SunLion Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 Hi all, I upgraded the WPI following guidelines of Kel and, in the test, appears this message below: is missing?Thanks for your excelent work
Kelsenellenelvian Posted September 17, 2012 Author Posted September 17, 2012 The error is in your lang file it has ALOT of old entries and missing entries.I have updated the file and attached it here.PLEASE when you get a few translate it and upload it in the lang section.lang_br.js
myselfidem Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 (edited) About Keyboard and PointingDevice. Making some changes inside wmi.js works fine for me on Computers x86 and amd64.function getKeyboardID()Line 886:if (objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("ACPI\\PNP")==0 || objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("HID\\VID_")==0)Replace with:if (objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("ACPI\\PNP") != 0 || objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("HID\\VID_") != 0)function getPointingDeviceID()Line 920:if (objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("ACPI\\PNP")==0 || objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("HID\\VID_")==0)Replace with:if (objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("ACPI\\PNP") != 0 || objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("HID\\VID_") != 0)Thanks to check if it's OK.Regards Edited September 18, 2012 by myselfidem
Kelsenellenelvian Posted September 17, 2012 Author Posted September 17, 2012 Yup works fine now, thanks
myselfidem Posted September 18, 2012 Posted September 18, 2012 (edited) Inside informations.js (return= true or false):Replace:ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'ConnectedToInternet()');With:ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'ConnectedToInternet('+ConnToNet+')');Replace:ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'isDesktopLoaded()');With:ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'isDesktopLoaded('+DesktopLoaded+')');Replace:ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'hasDVDROM()');ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'hasDVDBurner()');ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'hasDVDDrive()');With:ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'hasDVDBurner('+hasDVDBurnerDrive+')');ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'hasDVDDrive('+hasDVDROMDrive+')');However, I think we can remove this line because it's a duplicated value:ConditionsGrid.addRow(gId++,'hasDVDROM()');Thanks to check if it's OK!Regards Edited September 18, 2012 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted September 18, 2012 Posted September 18, 2012 (edited) About SoundDevice on x64 computers - works now fine for me on x86 and amd64 computers - , we can change inside wmi.js:Replace:function getSoundDeviceID()if (objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("PCI\\VEN_")==0)With:if (objItem.PNPDeviceID.indexOf("PCI\\VEN_") != 0)Thanks to check if it's OK! Edited January 23, 2013 by myselfidem
myselfidem Posted September 18, 2012 Posted September 18, 2012 (edited) Thanks Kels! Edited September 18, 2012 by myselfidem
TerryInWales Posted November 30, 2012 Posted November 30, 2012 (edited) I thought this command would be very useful:Example {OS=Win7,Vista} "%WpiPath%\Install\MyApplication\MyApplicationSetup.exe" will execute the command only on Windows 7 and Vista (no XP, 2000 and previous).I went to config. In commands, went to condition/operating system and it gave me {OS=Win8,Win7,Vista,XP} .Being a bit of a simpleton I just backspaced over the OSes I didn't want.Examples:{OS=XP,Vista} "%root%\Install\AV CoDecs\VistaCodecs_v641.exe"{OS=Win7} "%root%\Install\AV CoDecs\Win7codecs_v390.exe"{OS=Win8} "%root%\Install\AV CoDecs\win8codecs_v132.exe"This did not work as expected. I'm using windows 8 pro x64. WPI version 8.6.3I can't remember now if it failed or skipped.The first one is not that important to me because I don't have Vista anyway. It would be nice to know if it works though.However:{OS=Win7,} "%root%\Install\AV CoDecs\Win7codecs_v390.exe"{OS=Win8,} "%root%\Install\AV CoDecs\win8codecs_v132.exe"Notice, I left commas in. This does seem to work.From config.js:prog[pn]=['CoDecs etc XP Vista 7 8, 32 and 64 bit'];uid[pn]=['CODECSQUICKTIMEFFDSHOW'];ordr[pn]=[1250];dflt[pn]=['no'];forc[pn]=['no'];bit64[pn]=['yes'];cat[pn]=['Multimedia'];pfro[pn]=['no'];cmds[pn]=[''{OS=XP%comma%Vista} "%root%\\Install\\AV CoDecs\\VistaCodecs_v641.exe"','{OS=Win7%comma%} "%root%\\Install\\AV CoDecs\\Win7codecs_v390.exe"','{OS=Win8%comma%} "%root%\\Install\\AV CoDecs\\win8codecs_v132.exe"','{x64} "%root%\\Install\\AV CoDecs\\x64Components_v390.exe"','{x86} "%root%\\Install\\AV CoDecs\\MPC-HC." /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-','{x64} "%root%\\Install\\AV CoDecs\\MPC-HC." /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /NORESTART /SP-'];gcond[pn]=['FileExists("%programfiles%\\MPC-HC\\mpc-hc64.exe")'];desc[pn]=['Video Codecs];pn++;Notice how it has replaced the commas with %comma%.It seems to work OK, but I'm not sure if I have to leave the comma in for multiple OS choices and I can't find any documentation that seems to help.If you were here is SW Wales in the UK I would come round and fix mritters main computer for free.Please continue with the WPI. I really do appreciate it.Terry Edited December 2, 2012 by TerryInWales
vahe91 Posted December 9, 2012 Posted December 9, 2012 (edited) Please fix this bug WPI language: RussianWPI 8.6.3OS language: EnglishOS: Windows 7 SP1 32 bit, IE 9 Edited December 9, 2012 by vahe91
myselfidem Posted December 9, 2012 Posted December 9, 2012 You need to use the updated language:
vahe91 Posted December 9, 2012 Posted December 9, 2012 You need to use the updated language:
myselfidem Posted December 28, 2012 Posted December 28, 2012 (edited) I thought this command would be very useful:Example {OS=Win7,Vista} "%WpiPath%\Install\MyApplication\MyApplicationSetup.exe" will execute the command only on Windows 7 and Vista (no XP, 2000 and previous).This did not work as expected. I'm using windows 8 pro x64. WPI version 8.6.3I can't remember now if it failed or skipped.Notice how it has replaced the commas with %comma%.It seems to work OK, but I'm not sure if I have to leave the comma in for multiple OS choices and I can't find any documentation that seems to help.Yes, we must keep the comma (%comma%) for multiple OS choices!Look at WPI_Log.txt to see errors.Examples with Windows SP1 7 (x86):WPI_Log.txt (installation skipped: wrong Architecture)vendredi 28 décembre 2012 10:30:36 Programme: Ashampoo ID unique: ASHAMPOO Ordre: 000001 Catégorie: Applications vendredi 28 décembre 2012 10:30:36 - cmd1 *** Abandonné *** (Architecture incorrecte): {OS=Win8} "%wpipath%\Install\abs6_free.exe" vendredi 28 décembre 2012 10:30:36 - Installation terminée.samedi 29 décembre 2012 11:33:17 Programme: Ashampoo ID unique: ASHAMPOO Ordre: 000001 Catégorie: Applications samedi 29 décembre 2012 11:33:17 - cmd1 *** Abandonné *** (Architecture incorrecte): {OS=Win8%comma%Vista%comma%XP} "%wpipath%\Install\abs6_free.exe" samedi 29 décembre 2012 11:33:18 - Installation terminée. Edited December 29, 2012 by myselfidem
chymax3m Posted January 22, 2013 Posted January 22, 2013 (edited) Hello everybody, using WPI v 8.6.3 met one thing that made me reinstall OS (i thought i killed it with frequent install/uninstall software for testing) but the result is the same(look the attachment). Could You help? And one more thing (this i meet for a long time) launching wpi.exe i see the main page with blue background only. This last for few seconds but looks not pretty, exiting the config or options wizard does the same. Edited January 22, 2013 by chymax3m
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