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Kext: DIY KernelEx extensions

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Yes there seem to be a problem with the update - post #10. I couldn't install OO 3.2.1. Message: The I/O operation has been aborted, because either a thread exit or an application request. After I had deleted the update the setup has worked fine and OO has started.

I also had problems after the post 10 update :

SAP GUI for Java client produced :

JAVAW caused an exception 03H in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0187:bff768a1.


EAX=c0030900 CS=0187 EIP=bff768a1 EFLGS=00000246

EBX=00000000 SS=018f ESP=1845e578 EBP=1845e5ac

ECX=ffffff64 DS=018f ESI=7813221e FS=4f2f

EDX=00000000 ES=018f EDI=00000000 GS=0000

Bytes at CS:EIP:

c3 cc cc 55 8b ec 56 57 68 c0 d4 fc bf e8 01 d9

Stack dump:

78132236 01d7dfc2 00000000 78130000 81da92d4 0000000a 00000004 1845e57c 1845e390 1845e774 78138ced 61897136 fffffffe 1845e784 78132348 78130000

OO 3.2.1 (opening an XLSX file) produced :

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program .....\SCALC.EXE


An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.

Please contact the application's support team for more information.


Edited by jds
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Good testing guys. I've added a warning to post #10.

These definitions are intended to help the MSVC2010 CRT's so I'm surprised that they affect the 2008 CRT's. Can someone confirm with a process viewer what version of the CRT's are loaded in OO3.2.1 or other apps when the failure occurs?

loblo had mentioned that "HeapQueryInformation -> SetLastError also seems to work but only when the function HeapSetInformation isn't also required".

Try using the updates and commenting out just the "HeapQueryInformation" definition. It that isn't the culprit, a binary search will be needed--comment out half the remaining new definitions on each try.

Unlike core.ini, stubs.ini supports both line and section comments. A semicolon (';') in front of a section name comments out the whole section. In front of a line, it comments out the whole line. Comments can also be place at the end of any line. For C/C++ programmers, a double-slash ("//") should also work. And for batch file programmers, a double-colon ("::"). (Okay, actually it's any character <= ';')

In core.ini, there are no line or end-of-line comments. Whole sections can be commented out by inserting a semicolon (';') before the section name. To comment out a line, I move it to the bottom of the section, then insert a new line with the section header "[;]" above it.

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 "[Kernel32.dll] GetSystemWow64DirectoryA=z3e" works for Java 6 updates 32/33/34 installation, but Foxit Reader 5.x crashed on start. 

=========== [start of CRASHLOG.TXT] =========

FOXIT READER caused an Access Violation (0xc0000005)

in module KERNEL32.DLL at 0177:bff6bb18.

Error occurred at 7/11/2012 12:09:10.


Reader Version :

Operating system:  Windows 2000 (5.0.2195).

1 processor(s), type 586.

21% memory in use.

768 MBytes physical memory.

541 MBytes physical memory free.

1266 MBytes paging file.

1156 MBytes paging file free.

2044 MBytes user address space.

1969 MBytes user address space free.

Read from location 697a6f4d caused an access violation.


EDI:    0x01b028fc  ESI: 0x697a6f4d  EAX:   0x01b0cc8e

EBX:    0x697a6f4d  ECX: 0x0000005a  EDX:   0x01af0000

EIP:    0xbff6bb18  EBP: 0x01d1ef24  SegCs: 0x00000177

EFlags: 0x00010206  ESP: 0x01d1ef0c  SegSs: 0x0000017f

Bytes at CS:EIP:

8a 06 3c 04 75 08 ff 76 04 e8 a0 87 ff ff 5e c2


0x01d1ef0c: 01b028fc 702e1820 697a6f4d 01d1f0b0 .(.. ..pMozi....

0x01d1ef1c: 710070e0 00000000 01d1f044 7106b703 .p.q....D......q

0x01d1ef2c: 00000000 01d1ef3c 01d1f040 01b028fc ....<...@....(..

0x01d1ef3c: 697a6f4d 2f616c6c 20302e34 6d6f6328 Mozilla/4.0 (com

0x01d1ef4c: 69746170 3b656c62 49534d20 2e362045 patible; MSIE 6.

0x01d1ef5c: 57203b30 6f646e69 4e207377 2e352054 0; Windows NT 5.

0x01d1ef6c: 2e203b30 2054454e 20524c43 2e312e31 0; .NET CLR 1.1.

0x01d1ef7c: 32323334 4e2e203b 43205445 3220524c 4322; .NET CLR 2

0x01d1ef8c: 352e302e 37323730 01b00029 71007340 .0.50727)...@s.q

0x01d1ef9c: 01b02548 7100732d 01b02394 01b02394 H%..-s.q.#...#..

0x01d1efac: 01d1f010 038a5543 01b04fa4 76719550 ....CU...O..P.qv

0x01d1efbc: 00000060 00000001 84c8e56c 01d1eff0 `.......l.......

0x01d1efcc: 00000000 76749e86 00000000 0000004b ......tv....K...

0x01d1efdc: 00000001 84c8e56c ffffffff 01d1f068 ....l.......h...

0x01d1efec: 76763287 00000010 01d1f024 01d1f010 .2vv....$.......

0x01d1effc: 01d1f058 01d1f064 01b545d8 84c8e554 X...d....E..T...

0x01d1f00c: 01b545d4 03ad08e0 03842e68 0393c074 .E......h...t...

0x01d1f01c: 03842e5d 00000000 00000000 84c8e568 ]...........h...

0x01d1f02c: ffffffff 01b1717c 01b1717c 00000000 ....|q..|q......

0x01d1f03c: 00000000 00000104 01d1f06c 7106b92d ........l...-..q

0x01d1f04c: 01b0e63c 035e3598 76717cfd 01b028fc <....5^..|qv.(..

0x01d1f05c: 01d1f0b0 00000000 84c8e554 01d1f060 ........T...`...

0x01d1f06c: 01d1f0fc 76762cf1 01b028fc 00000028 .....,vv.(..(...

0x01d1f07c: 00000004 0000000a 00000001 01b0e664 ............d...

0x01d1f08c: 01b0e65c 035e3598 01b02900 01d1f1c0 \....5^..)......

0x01d1f09c: 00000000 00000009 01b06e18 00000009 .........n......

0x01d1f0ac: 76760a38 00000000 00000000 00000000 8.vv............

0x01d1f0bc: 00000000 00000000 c19a2a80 01d1f0e0 .........*......

0x01d1f0cc: bff6a26e bff6e033 01af0000 00000000 n...3...........

0x01d1f0dc: 01b04fa4 01b1717c 00000000 01b0e63c .O..|q......<...

0x01d1f0ec: 00000003 01b0e61c 82170019 00007150 ............Pq..

0x01d1f0fc: 01d1f130 71032808 01b17180 01b028fc 0....(.q.q...(..

0x01d1f10c: 00000004 00000002 01d1f1c0 035e3598 .............5^.

0x01d1f11c: 01d1f1a0 01d1f0d4 01b02900 01fcf800 .........)......

0x01d1f12c: 00000000 01d1f168 75c54acc 00000000 ....h....J.u....

0x01d1f13c: 00000004 00000409 00000002 01d1f1c0 ................

0x01d1f14c: 035e3598 01d1f1a0 00000000 01fcf800 .5^.............

0x01d1f15c: 033e67c0 00000000 02d1a520 01d1f1d8 .g>..... .......

0x01d1f16c: 75c64ac1 01fcf800 01b02900 00000004 .J.u.....)......

0x01d1f17c: 00000409 00000002 01d1f1c0 035e3598 .............5^.

0x01d1f18c: 01d1f1a0 033e6940 01b02900 0373a9e0 ....@i>..)....s.

0x01d1f19c: 00000002 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1f1ac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1f1bc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1f1cc: 00000000 01d1f1e4 75c64789 01d1f220 .........G.u ...

0x01d1f1dc: 75c5575f 01fcf800 01b02900 00000004 _W.u.....)......

0x01d1f1ec: 00000002 035e3598 00000000 00000000 .....5^.........

0x01d1f1fc: 033e6940 0376d5c6 01d1f424 035e49a8 @i>...v.$....I^.

0x01d1f20c: 02db7fdc 01d1f224 75c52a05 0373a9e0 ....$....*.u..s.

0x01d1f21c: 00000004 01d1f410 75c61113 01fcf800 ...........u....

0x01d1f22c: 01d1f3bc 00000002 035e3598 00000000 .........5^.....

0x01d1f23c: 00000000 00000000 01f842f0 01f842f0 .........B...B..

0x01d1f24c: 033e67c0 02d1a520 02d1a520 0000001e .g>. ... .......

0x01d1f25c: 00000000 03500000 000000e2 00000003 ......P.........

0x01d1f26c: 0370001c 01d30088 0370001c 01d30088 ..p.......p.....

0x01d1f27c: 00000002 7d005004 01d30084 03500acc .....P.}......P.

0x01d1f28c: 01d30040 035e2000 01d30084 00003000 @.... ^......0..

0x01d1f29c: 00000003 03500ad4 03500ab0 0000001e ......P...P.....

0x01d1f2ac: 7d004c45 01d30040 035e2000 00003000 EL.}@.... ^..0..

0x01d1f2bc: 00000001 00000000 01d30044 00003000 ........D....0..

0x01d1f2cc: 01d1f324 01d30040 00000001 00000000 $...@...........

0x01d1f2dc: 00003010 bff6bb26 82143a40 035e2000 .0..&...@:... ^.

0x01d1f2ec: 7d0062ba 035e2000 035e2000 00000002 .b.}. ^.. ^.....

0x01d1f2fc: 4e4d454a 0393c2c1 719c3050 11cff9d3 JEMN....P0.q....

0x01d1f30c: 400093a4 00000004 75c52030 00000000 ...@....0 .u....

0x01d1f31c: 00000000 00000000 01d1f340 0393c507 ........@.......

0x01d1f32c: 03ad09f0 75c5202c 01d1f3a0 75c52030 ...., .u....0 .u

0x01d1f33c: 00000000 01d1f360 03853eb4 03ae1d80 ....`....>......

0x01d1f34c: 75c5202c 00000004 00000062 033e68c0 , .u....b....h>.

0x01d1f35c: 035e4998 00000012 75c525a9 00000062 .I^......%.ub...

0x01d1f36c: 03ad12d0 00000062 01d1f424 01d1f46c ....b...$...l...

0x01d1f37c: 01d1f424 00000000 03ad12d0 01d1f424 $...........$...

0x01d1f38c: 01d1f46c 75c52954 02d488b0 01f84304 l...T).u.....C..

0x01d1f39c: 02d488e0 00000000 01d1f424 01d1f3d4 ........$.......

0x01d1f3ac: 75c55026 00000000 0000090c 034f8960 &P.u........`.O.

0x01d1f3bc: 0373a9e0 00000009 9f4bb32e 00000001 ..s.......K.....

0x01d1f3cc: 00000000 0000014d 0000000e 035e4988 ....M........I^.

0x01d1f3dc: 035e35e8 033f0dd8 00000001 01f5fb00 .5^...?.........

0x01d1f3ec: 0373a9e0 033f0408 00000000 01d1f240 ..s...?.....@...

0x01d1f3fc: 01d1ed3c 01d1f558 75cacc8d 75c53e38 <...X......u8>.u

0x01d1f40c: 00000000 01d1f4d4 75c5450a 00000000 .........E.u....

0x01d1f41c: 00000000 00000000 01fcf800 02d1a520 ............ ...

0x01d1f42c: 01d1f79c 00000000 00000002 03ae1d30 ............0...

0x01d1f43c: 01f842f0 01f8436c 00000001 035e35b8 .B..lC.......5^.

0x01d1f44c: 00000000 035e49a8 02d5c780 00000000 .....I^.........

0x01d1f45c: 035e4988 02d488b0 01f70d00 035e35b8 .I^..........5^.

0x01d1f46c: 035e3598 0376d5c6 0376d494 00000009 .5^...v...v.....

0x01d1f47c: 0373a000 00000000 00000000 035e35b8 ..s..........5^.

0x01d1f48c: 0376d494 035e4998 00000000 035e35b8 ..v..I^......5^.

0x01d1f49c: 035e35b8 035e4988 035e35e8 035e35e8 .5^..I^..5^..5^.

0x01d1f4ac: 00000001 02d48940 02d5c780 01f842f3 ....@........B..

0x01d1f4bc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01d1f558 ............X...

0x01d1f4cc: 01d1f2b0 01d1f418 01d1f568 75c558f1 ........h....X.u

0x01d1f4dc: 00000000 00000001 033f0dd8 00000000 ..........?.....

0x01d1f4ec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01d1f79c ................

0x01d1f4fc: 75c52954 02d488b0 01d1f708 01f8430c T).u.........C..

0x01d1f50c: 75c50000 00000006 01d1f584 02d48940 ...u........@...

0x01d1f51c: 01d1f584 01d1f53c 75c54031 01d1f734 ....<...1@.u4...

0x01d1f52c: 01d1f584 01d1f548 01d1f79c 02d48940 ....H.......@...

0x01d1f53c: 01d1f56c 75c53feb 01f842f0 02db7fa4 l....?.u.B......

0x01d1f54c: 00000000 01d1f4f0 01d1ed3c 01d1f778 ........<...x...

0x01d1f55c: 75cacc8d 75c55918 00000000 01d1f594 ...u.Y.u........

0x01d1f56c: 75c5587e 01fcf800 00000000 00000001 ~X.u............

0x01d1f57c: 00000000 00000001 033f0dd8 00000000 ..........?.....

0x01d1f58c: 00000000 00000010 01d1f788 75c647e9 .............G.u

0x01d1f59c: 01fcf800 00000000 00000001 00000000 ................

0x01d1f5ac: 00000001 033f0dd8 00000000 01d1f874 ......?.....t...

0x01d1f5bc: 01f84240 01d1fa64 033e67c0 02d1a520 @B..d....g>. ...

0x01d1f5cc: 00000000 0000003c 00000000 0002721c ....<........r..

0x01d1f5dc: 4e4d454a 7d001186 00000014 0000003c JEMN...}....<...

0x01d1f5ec: 00000003 01d1f77c 01d1f634 78008cab ....|...4......x

0x01d1f5fc: 4e4d454a 00000000 bff6bb26 82143a40 JEMN....&...@:..

0x01d1f60c: 03300000 000000fe 03300000 000000fe ..0.......0.....

0x01d1f61c: 00000fff 00001000 03500b38 01d30088 ........8.P.....

0x01d1f62c: 03700000 03300000 03300000 000000fe ..p...0...0.....

0x01d1f63c: 00000fff 00002000 0370001c 01d30088 ..... ....p.....

0x01d1f64c: 0370001c 00000000 01d30084 7d002195 ..p..........!.}

0x01d1f65c: 01d30084 03300bf8 01d30040 01d30044 ......0.@...D...

0x01d1f66c: 01d1f708 bff6bb26 bff6bb26 82143a40 ....&...&...@:..

0x01d1f67c: 033f0800 7d0062ba 033f0800 033f0800 ..?..b.}..?...?.

0x01d1f68c: 00000002 4e4d454a 0393c2c1 719c3050 ....JEMN....P0.q

0x01d1f69c: 11cff9d3 400093a4 00000004 75c52030 .......@....0 .u

0x01d1f6ac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01d1f6d4 ................

0x01d1f6bc: 0393c507 03ad09f0 75c5202c 01d1f734 ........, .u4...

0x01d1f6cc: 75c52030 033e68c0 01d1f6f4 00000001 0 .u.h>.........

0x01d1f6dc: 03ae1d80 75c5202c 00000004 00000001 ...., .u........

0x01d1f6ec: 03ad12d0 033f0e08 01d1f79c 00000000 ......?.........

0x01d1f6fc: 00000001 03ad12d0 00000001 75c52954 ............T).u

0x01d1f70c: 02d488b0 033e6800 01d1f504 03ad0000 .....h>.........

0x01d1f71c: 01d1f79c 01d1f79c 01d1f740 03ad12d0 ........@.......

0x01d1f72c: 01d1f73c 034f8960 0373a038 00000006 <...`.O.8.s.....

0x01d1f73c: 0aa0b418 75c50001 00000000 00000010 .......u........

0x01d1f74c: 00000000 00000000 01f84240 00000001 ........@B......

0x01d1f75c: 0000000c 01f842f0 0373a038 033f0de8 .....B..8.s...?.

0x01d1f76c: 00000000 01d1f5b8 01d1ed3c 01d1f8b4 ........<.......

0x01d1f77c: 75cacc8d 75c53e38 00000000 01d1f84c ...u8>.u....L...

0x01d1f78c: 75c5450a 01d1f874 75c51b30 01d1f874 .E.ut...0..ut...

0x01d1f79c: 01fcf800 02d1a520 00000000 00000000 .... ...........

0x01d1f7ac: 00000001 03ae1d30 01f84240 01f842bc ....0...@B...B..

0x01d1f7bc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 033f0e18 ..............?.

0x01d1f7cc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 02d488b0 ................

0x01d1f7dc: 01f70d00 033f0df8 033f0dd8 0376d2d3 ......?...?...v.

0x01d1f7ec: 0376d2c0 00000000 0373a000 00000000 ..v.......s.....

0x01d1f7fc: 00000000 033f0df8 0376d2c0 033f0e08 ......?...v...?.

0x01d1f80c: 033f0e28 033f0e18 033f0e18 00000000 (.?...?...?.....

0x01d1f81c: 01f84240 033f0df8 00000000 02d48940 @B....?.....@...

0x01d1f82c: 02d48940 01d1f883 00000000 00000000 @...............

0x01d1f83c: 00000000 75c543de 01d1f628 01d1f790 .....C.u(.......

0x01d1f84c: 01d1f8c4 75c5434f 01d1f874 00000000 ....OC.ut.......

0x01d1f85c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01d1f8e0 ................

0x01d1f86c: 00000000 02d1a520 75c50000 033f05f8 .... ......u..?.

0x01d1f87c: 00000000 01d1f8b0 01fcf800 00000000 ................

0x01d1f88c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1f89c: 01d1f874 0009001f 00000000 00000000 t...............

0x01d1f8ac: 01d1f868 01d1ed3c 01d1fc70 75cacc8d h...<...p......u

0x01d1f8bc: 75c543b0 00000000 01d1f914 75c5b099 .C.u...........u

0x01d1f8cc: 01f84240 01d1fa64 00000000 00000000 @B..d...........

0x01d1f8dc: 00000000 00000000 7801044d 00000000 ........M..x....

0x01d1f8ec: 00000000 00000000 0000000a 00000000 ................

0x01d1f8fc: 00000000 033e68c0 01f84240 00000000 .....h>.@B......

0x01d1f90c: 00000000 00000000 01d1f974 75c5d364 ........t...d..u

0x01d1f91c: 01d1fa64 01d1fa44 03ad4300 02d1a524 d...D....C..$...

0x01d1f92c: 00000000 03ad3720 00000001 00000000 .... 7..........

0x01d1f93c: 00000000 000119ee 00000000 00000001 ................

0x01d1f94c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1f95c: 033e6840 00000000 01f74780 02d1a520 @h>......G.. ...

0x01d1f96c: 01b27fd8 000119ee 01d1f9a0 75c5d1b6 ...............u

0x01d1f97c: 01b27fd8 03ad42e4 00000000 038cae4c .....B......L...

0x01d1f98c: 03ad3720 00000001 80000082 01d1fa64  7..........d...

0x01d1f99c: 01d1fa44 01d1f9f8 0390d486 02d1a524 D...........$...

0x01d1f9ac: 01b27fd8 03ad42e4 00000000 038cae4c .....B......L...

0x01d1f9bc: 03ad3720 00000001 00000082 01d1fa64  7..........d...

0x01d1f9cc: 01d1fa44 03ad4300 03ae1170 01b27fd8 D....C..p.......

0x01d1f9dc: 01b0b94c 03ad0001 03ad4300 03ad4300 L........C...C..

0x01d1f9ec: 00000000 03ad3720 03ad3720 01d1faac .... 7.. 7......

0x01d1f9fc: 0390d017 00000000 03ae1d30 03ae1250 ........0...P...

0x01d1fa0c: 01b27fd8 03ad42e4 038cae4c 00000000 .....B..L.......

0x01d1fa1c: 00000001 03ad3720 00000082 01d1fa64 .... 7......d...

0x01d1fa2c: 01d1fa44 00000000 00000000 03ad3720 D........... 7..

0x01d1fa3c: 03ae1170 00000000 00000000 00000000 p...............

0x01d1fa4c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fa5c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fa6c: 00000000 00000000 01b0b94c 03930001 ........L.......

0x01d1fa7c: 03ad4300 00000000 03ad42a0 00000000 .C.......B......

0x01d1fa8c: 00000000 03ae1250 01b27fd8 00000000 ....P...........

0x01d1fa9c: 03ad3720 03ad42e4 0393c90c 00000000  7...B..........

0x01d1faac: 01d1fae4 0390ce94 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fabc: 00000000 03ad4580 03ae12c0 00000000 .....E..........

0x01d1facc: 01b0b94c 03820000 03ad4300 00000000 L........C......

0x01d1fadc: 03ad08e0 00000000 00000000 03937995 .............y..

0x01d1faec: 03ad44c0 ffcb6344 00000000 00000000 .D..Dc..........

0x01d1fafc: 03ad0000 03ad4300 01d1fb40 03926480 .....C..@....d..

0x01d1fb0c: 03ad3720 00000000 03ad3720 03921375  7...... 7..u...

0x01d1fb1c: 00000001 ffcb6344 00000000 03ad44c0 ....Dc.......D..

0x01d1fb2c: 00000000 01b0b9ac 03938129 03ad4580 ........)....E..

0x01d1fb3c: 03ad44c0 03937494 039378eb ffcb6344 .D...t...x..Dc..

0x01d1fb4c: 03ad44c0 ffcb6344 bff66a10 bff6bb26 .D..Dc...j..&...

0x01d1fb5c: 82170a2c 00000000 010a8516 0178f128 ,...........(.x.

0x01d1fb6c: 01079ac2 00000007 01f8a0c8 01d1fbac ................

0x01d1fb7c: 0a2fb99a 142d8ba4 13120927 00180927 ../...-.'...'...

0x01d1fb8c: 0000017f 00000000 0cbe0a2f 09374e1e ......../....N7.

0x01d1fb9c: 0a374df1 1baf017f 05628bb4 10030937 .M7.......b.7...

0x01d1fbac: 9c280000 05670002 00288c00 100301af ..(...g...(.....

0x01d1fbbc: bff6287a 00000000 00000000 010792da z(..............

0x01d1fbcc: 01af53fc 00000394 00000229 00000000 .S......).......

0x01d1fbdc: bfc01bc7 01d17000 01d1fc00 010799d0 .....p..........

0x01d1fbec: 00000229 00000000 03ad44c0 03ad02d0 )........D......

0x01d1fbfc: 039384b6 ffcb6344 03ad44c0 03ad02d0 ....Dc...D......

0x01d1fc0c: ffcb6344 bff66a10 03938462 ffcb6344 Dc...j..b...Dc..

0x01d1fc1c: 03ad02d0 ffcb627c 038a778c 03ad02d0 ....|b...w......

0x01d1fc2c: ffcb6344 03ad44c0 01780000 00008cdc Dc...D....x.....

0x01d1fc3c: 01d1fc80 01d1fc9c bff62317 00000498 .........#......

0x01d1fc4c: 00000113 00001003 ffcb627c 2f478ca0 ........|b....G/

0x01d1fc5c: c9a02f47 8cfc8d08 00030007 038a7723 G/..........#w..

0x01d1fc6c: 015f76b8 01d1fe28 bff6186d 00001bbf .v_.(...m.......

0x01d1fc7c: 01780000 01d1fcce 038a7723 bfc03bcd ..x.....#w...;..

0x01d1fc8c: 00000498 00000113 00001003 ffcb627c ............|b..

0x01d1fc9c: 2f478ca0 c9a02f47 8cfc8d08 00030007 ..G/G/..........

0x01d1fcac: 038a7723 015f76b8 00000000 00000000 #w...v_.........

0x01d1fcbc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fccc: 09370fe0 00030007 038a7723 09370fe0 ..7.....#w....7.

0x01d1fcdc: 627c0000 1003ffcb 04980113 04980113 ..|b............

0x01d1fcec: c9a00a37 8d380178 01130000 029b0296 7...x.8.........

0x01d1fcfc: 39498d38 00010a17 0ccf0a72 01130498 8.I9....r.......

0x01d1fd0c: 0a721003 627c0ccf 01d4ffcb 00000268 ..r...|b....h...

0x01d1fd1c: 01130498 00001003 0ccf0a72 0178c9a0 ........r.....x.

0x01d1fd2c: c33e0001 00010000 38bc38bc bff614d9 ..>......8.8....

0x01d1fd3c: 01070177 01d1fd48 0178017f 00001baf w...H.....x.....

0x01d1fd4c: 0178c9a0 0178c970 00000000 0178c9a0 ..x.p.x.......x.

0x01d1fd5c: 010784ca 0178c9a0 00000000 0178c970 ......x.....p.x.

0x01d1fd6c: 01077fb4 0178c970 0178c970 01d1fe38 ....p.x.p.x.8...

0x01d1fd7c: ffffffff 00000002 0107f92f 0178c970 ......../...p.x.

0x01d1fd8c: 010809c4 00000000 00000000 01c10000 ................

0x01d1fd9c: 00ff3cad 00400000 00000000 8216ba98 .<....@.........

0x01d1fdac: 00000001 0053e13a 00400000 00000000 ....:.S...@.....

0x01d1fdbc: 8216ba98 00000001 00000000 82143b3c ............<;..

0x01d1fdcc: 01c10000 c0000005 8216ba98 bff69198 ................

0x01d1fddc: 00000044 00000000 00000000 00000000 D...............

0x01d1fdec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fdfc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000401 ................

0x01d1fe0c: 00000001 00000000 00000000 000012f8 ................

0x01d1fe1c: 00000000 01d1fdc4 01d1ed3c 01d1ff68 ........<...h...

0x01d1fe2c: 0053ee38 011dfc60 00000000 01d1ff78 8.S.`.......x...

0x01d1fe3c: bff7b9e4 00000000 82143b3c 01c10000 ........<;......

0x01d1fe4c: 69786f46 65722074 72656461 45584500 Foxit reader.EXE

0x01d1fe5c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fe6c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fe7c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fe8c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fe9c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1feac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1febc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fecc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fedc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1feec: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1fefc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1ff0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1ff1c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1ff2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 01d1ff6c ............l...

0x01d1ff3c: 82104050 82143d68 c19a2a80 01d1ff6c P@..h=...*..l...

0x01d1ff4c: 0053e05b bff6b487 00000000 82143b5c [.S.........\;..

0x01d1ff5c: 1bc60000 01d1fe40 01c10000 ffffffff ....@...........

0x01d1ff6c: bffb1b20 bff69138 00000000 01d1fff4  ...8...........

0x01d1ff7c: bff7b896 82143dac 00000008 82143b3c .....=......<;..

0x01d1ff8c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1ff9c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1ffac: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1ffbc: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

0x01d1ffcc: 00000000 0002ffff 0100f2d1 01d1e000 ................

0x01d1ffdc: 01d20000 00000000 ffffffff 82144038 ............8@..

0x01d1ffec: 00000000 34471bc6 834d8fec bff7a24f ......G4..M.O...

0x01d1fffc: 00000000                            ....

Module 2


Image Base: 0x01e40000  Image Size: 0x0002d000

Checksum:   0x00000000  Time Stamp: 0x4f8e88d0

Module 3


Image Base: 0x02e00000  Image Size: 0x00425000

Checksum:   0x00420b79  Time Stamp: 0x4f98cc1e

Module 4


Image Base: 0x03230000  Image Size: 0x0003e000

Checksum:   0x00000000  Time Stamp: 0x4f8d23fd

Module 68


Image Base: 0xbff60000  Image Size: 0x00083000

Checksum:   0x0008b910  Time Stamp: 0x393f3c0e

=========== [end of CRASHLOG.TXT] =========



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5. I've successfully installed GoogleEarth (03.23.11) with comp. mode Win2000 and it has started (comp. mode Win2000) fine, but only in directX mode. Testet only a short time.

Streetview works,too. GE doesn't run with openGL mode. Driver Nvidia 82.69 mdgx. I believe it will run with the driver 82.16 for OpenGL. I guess the same behaviour as for version 5.2.

Graphics card here Nvidia 5900XT. Latest versions I'll try the next days.

Edited by schwups
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Good testing guys. I've added a warning to post #10.

These definitions are intended to help the MSVC2010 CRT's so I'm surprised that they affect the 2008 CRT's.  Can someone confirm with a process viewer what version of the CRT's are loaded in OO3.2.1 or other apps when the failure occurs?

OO3.2.1: Modules (Process Viewer)

PATROLPRO.DLL 01210000 61440 21.12.2011 22:51 C:\PROGRAMME\BILLP STUDIOS\WINPATROL\PATROLPRO.DLL WinPatrol Helper DLL Copyright © 2005-2007 BillP Studios

KSTUB626.DLL 10000000 65536 10.07.2012 14:40 C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KSTUB626.DLL

KEXBASEN.DLL 7d000000 98304 14.11.2011 22:28 C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KEXBASEN.DLL KernelEx Base Non-shared Api Library 4.5.2. Copyright © 2009-2010, Xeno86

KERNELEX.DLL bfa00000 53248 14.11.2011 22:28 C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KERNELEX.DLL KernelEx Core 4.5.2. Copyright © 2009-2010, Xeno86

KEXBASES.DLL bfa40000 229376 14.11.2011 22:29 C:\WINDOWS\KERNELEX\KEXBASES.DLL KernelEx Base Shared Api Library 4.5.2. Copyright © 2009-2010, Xeno86

VERSION.DLL bfe50000 24576 14.04.2011 23:44 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\VERSION.DLL Win32 VERSION core component 4.90.3000. Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1991-1998

USER32.DLL bfc00000 69632 15.04.2011 11:13 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\USER32.DLL Win32 USER32 core component 4.90.3000. Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1991-1998

GDI32.DLL bff20000 172032 25.10.2011 21:45 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\GDI32.DLL Win32 GDI core component 4.90.3000. Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1991-1998

ADVAPI32.DLL bfe60000 65536 14.04.2011 23:43 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\ADVAPI32.DLL Win32 ADVAPI32 core component 4.90.3000. Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1991-1998

KERNEL32.DLL bff60000 536576 25.10.2011 21:45 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\KERNEL32.DLL Win32 Kernel core component 4.90.3000. Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1991-2000

COMCTL32.DLL bfb70000 557056 25.10.2011 21:44 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\COMCTL32.DLL Common Controls Library 5.50.4916.400. Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1981-2001

SHLWAPI.DLL 70bd0000 413696 29.08.2002 09:26 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHLWAPI.DLL Shell Light-weight Utility Library 6.00.2800.1106. © Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

MSVCRT.DLL 78000000 282624 25.10.2011 21:45 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVCRT.DLL Microsoft ® C Runtime Library 6.10.9848.0. Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999

SHELL32.DLL 7fbd0000 2285568 25.10.2011 21:45 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHELL32.DLL Windows Shell Common Dll 5.50.4134.120. Copyright © Microsoft Corp. 1981-2000

MSVCR90.DLL 78520000 667648 07.11.2007 01:19 C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MSVCR90.DLL Microsoft® C Runtime Library 9.00.21022.8. © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

SOFFICE.EXE 00400000 11329536 20.05.2010 23:59 C:\PROGRAMME\OPENOFFICE.ORG 3\PROGRAM\SOFFICE.EXE OpenOffice.org 3.2 3.02.9498. Copyright © 2000-2010 by Oracle, Inc.

Error messages:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

Runtime Error!

Program .....\SOFFICE.EXE


An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly.

Please contact the application's support team for more information.


Error starting Program

The MSVCR90.dll file cannot start. Check the file to determine the problem.

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New entry in stubs.ini: [Netapi32.dll] NetUseEnum=04 > rather guessed not known

A search for "NetUseEnum function msdn" yields:

NetUseEnum function - MSDN - Microsoft


__in LMSTR UncServerName,
__in DWORD Level,
__out LPBYTE *BufPtr,
__in DWORD PreferedMaximumSize,
__out LPDWORD EntriesRead,
__out LPDWORD TotalEntries,
__inout LPDWORD ResumeHandle

Seven parameters.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is NERR_Success.

If the function fails, the return value is a system error code. For a list of error codes, see System Error Codes.

So return something other than zero. For Netapi32 functions, error code 1 works well.

No reference to SetLastError.

New definition should be:


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Try using the updates and commenting out just the "HeapQueryInformation" definition. It that isn't the culprit, a binary search will be needed--comment out half the remaining new definitions on each try.

Unlike core.ini, stubs.ini supports both line and section comments. A semicolon (';') in front of a section name comments out the whole section. In front of a line, it comments out the whole line. Comments can also be place at the end of any line. For C/C++ programmers, a double-slash ("//") should also work. And for batch file programmers, a double-colon ("::"). (Okay, actually it's any character <= ';')

Thanks for the tips, jumper.

I'll do some experimenting as soon as I can and report back.


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I doesn't found a clear culprit yet. I will keep looking. Either Foxit Reader 5.x doesn't start or OpenOffice doesn't (runtime error R6034) or both or I get an error with the explorer (runtime error R6034).

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OK, I've found the problem with update @ post #10, it's : FindActCtxSectionStringW

Now my 'stubs.ini' looks like :


;32/64-bit return value codes:
; t:-1, f:0, z:0, o:1, p:parameter1

;Stack pop count:
; 0:'C' function; 0..31:# of WINAPI parameters

;SetLastError value codes (only when needed):

;MSDN notes for return values:
; S_OK: 0




;FindActCtxSectionStringW=f5e // buggy!










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Yes I can confirm FindActCtxSectionStringW is a culprit. OO starts successfully and runs fine.

But I have a problem with the Foxit Reader 5.x. It refused to start, if I try to start it from the desktop shortcut.

Error starting program 

The IPHLPAPI.dll file canot start. Check the file to determine the problem. 

It starts from the start menu shortcut or from foxit.exe in the program folder.

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Another problem child from the update @ post #10 :

;ActivateActCtx=f2e // buggy!

This one prevented Dependency Walker from running (unless I disabled KernelEx for it).


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I have the portable version from foxit reader 5x. running. I checked foxit reader.exe I did not get a problem running it.

I checked it with dependency walker,

Winspool.drv = GetPrinterDataExW seems to be a problem

ole32.dll = CoWaitForMultipleHandles seems to be a problem

and there are more. But how can I use this with stubs.ini

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I have the portable version from foxit reader 5x. running. I checked foxit reader.exe I did not get a problem running it.

That's good new. :)

I checked it with dependency walker,

Winspool.drv = GetPrinterDataExW seems to be a problem

ole32.dll = CoWaitForMultipleHandles seems to be a problem

and there are more.

These must be delay-load dependencies that are loaded later, as needed. If the load fails, the operation that triggered it will fail. This appears to include printing.

But how can I use this with stubs.ini

1. Locate or create sections in stubs.ini for each module:



2. Add blank definition keys for each missing export function:



If we stop here, Kexstubs will prompt you at run-time for a return value if the function is ever invoked.

3. Add definition values for each function as per Post #21:



4. Restart Windows to apply changes.

Edited by jumper
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