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In case no one has noticed (which I won't flatter myself by thinking), this place (which is great) looks a LOT like TechZoneZ (www.techzonez.com). I'm stating that reference for those who'll compare it with MSFN's homepage. However, my investigation leads me to believe you guys were here first :). Just thought I'd get that off my chest. I feel so much better now :rolleyes:.


Just to let you aware of something, always check the Affiliates area of websites. You'll notice MSFN & TZ are on each other's list.

Also, since most websites use same type of content management system, forum system, etc. most of them tend to have the same look & feel. Especially since most themes are avaiable for free online.

It gets worse when you start looking at hosting services, most of them use several already made templates. So they end up looking all the same.

(Having already said that, I too use a CMS, but it is a lot easier than actually taking the time to start something from scratch)

Hope that helps.

(oh ya msfn was here before tz)

Is it just me, or was someone ripped? , Police investigates a case of plagiarism

aa hello there are things called templates i'm sure u heard of. and as long as no one copyrighted their design there will be no type of investigation!


Another thing you may notice is that, if your speculations were true, then they are backwards. Look at the bottom of each of the home pages.


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Msfn has been around longer anyway. Unfortunately, today is the first day I've been able to join the forum as I just found out about it this morning. Good find I may add. I've been a member of http://www.pcpitstop.com and its forums for a good while now. Always nice to know of the many forums out there that are nice and knowledgeable.




Sorry about that. The "Police investigation" thing was just something I wrote in there for a laugh (if anyone here reads the news headlines on theinquirer.net you'll know what I'm talking about).

As far as the template thing, I knew about them. I just found it weird that the two sites I've regged at this week look awfully similar. No hard feelings against anyone. I was just making a statement.

Sorry if I offended anyone. It wasn't my goal :).


Cheers B0rk :)

As for MSFN, it has been around since XP beta. Virtua news was added later on. At one time the site was down for weeks, and some of our more informed members built TZ during that time. they are a good bunch of guys who know their stuff... i think their site content is a bit different to ours, same topic though... just gone about in a different way.

Anyways, hope that clears that up!

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