enterprise and Embedded Industry 8.1 (I found them to be the same)

I removed ALL Metro crap, excess nonsense like defender and stuff ...

after classic shell and registry editing it works like 7


IF you try to remove ALL the Junk/Spy crap

change to windows 7/8 icons then edit the registry, policies, tasks.

edit the bootmenu so you have F8 again. change the stupid bsod smiley face crap.

change the theme to have similar "colored" (like win8)

edit the UI some more

it gets pretty close to windows 8.1 in terms of "workstation"


On a different LTSB N Install I used a "search everything" and "file locator pro" search program and found all the junkware and just deleted that way....With No errors until i started removing  "Windows Firewall" crap..

Another Note:  Microsoft is using Direct X 12 as a valid reason to "use windows 10" 

Did people forget that Open GL always been better and even 3DFX glide was better than DX

It's forcing gamers to "upgrade" in fear of not playing games.

Keeping a System up to date: 

That's a lot of nonsense.

You do not need "Windows Update" to keep your system up to date as most of windows updates are useless "fixes"

I believe it's mostly a scare tactic to make people feel "safe"   

Sure some "updates are required" But NOT mandatory to keep your Windows OS hooked up to some kind of Windows Update Feeding Tube.

I used Windows XP corporate from before release date - 2011 I never Updated it

other than Service pack 2 and I could run it for long periods of time

I ran as long as 3 months without restarting. using it as music workstation, internet box, everyday use.

I did similar with Windows 7 enterprise...similar results

IF I were you I would remove ALL forms of Windows Update and Just Use Windows 10 like you would use windows XP, 7, 8.1

Update IF and only IF a "major" useful update. 

Like I wrote earlier IF LTSB gets the same "bugfixes" as all other than the only nonsense LTSB is missing is the JunkWare/Spycrap.. And that's Not needed for Workstation use.

Yes curiosity....but Nothing yet has me wondering IF I missed some great new "feature"

Maybe a Year or 2 from now..."windows 10.5" or something

I guess my point is Windows 10 LTSB is still very far from performance and feeling of an actual "Workstation

I see A LOT of people in denial and making false or uneducated claims/excuses

when It's right there in their faces. Just use Common Sense & Logic.......

I myself keep making excuses to install and use LTSB as my main DAW Workstation OS

but "compatibility" and "performance" is making me think twice and more towards 8.1 embedded as main OS

Right now,

Windows 7 Enterprise = The best available OS

Windows 8.1 Enterprise/Embedded Industry = 2nd (AFTER you remove ALL the junkware)

"embedded is more of a stripped version of Enterprise 8.1"


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That's why I put on this LTSB because it won't be replaced every 4 months and you control the updates. This eval will but just testing things and digging around the registry and file system comparing to stripped down Pro. Search2 was there but wimtweak took care of that and remnants of cortana


Its running identical to stripped down Pro according to passmark and yes that is a better measure because to me this 10 runs faster than 7 ever did with a 2011 HP I7-2600 @ 3.4ghz and 8gb ram with SSD. Same thing I ran on 7. Have 2 pages of APPS on here in add/remove, same things I ran on 7. Think we all know more stuff you add slower they get


Also being a long time Unattender will wipe my system about every month or so just to try new things or different scripts I wanna test so their ain't much garbage collects here. Perfect those things and its really easy. Gotta love RunOnceEx


I know a guy has a PC store/shop gonna call about the Enterprise.


BTW this is 10240 Enterprise VS 10586 Pro so wheres the difference?



"Search2 was there but wimtweak took care of that and remnants of cortana"  Are you sure you totally got rid of that Whore?

Not hiding in folders on the installed system in winsxs and other?

Now, on a different install I used  "search everything" and "file locator pro" search program and found all the junkware and just deleted that way....With No errors until i started removing  "Windows Firewall" crap.

"Its running identical to stripped down Pro according to passmark and yes that is a better measure because to me this 10 runs faster than 7 ever did with a 2011 HP I7-2600 @ 3.4ghz and 8gb ram with SSD. Same thing I ran on 7. Have 2 pages of APPS on here in add/remove, same things I ran on 7. Think we all know more stuff you add slower they get"

I hope you're also using "real world use" not just "bench-marking" to judge the speed of windows 10 being faster than 7?

Not trying to disrespect your knowledge but everything i have test shows me windows 10 is slower in "real world use" so far


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IF you have already been using 8/8.1 then you're assimilated so making the jump to windows 10 is not much different.


I agree that cloud-integrated Win 8.1 is a smaller jump to Win 10, but no, I'm not assimilated, and Win 10 IS enough different [worse] to warrant avoiding it.


How do you intend to buy a license for Win 10 Enterprise?  That's a significant stumbling block for me as I don't need qty:5.


Not trying to disrespect your knowledge but everything i have test shows me windows 10 is slower in "real world use" so far


That's also what I found when I did things like build Visual Studio solutions.



Edited by NoelC
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IF you have already been using 8/8.1 then you're assimilated so making the jump to windows 10 is not much different.


I agree that cloud-integrated Win 8.1 is a smaller jump to Win 10, but no, I'm not assimilated, and Win 10 IS enough different [worse] to warrant avoiding it.


How do you intend to buy a license for Win 10 Enterprise?  That's a significant stumbling block for me as I don't need qty:5.



Not trying to disrespect your knowledge but everything i have test shows me windows 10 is slower in "real world use" so far


That's also what I found when I did things like build Visual Studio solutions.




I have had enterprise since Windows XP times as my friend has a business

What do you think about this?


sure it's for Windows RT 8.1 .....but


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