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Dual Boot: XP and 98 on Dell Dimesion 5150


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I may be wrong but I don't think Intel released chipset drivers to run Windows 98SE on 945 chipsets so even if you get 98SE to install you may have other issues.

As a 15 year old your resources may be limited but you would save yourself a lot of hassle by buying a used computer with an 865 chipset and IDE support. They are quite inexpensive now. Just make sure you can download 98SE drivers for all the components and inspect the motherboard for bad capacitors before you part with your money.

You may even be able to pick one up for free. You would be surprised at what companies throw away and what ordinary people put out on the curb these days.

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FWIW, if your intent is to play REALLY older games, just install a good Virtual Machine (MS Virtual PC, VirtualBox, etc.) and install onto it along with the games. The only thing (usually) coming into play is then just the CPU. 98SE quite happily installs on them.

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FWIW, if your intent is to play REALLY older games, just install a good Virtual Machine (MS Virtual PC, VirtualBox, etc.) and install onto it along with the games. The only thing (usually) coming into play is then just the CPU. 98SE quite happily installs on them.

...DOSBOX comes to mind, also a VM.

Unfortunately, many games that were designed for W9X don't run in a VM, as they need DX9.0c, which is only marginally supported in free VMs, and so-so supported in VM Workstation (which is NOT free).

Think of Thief I+II, Jetz, Dungeon Keeper, ...

Some of these run on XP with some trouble, but under a 64bit OS it really gets difficult.

Just my 2 cent.

Ragnar G.D.

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Alright, i obtained two IDE HDD's one 40 GB and 80 GB.

All HDD's were formated and scaned flawlessly.

But after setup had scaned for plug and play devices and hardware. I got a error message.

"disk write error

unable to write to disk in drive c

data or files may be lost"

What now? The SATA and other stuff were not changed at all. XP is fine still.

Is there something i have to do, like formating the SATA HDD?

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1 - Ensure Jumpers are correct between the DVD and the HDD (either HDD should work).

2 - In the BIOS, temporarily Disable the SATA (so Win 98 won't see it AT ALL)

3 - Boot to the 98 CD for Command Prompt (not install)

4 - "CD x:\WIN98" (where X should theoretically be the C, D, or E drive) <--The Install folder

5 - Run FDISK (should be there) and DELETE HDD Partitions (be SURE it's the IDE/ATA/PATA drive you installed)

6 - Reboot to 98 CD and allow Win98 to install

This should tell whether 98SE will even run on the PC.

Any failures, report back (you can always re-enable the SATA to get to your XP).

Side note - be SURE to set the correct Boot Order depending on disabled/enabled Disk Drives.

Edited by submix8c
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