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freezes on "registering components"


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when trying to install the operating system it freezes on "registering components" and hangs their forever...

what exactly is happening at this stage ? I have had this error before and it does seem to be related to appear randomly as I am tweaking the nlite installation.

I am currently running a Lenovo W500 laptop http://support.lenovo.com/en_US/detail.page?LegacyDocID=MIGR-71785

any idea's what's going wrong ?

Edit: sorry I thought I did. The disk jumps from Service pack 0 to Service pack 3 and I close Nlite to compensate for the Known bug then proceed with the rest of the setup.

notable additions include. C++ Run times, Command Line Tools from Window 7, Direct x, .Net All versions, IE 8, Java Runtime Environment 7 update 17, User Profile Hive Cleanup Service 2.2 and RVM Post Service Pack 3 updates.

approximate final size is 490 mb

as far as I know most of this stuff works.


Edited by KapnJackSparrow
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Probably a silent add-on from svcpack. Try it without add-ons and see if it works. Also attach your last session.ini.

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D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\RVM Post SP3 Update Pack.7z

D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\User Profile Hive Cleanup Service 2.2\Entries_NR_UPHC.ini

D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\Java Runtime Enviroment\Addon_Java_Runtime_7_update_17\ENTRIES_Java.INI

D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\IE 8\entries_IE8.ini

D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\Dot Net\Addon_Microsoft.Net_AIO_ROE_20130108\entries_netAIO.ini

D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\Direct x\entries_directx32.ini

D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\Command Line Tools from W7\X86\entries_Win7CMDTools.ini

D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\C++ run times\RuntimeLibraries\entries_msvcrtl.ini

D:\Xp x86\Addons\X86\C++ run times\Old Runtimes\entries_msoldrtl.ini

You are not supposed to unpack the add-ons and point to entries_xxxxxx.ini. Just add them as they came.

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good to know, I was not aware of that however that is not the problem. (adding the entires.ini has worked in the past but I will update my method from here on out.) Thanks :)

the Installation does work with service pack 3 added and drivers added (no other add-nos or settings)

when the rest of the configuration settings were added the machine fails to get past registering components

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Well, all you have to do now is add the add-ons, one by one, and see when it fails. You will have figured out the bad add-on.

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BTW, this will fail...



It needs to be...



Only %SOURCE% doesn't need the trailing slash

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Well, all you have to do now is add the add-ons, one by one, and see when it fails. You will have figured out the bad add-on.

actually, you misunderstand. The problem is not the add-on, it is somewhere in the nlite preset (i.e probably something being removed that shouldn't not have been) since the installation still fails at the same place even if no add-ons are being added. this indicates that the problem is elsewhere.

all of the add-ons with the exception of the post Service pack 3 updates have been tested at some point but in the past as well.

as you can also see from this post I was having the same problem although the cause of issue was never explicitly identified.

The problem with Batt.dll missing seems to have resolved itself for unknown reasons. so that is no longer a concern.

BTW, this will fail...



I am 90% sure that works but I will change it.. the file it's pointing to is a script written by me and it will not cause problems regardless as it primary function is to set icons and do some other post installation tweaks.

Edited by KapnJackSparrow
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I think I had that problem once loooong ago and I had read about it being caused by removed hardware drivers (LAN ???). Anyway, as I intended to use that very disc only once or twice and I had noticed that restarting the install when hanging was going OK, I never solved it. :blushing:

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I think we can rule out the removed lan driver

but it's probably something in that area. I will try to resume the install and see what happens.

I had noticed that restarting the install when hanging was going OK

Edit: Nope restating the installation.. didn't work.

neither did unchecking everything from the Drivers, Hardware Support.

last Session (Fails).ini

Last Session (Works).ini

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Tried just setup plus service pack 3 = Setup works

Used the above disk for all other trials.

Used failed preset and tried removing likely causes of problems for following 3 tests

Tried no addons just settings, removed components..etc = Setup failed

Tried no addons just settings, unchecked all hardware and drivers from remove component = Setup failed

Tried no addons and no removed components (registry settings and unattended were still enabled) = Setup failed


Manually coded settings no use of preexisting preset.

Tried only adding addons (nothing else) = Setup works

Tried adding addons plus removed components = Setup works

clear the problem is somewhere after that stage or the preset has some kind of bug in it that is causing nlite to screw up

anyone else have any idea's ?

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as far as a can tell, manually going over all of the settings seems to work I am testing in phases to see if I can find out at least which section is causing the problem.

everything under the integrate section works (Sevice pack, All add-ons and Update Packs, Drivers)

Everything under the Remove components works (I have actually removed a little more unneeded stuff then was included in the posted ini still works)

Tweaks work,

Create bootable ISO works,

I have tested Options the only things I didn't test under that section was Clean MUI Langauges Support entries, and keep code pages of removed languages. so those were left at default settings.

the next test is going to try those

by the process of elimination the problem seems to be somewhere in the unattended settings, Clean MUI Langauges Support entries, and keep code pages of removed languages

since those are the only settings I haven't tried yet.

or the Ini is corrupted in some way I am not detecting (for lack of a better example putting an alt 255 in java , or html code)

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