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For those running windows 10 and want a little bit of change in its style try out some of these unique themes. Also if you find any others, feel free to post them here just no direct links to the files, only link to the developers page & who its made by. :D


Please note that themes on 10 can be unstable or break on future versions of the Technical Previews. Use with caution!


Windows 8 RP Style By xXiNightXx






Nome By neiio





Slik by Link6155



Vanilla by Link6155



Posted (edited)

@Andre Truly. as soon as I can see a win7 theme for win10 everything gets better

Edited by My1

@Andre Truly. as soon as I can see a win7 theme for win10 everything gets better


I have it ready but wont be released until aero glass is out to fix round corners/caption text issue.

Posted (edited)

too bad, that small thing would mean nothing to me...


btw, I know already, I am My1xT on Deviantart.

Edited by My1

For those running windows 10 and want a little bit of change in its style try out some of these unique themes. Also if you find any others, feel free to post them here just no direct links to the files, only link to the developers page & who its made by. :D


Please note that themes on 10 can be unstable or break on future versions of the Technical Previews. Use with caution!


Windows 8 RP Style By xXiNightXx



That RP style theme sure is an improvement over what they came up with for the Technical Preview! :thumbup



Posted (edited)

All very nice, but most are altogether way too square-cornered (I like those subtle curved corners in Licorice - nice).


I really like very slightly rounded corners myself, though I don't mind sharp corners on the buttons.  That's doable by adjusting the drop shadow resources to add a small faux border.


Edit:  Resources updated - see my post below.



Edited by NoelC

Sine this is not a whole theme or anything a question how can I use that theme Atlas?

Gesendet von meinem SM-N9005 mit Tapatalk


I'm sorry to say I don't know of a way yet, without Big Muscle's Aero Glass software to facilitate the replacement.  When he releases it, the data is here for all to use.



Posted (edited)

Yes there may not be round corners, you will have to keep in mind that not everyone had access to aero glass for win10 yet so you have to work with what you got. Round corners are nice however, those ones you made could use some work.

All very nice, but most are altogether way too square-cornered (I like those subtle curved corners in Licorice - nice).


I really like very slightly rounded corners myself, though I don't mind sharp corners on the buttons.  That's doable by adjusting the drop shadow resources to add a small faux border.





Edited by xXiNightXx



as soon as glassfor10 becomes public, I think the round themes will boom like hell...

Posted (edited)


Yes there may not be round corners, you will have to keep in mind that not everyone had access to aero glass for win10 yet so you have to work with what you got. Round corners are nice however, those ones you made could use some work.




Yes, I agree, the edges looked a bit fuzzy.  There's some kind of scaling or sub-pixel shift happening between the theme atlas drop shadow resources and the screen, so it may not be possible to achieve perfection this way.


I tidied things up a bit and was able to tighten up the edges a bit as well as ensure the rounded corners are pixel-perfect.





Theme atlas resource files, for use with the CustomThemeAtlas registry setting of Aero Glass for Win10 (or whatever it gets called when it's released)...


With dark caption glow for light text:



With light caption glow for dark text:




Edited by NoelC

Good news everyone, themes from build 9841 are still compatible with 9860, however, what isn't compatible is ONE or Ribbon disabler. Another thing to note is that these themes will not have the new animations found in build 9860 if you choose to apply them.

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