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Can't get user to Auto login with XP Home


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-rename Administrator as "Owner" in nLite, that will keep nLite from creating an "owner" account by default which I suspect it does as it is an obligation of XP Home to have an account aside the Administrator. nLite should at least show that account but it does not.

Thanks i will try that soon and see if it works :)

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OK, I tried with your last session files and it automatically logged into user just fine. So I don't know why you are having problems. Maybe your source? Can you tell us about it?

And strangely enough another admin besides user is created and its named owner. I looked at nLite inf and its not created there so I don't know what is up with that. Is Windows creating it? Very strange!

Trying Ponch's recommendation should stop the account from being created. As you are doing.

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OK, I tried with your last session files and it automatically logged into user just fine. So I don't know why you are having problems. Maybe your source? Can you tell us about it?

And strangely enough another admin besides user is created and its named owner. I looked at nLite inf and its not created there so I don't know what is up with that. Is Windows creating it? Very strange!

Trying Ponch's recommendation should stop the account from being created. As you are doing.

Yes ok it must be my source. It has been burnt from my original disk which is now long gone. I can't remember how i burnt it or if it was altered in anyway. I assume it would have been written from an iso from the original disk but can't be certain. It's XP Home SP2 oem. Maybe i used nlite to slipstream SP2 all those years ago and forgot??? Pls don't hate me :( I did however do a test install from the disk a couple of hours ago and could not replicate the issues with "Owner" at login and was able to bypass login screen as user.

II will try out Ponch's recommendation and let you know how i go.

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Never mind. It logged in automatically after setup but then it gives me the welcome screen with user and owner.

Is this what you saw? First login worked. Subsequent logins didnt.

Edited by -X-
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Never mind. It logged in automatically after setup but then it gives me the login screen with user and owner.

Ah ha... was going to ask you that but assumed you would have tried it. Yes YES Y E S... I won't be hated :P

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After doing some googling, I'm convinced this is a Windows problem and not an nLite problem. Many threads about people complaining about an Owner account and no mention of nLite.

I'm worn out right now but maybe later I will test with just a winnt.sif.

Here's the nLite.inf. No mention of Owner.

Signature = "$Windows NT$"
[Optional Components]
OptionDesc = "nLite"
Tip = "Windows component removal adjustments and tweaks."
Modes = 0,1,2,3
AddReg = T
AddReg = TO
AddReg = T
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update","AUOptions",0x00010001,2
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon","AutoAdminLogon",0x00000000,1
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon","DefaultUserName",0x00000000,"user"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Driver Signing","Policy",0x00000001,0
HKCU,"SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing","BehaviorOnFailedVerify",0x00010001,0
AddReg = CT
HKCU,"Control Panel\International\Geo","Nation",0x00000000,"12"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Desktop","HungAppTimeout",0x00000000,"1000"
HKCU,"Control Panel\Desktop","WaitToKillAppTimeout",0x00000000,"5000"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_00",0x00000000,"nhelper net1 accounts /maxpwage:unlimited"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_01",0x00000000,"nhelper net1 user """"user"""" /add /passwordreq:no"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_02",0x00000000,"nhelper net1 localgroup """"Administrators"""" """"user"""" /add"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_s01",0x00000000,"rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nlite.inf,U"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_s02",0x00020000,"nhelper del /q /s """"%10%\SET*.TMP"""""
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_s03",0x00020000,"nhelper delete ""%10%\SET3.TMP"""
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_s04",0x00020000,"nhelper delete ""%17%\INFCACHE.1"""
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_03",0x00020000,"nhelper rd /q /s """"%SystemRoot%\NLDRV"""""
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_s05",0x00020000,"nhelper moveex ""%17%\syssbck.dll"" ""%11%\syssetup.dll"""
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_s06",0x00020000,"nhelper moveex ""%17%\syssbck.inf"" ""%17%\syssetup.inf"""
HKU,".DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","_nltide_3",0x00020000,"rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSectionEx nLite.inf,C,,4,N"
HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce","nlite_post_s07",0x00020000,"nhelper delete ""%11%\nhelper.exe"""

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This is what I suspect happens;

-Normal install (Home or Pro) -> you create "Owner" or other "user" or whatever you choose, manually at OOBE, what MS sees as the good practice.

-Unattended install; XP Home (or nLite ???) creates "Owner" automatically, wether or not OOBE is ticked to be skipped in nLite.

I think Nuhi tried a workaround in nLite by adding a "New User" by default in XP Home only (you get a warning if you remove it but you can still go through), but indeed Microsoft adds its "Owner" anyway, even with "Skip OOBE" unticked. Hence my two solutions posted before.

Edit... I just read -X-'s last post and I'm a bit confused. Are you sure it was XP home ?

Edited by Ponch
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It logged in automatically after setup but then it gives me the welcome screen with user and owner.<snip>First login worked. Subsequent logins didn't.
?Would that be due to Fast User Switching being set (by default on Home)?

And FWIW, a TRUE Home OEM CD (supplied by the Manufacture, read that as "altered") just MIGHT be causing an "Owner" to be created (somewhere?). EVERY one I remember seeing (AFAICR, a/l HP/Compaq) had an "Owner" pre-built in.

Question - does the Source CD have ALL files in I386 the same date? (just look in Explorer and click the "Date" bar and scroll top/bottom)

Hmm... guess I could play with it a bit too. :}

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-rename Administrator as "Owner" in nLite, that will keep nLite from creating an "owner" account by default which I suspect it does as it is an obligation of XP Home to have an account aside the Administrator. nLite should at least show that account but it does not.

Works a treat :) Thanks.

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-rename Administrator as "Owner" in nLite

Works a treat :) Thanks.

Credits to my friend :sneaky: Atolica here (I'm still right about Owner and Administrator being two different accounts before his workaround, which he doesn't seem to aknowledge) :D

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Hmmm... seems like nuhi definitely caused/forced it. Thx for the workaround solution.

Maybe it should be put into the "nLite FAQ" Sticky since it's an oddball?

For reference (not "unattended") -

XP Professional Install Screenshots.


XP Home Install Screenshots.


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