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Killing the process one time should be enough even if it takes a long time so no need to loop on the taskkill step.

You need to first launch taskkill in another process using something like "start /high /separate".

Then you need to loop on tasklist until the process doesn't exist anymore:

rem ping -n 5 localhost
tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq process.exe" |findstr /i process.exe
if %errorlevel% eq 0 goto loop else goto :next

This code will work but it will also loop too fast and increase the load of the computer so i added a sleep (ping -n ) you should uncomment.

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Here is a vbs script that loops 12 times at 5 second intervals and if Notepad is open will closed it.

I have scripted this to run using Cscript.exe

Save As TaskKilllProcess.vbs

'-> This code is property of Gunsmokingman and Or Jake1Eye and you must have his permission to use.'-> This is only posted as example code and meant only to used as such.Dim C1, Obj,Task,WmiSet Wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")'-> Make Sure It Runs CscriptIf InStr(1,WScript.FullName,"cscript",1) ThenTaskKill()Else'-> Error Wrong Script EngineMsgBox _"This script was ment to run by this Scripting Engine Cscript.exe" & vbCrLf & _"Right Click this script and select either the Cscript or Cmd Promt", _4128,"Error Wrong Scripting Engine"End If'-> Wait For Task Kill ProcessFunction TaskKill()C1 = C1 + 1If Len(C1) = 1 Then C1 = "0" & C1Do Until C1 = 12'-> Name Of Process To Kill EG Notepad.exeFor Each Obj in Wmi.ExecQuery( _"Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = 'Notepad.exe'")Obj.Terminate()WScript.Echo " Stopping : " & Obj.Name & vbCrLfWScript.Sleep 500NextWScript.Echo " " & C1 & vbTab & "Waiting For Notepad" & vbCrLfWScript.Sleep 5000TaskKill()LoopEnd Function'-> End Of Script MessageWScript.Echo " " & C1 & vbTab & "Exiting Script"WScript.Sleep 1000
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you guys! :yes:

An other question... how can i convert a CMD batch file with more strings into a batch with a single string?

Could i have an example with this batch:

rem ping -n 5 localhost
tasklist /fi "IMAGENAME eq process.exe" |findstr /i process.exe
if %errorlevel% eq 0 goto loop else goto :next

Thank you!

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You need to first launch taskkill in another process using something like "start /high /separate".

Which still applies only to 16-bit programs.... :whistle:




/separate : Starts 16-bit programs in a separate memory space.


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