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BigMuscle, could you please explain the .layout a bit?


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I have to admit, I've either missed something important or have a hole in my pattern recognition skills, but after fooling with the layout file for a good while, I still really just don't understand what the 3601 = TMT_SIZINGMARGINS and 3602 = TMT_CONTENTMARGINS sections do.


BigMuscle, could I trouble you to please describe in some detail what the numbers mean?


I've been trying to get all the borders to look good in the theme atlas I've been working on, and I can't seem to see the pattern to select the right numbers so that all the different windows have the right appearance. 


Also, can you advise how to increase the size of the margin?





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Thanks, but...



- each line has format "x;y;z=a,b,c,d"
- x, y, z specify the part, its state and the property respectively
- a, b, c, d specify position rectangle in atlas image (for z = 8002) or the part sizing/content margins (for z = 3601/3602)
- see example layout file for description of individual part identifiers
- see MSDN documentation of GetThemeRect and GetThemeMargins function for further information
- line "CaptionHeight=n" allows you to change the size of caption buttons to "n" pixels
- everything after # is considered to the comment and is ignored


I already got the part about selecting the graphics from the PNG.


As much as I have learned, I just don't understand what is being specified (for z = 3601/3602) for the sizing/content margins.  Any chance you could add a few words to that definition?



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Just briefly. When you have some image (e.g. for button), the sizing margin define which part of the image stays untouched (= rendered in same size as in atlas image) and which part will be resized (= stretched vertically/horizontally) to fit the requested area. Just imagine this - the image for a button in atlas has size 64x64 but you want to rendered in area of size 128x128.


The content margin just defines how the content (e.g. text, or button glyph) will be placed into the control.

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